Theory #22

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Title --- Missing Hawk

Question --- Where the HECK was Tiberius in TSLOP 2?!

Answer --- He was forgotten.

Evidence --- The other pets.

DISCLAIMER - I have not seen the sequel or its mini movies yet so I could be wrong with this. But I have seen trailers, movie clips and I have heard people talking about the movie so I'm basing the information below on what I have seen and heard.

Theory --- Approximately three years have passed since the events of the first movie and the sequel brings back many of its beloved characters... minus a few. The strays and Reginald are understandable as to why they were missing in action. But then there's Tiberius. There are a few theories, I think, out there about what happened to the red tailed hawk. But I believe the main one, and this is also the one I'm siding with, is the fact that he had been forgotten about by the others. The evidence to this claim is how the pets, especially Gidget, act throughout the sequel. Keep in mind I haven't seen it so I'm diving blindly into this. You see, the gang act as their normal selves for the most part. They never once mention anything about Tiberius and we obviously don't see him. But there are times where they are up on the rooftop where he is supposed to live. Gidget is also supposed to be the hawk's best friend and with her acting like she did in the film, it brings up the fact that Tiberius must've been forgotten. Of course, there could be the chance he's on vacation but I highly doubt that is true. If his owner went on vacation, the hawk would have to be left home cuz, last I checked, not many birds ride on a plane to go on vacation. Then there's the sad possibility that he died. But I don't think that's true either cuz I feel like Gidget would probably be mourning. Not a lot of course cuz they didn't know each other long enough (three years worth) but still be a little sad. So I believe that he had been forgotten by the others.

Unanswered Questions --- I've noticed some scenes of the rooftop and we all know where Tiberius lives so how come we don't see the shed, let alone him?

The above unanswered question actually brings up another theory that he could have left but why? If you read my book TSLOP 3, I pretty much answer this.

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