Theory #25

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Title - Age

Question - How old are the pets?

Answer - Various ages

Evidence - Appearance, knowledge about animals and some good old guesswork 

Theory - So this really isn't a conspiracy theory, this is more of a question but I will happily answer it. Now, I have a pretty good idea of how old the pets are mostly because I like to know a little more about the characters I'm writing stories about first. I like to get a good layout of the characters before I dive in. Hope that answers why some of my stories are unfinished. Anyways, when I was planning out everyone's ages, I checked out my facts first. I took in the appearance of the character, did some research on the animal and the voice actor behind the character. With all of that knowledge, I did some guesswork. Here are how old the characters are, according to me. Warning, these are not canon ages, only my guesses. Alrighty, here we go.

Max and Duke are both about four years old in the first movie. I say this because of how they look and how they behave. They both look fairly young but mature. Their voice actors (Louis CK and Eric Stonestreet) are about middle aged and to me it makes me feel that Max and Duke must be around three to seven years old. I went with four because Max seems to be a mature adult among his friends and I wanted him and Duke to be around the same age.

Snowball is definitely one of the younger pets, in my mind. He's about three years old. He's full of energy and he has a youthful appearance. Plus, with his backstory, it makes me feel like he's one of those young adults who had so much rage in his teen years that he turned that anger into aggression. With him being voiced by Kevin Hart, I definitely see him as being a younger pet.

Gidget is also on the young side. I estimate about two to three years old. I'm gonna have to say three for heaven's sake. She has tons of energy, looks very young and her voice actor Jenny Slate gives her this youthful vibe. Gidget also has childlike innocence surrounding her.

Chloe, Mel and Buddy are all three years old. However, they are older than Gidget who in turn is older than Snowball, in my mind at least. I say this due to how old their voice actors (Lake Bell, Bobby Moynihan and Hannibal Buress) are and based off their appearances and behavior. Do note though that Mel could have a few screws loose in his head.

Sweetpea is four years old. I say this because the little parakeet seems to be one of the more mature members of his friend group. Plus, I can see him constantly rolling his eyes at the others antics and calling them out on their mistakes, like he does in the movies.

Norman is, without a doubt, the youngest in the group. Not like omg he's a small child. No, he's more equivalent with a twelve or thirteen year old child. So I put him at two years old. However, in the first movie I would have to say he's almost two years old because I figured his birthday, like his voice actor Chris Renaud, would be in December. The first movie, to me, looks like it takes place in late October, like the 20th to 26th something like that.

I figured that the oldest characters would be Pops, Tiberius and Ozone. Yes, get over it Ozone, I called you old and that's that. Pops is definitely the oldest animal in the movies. His voice actor Dana Carvey is in his sixties and, let's be honest, the basset hound looks very old. He reminds me a bit of my seventeen year old cat (rip) so I placed him at sixteen, the same age as my cat in 2016. Now Tiberius is the second oldest in the group in my opinion. He has this "I'm so done with everything" attitude so it makes me think he's seen quite a lot. He's also voiced by Albert Brooks so he sounds wise to me. And we can't forget about how he somehow becomes a father figure to everyone. Now apparently birds have a longer lifespan than dogs and cats, so he could potentially live to be thirty if he's lucky. But for now, I put him at the age of fourteen when the first movie came out. In other words, he is the same age as me. Don't judge. Ozone was a bit tricky because of his wrinkles but I figure him to be about eight years old. His voice actor Steve Coogan is in his fifties I think and the hairless cat sounds like he's middle aged. I would say looks it too but that's hard to say for Ozone honestly.

Leonard was definitely the hardest to place but I'd say he's a five year old poodle due to his appearance.

And that's the characters from the first film. Then the second movie came out. I did some research and kids in NYC usually attend preschool when they're two to three years old. So I believe there's a three year gap between the films and so Liam is about two and half years old. All of the characters who were in the first movie aged up three years. Then we have our new characters. Daisy is a young dog but not too young so I believe she's about four or five years old. Rooster is an older dog but not too old so I believe he's ten years old. Tiny, Princess and Pickles are less than a year old, possibly five months old. Hu is said to be a cub but we've all seen how big he is so I think he is a year old tiger cub.

And um... yeah, that's what I got.

Unanswered Question - I got none.

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