Chapter 12 - The Three Little Pigs

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Narrator (Tiberius) - There were these three little squirrels; the idiot one, the cool one and the tiny squirrel.

Squirrels (Mel, Buddy and Sweetpea) - We're squirrels!

Narrator - One day, their mother decided she had enough of them.

Momma Squirrel (Chloe) - Get out! *kicks out her children*

Narrator - So the three little squirrels went off and found homes for themselves.

Idiot Squirrel (Mel) - I live out in the open!

Cool Squirrel (Buddy) - I live in a burrow by the river!

Tiny Squirrel (Sweetpea) - I live in a tree!

Narrator - All was well until a hawk came along.

Hawk (Tiberius) - So hungry... oh look! A squirrel!

Narrator - That hawk saw the idiot squirrel in the open and caught him and ate him. He then went to the river.

Cool Squirrel - Hawk! *hides in burrow*

Hawk - Oh no you don't!

Narrator - That hawk dug up the burrow and ate the cool squirrel.

Tiny Squirrel - My brothers!

Hawk - You're next.

Tiny Squirrel - Good luck with that! *hides in tree hollow*

Hawk - *reaches into tree hollow* Nice try.

Narrator - And so the hawk caught and ate the tiny squirrel. Then he flew away to search for his next meal...

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