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It's chasing me...and it won't stop.

Panting, out of breath, and yet I still run through the everlasting darkness. I duck behind a solid and sturdy looking tree, hoping it will be enough to rest upon. I hear it...it's coming for me..! I can't stay here! I jumped back up, sprinting with the little energy that still embedded my sore legs. I wish I could stop, and rest my weary heart, but it's coming closer! I look behind my shoulder, and the darkness has swelled everything from my past..! I'm about to be next..! Out of breath, I jumped over the little things ahead of me, barely paying attention to the little troubles, caring only about my life. I'm sweating, my feet are sore and my lungs are close to collapsing...

But I can never stop running...

The fear...

It won't stop chasing me.

The hurt...

It aches for my attention.

The memories...

Wish to swallow me whole.

My life...

I don't even recognize it.

I can never stop running from this....from me....no matter how much I try....the smile I see in the mirror....I don't recognize....the love I shower....I know not of it's origin....and the joy I once held......is now dusty ash, surrounding my mind, forever clinging to my past memories......gone...

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro