Chapter I: The Day When A New God Of Wrath Awoke

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A student's pained yell was heard. While he may look handsome and nice, the person who was bent on beating him to a pulp thought and knew otherwise.

"W-Wait! I—"


The beater whacked the fake bishounen again before he wiped his nose which had blood on it.

"Whatever excuses you got, I ain't gonna hear 'em."

「激怒阿修羅」/Ashura Goretsu

Occupation: Student(Class 1-A)

Reputation: The School's God Of Wrath and Master Of Fists

"Hey! The hell you think you're doing, Ashura?!"

「小山田翔吾」/Oyamada Shogou
Occupation: Student(Class 2-C)
Reputation: School Bully

"What does it look like, asshole?" Ashura frowned as he glared at his new challenger, "I'm teaching this bastard a lesson of NOT annoying anybody."

Shogou growled as he went straight up to the soon-to-be human turned God's face, "YOU WANNA DIE, YOU LITTLE SHIT?!"

"YOU WANNA FIGHT??!" Ashura shouted back as the two boys grabbed each other's punches before jumping back as Shogou called out his goons, "GET OUT HERE AND TEACH THIS TRASH A LESSON!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

«Ryu -Become The Storm- by Chikayo Fukuda»

"So, you're bringing out the rest of the garbage, huh? Good." Ashura said as he cracked his neck and threw away his school jacket before getting into a fighting stance, "BRING IT!!"

With that, the all-out brawl began. Try as they might though, despite wielding weapons and having some form of martial art skills, Ashura took them down with ease. In one's perspective, it would seem like everything is based off of a video game, only, you get hurt for real. Let it be known, Ashura's fighting style was somewhat wild, but the moves he had were basically like the 暗殺拳/Assassin Fist, a type of martial arts used by certain martial artists who wielded a strong power.

"HRAAAAAH!" Ashura shouted as he sent one of Shogou's lackeys flying as his foot stomped onto the ground.

"Ggh..." Shogou made a sound in denial, 23 people, beaten by one person? Was this guy human?! But questioning would have to wait as Ashura headed straight towards him with eyes full of his usual wrath.


A powerful hit to the gut forced the air to come out of Shogou's lungs as the black-haired boy then delivered a full-on fist barrage before he kicks him towards a trash pile as Ashura then roars out, "Who's next?!"

"That's enough, Ashura!"

音無響/Hibiki Otonashi

Occupation: Student

Reputation: Elite and Heiress

"Otonashi?" Ashura growled, "Mind your own business!!"

Hibiki frowned, why doesn't the school do anything about him, better yet, why was he so full of rage?! That, even Ashura himself doesn't know. She was also jealous of him too, why? She came from a wealthy family, blessed with good looks, brain and an athletic body while Ashura on the other hand, he lives a simple life, but carries a burning will of fire and nerves of steel, meaning the minute someone starts spouting crap, they will meet face-to-face....

"Ashura," a young man with glasses named Koichi Shido who appeared as he spoke with a smug tone not even bothering to hide his evil grin, "You are becoming a big problem to our school—"


His fist.

Ashura punched the man so hard that he sends him towards the middle of the schoolyard as he cradles his bloody nose in pain while Ashura flicks his hand as if he had gotten something dirty on it while everyone except Hibiki who sighed exasperatedly gasped.

"You talk too much shit, moron. Then again, who the hell cares about you?" He said in a tone full of hate and superiority, which made Shido lose his demeanor from earlier as the teacher ran towards him with the intent to kill before the delinquent gave him another punch, which knocked him out completely and send some of his teeth coming out.

"Finally. He shuts up." Ashura said as he was about to get his school uniform before Hibiki spoke to him, "You're not getting away free this time."


"And this time...." Hibiki began as she glared at him, "I will prove to everyone here, that you have a weakness!"

"Oh yeah?" Ashura said in surprise before he glanced at her, "Try me then."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

«Hanyou Inuyasha by Kaoru Wada»

As the two clashed their fists, flames explode while the title appeared in kanji before it shows a reflection beside it being the English translated version as the moon shines.

「月が導く異世界道中: 怒りの道」/Tsukimichi: PATH OF WRATH

Long, long ago. In a world where demigods once lived among mortals, there were impure demons called "Gohma". Without any remorse, the Gohma devoured everything in their path. But then, a miracle had came. The Eight Guardian Generals. Eight powerful demigods in their own right, each representing eight feelings: Pride, lust, violence, greed, sloth, vanity, melancholy, and finally....wrath.

Among the eight was Asura, the demigod of wrath. He and his fellow demigods led the war against the calamity known as Vlitra, the apex of the Gohma. With a power called "Mantra", the demigods were able to have an advantage against the Gohma. And finally, the world was at peace....or so the mortals thought.

Asura was framed and betrayed, with his wife killed and daughter taken from him. Consumed with rage, Asura fought against the head deity responsible for the death of the emperor, Deus, the demigod of pride.



Asura's efforts were in vain. For 12,000 years, he had been in Naraka until he awoke to see the world was still in turmoil, no thanks to the Gohma and the now self-proclamied "Seven Deities", who have made a false legend about him.

In his path for vengeance, he manages to defeat three of the Seven Deities, Wyzen, the demigod of violence, Kalrow, the demigod of sloth, and Augus, the demigod of greed who was also the master of Asura and his brother-in-law, Yasha, the demigod of melancholy, whom he had fought many times.

After his second death, Asura finds an ally in a village girl who looks so much like his daughter Mithra, the new priestess who inherited the role her deceased mother had once carried. Sadly, during the purification by Olga, the demigoddess of lust, the girl was caught in the crossfire.

Overcome with more wrath than ever, Asura becomes more and more powerful. As it turns, unlike the method his former comrades had done by taking the souls of humans and converting them into Mantra, Asura gains his own power through his emotions alone.

Ironically, Asura's own wrath gives him that same strength. Having come to a realization and discovering the meaning of his true power, Yasha defects from the Seven Deities and decides to fight for what is right.

After defeating Deus, Asura and Yasha are able to rescue Mithra before they once again face Vlitra— who had been evolving just like them. For a time, it would seem peace was truly at long last attained.....


"So, you've made it back....both of you."

Olga had come for revenge. With her reason for living now gone, she resorted to killing Mithra so that Asura and Yasha can feel her pain. But...

"I do not think so. You shall not destroy my precious vessel."

As it turns, the golden spider Asura had met during his time in Naraka and had been guiding him on his journey, was actually the creator of Mantra and god: Chakravartin.

This whole time, the Gohma were created by him and the suffering the world had seen was all for him to choose a suitable heir for his power. However, Asura would not have it. A world manipulated was not truly "paradise".

Once again, Mithra was in enemy hands. With no other choice, Yasha heads to the ruins of the now destroyed Karma Fortress where at the center, he takes out the core which has gained all of the Mantra for 12,000 years added to 500 years— The Mantra Reactor.

After putting it inside of Asura, he and Yasha have one last fight before the demigod of wrath is truly left alone with only one thing on his mind: Saving Mithra no matter what.

After attaining a new form of what would be considered as his "Godhood", Asura takes his fight to the stars as he faces Chakravartin for the final showdown.

Shortly after freeing Mithra from his clutches during the battle, she tries to convince her father that if he were to kill Chakravartin, all the Mantra would be lost, and without it, he wouldn't survive.

Despite that....

" will still live."

Carrying out his one last duty as a father and a protector, Asura ended the life of Chakravartin with the power of his fist that was full of emotions. It was no surprise that even now, he would still care about his family, mainly his wife and child.

With a smile on his face, Asura had faded away, along with his wrath. And with that, finally, peace was truly back home where it belongs.

Over the years, Asura, the other Demigods, Mithra and her mother, they were all regarded as gods and goddesses. It is said that sometimes, when a good soul passes on, it is given a chance to reincarnate. And what would happen, if the soul of a god of wrath were to reincarnate as a young boy, who would later become a new god of wrath, as well as becoming the father of two adorable daughters and the husband of a divine dragon?

Let us begin our journey then, as we travel with Ashura, the reincarnation of Asura, who walks on a moonlit path with his wrath guiding him every step of the way.

「第1幕:怒りの名を冠した少年「阿修羅」」/ Act 1: "Ashura" The Boy Who Bears The Name Of Anger

After defeating Hibiki in his fight, Ashura made his way and headed to McDonalds to eat. He had 50 pieces of nuggets, a double Quarter Pounder, large fries and a cup of sweet tea without the ice.

"What a pain..." The reincarnation of Asura grumbled as he ate his nugget before eating a fry as he reminisces on latest victory.


Ashura just got his uniform back on as he begins to head his way for lunch, his school didn't even bother to call him due to his popularity as "The School's God Of Wrath", anyone that usually challenged him ended up crying or bleeding in pain. Be they boy or girl, yes, he holds no restraint towards women, and I am not talking about the sexual kind, I mean in it a violent way, as in, punches, kicks, and so on.

And speaking about girls, Hibiki looked as if she was about to burst at any moment. Many times, she thought, she kept losing every. Single. Time. Her gym teacher once challenged him to a fitness match, but, Ashura came on top as usual. Angered, her teacher got into a fist fight, but not before he got his arm snapped in the process.

The most shocking thing? Ashura didn't even hesitate to hit his nuts.

"Why...." Hibiki gripped her hands to fists on the dirt, "Why are you so strong....?!"

"How the hell should I know?" Ashura shrugged before replying, "Why? Give me one good reason on why I should tell you?"

Not even caring about her image at this point, Hibiki let out her outburst of rage, envy and despair, "YOU'RE ONLY A NORMAL PERSON! NO RICH FAMILY, NO SPORTS, NO LOOKS, AND YET, HOW?! HOW ARE YOU SO STRONG?! WHY IS IT THAT EVERYDAY, THE TEACHERS ARE AFRAID TO INCUR YOUR WRATH?!"


Ashura had punched her in the face. On his own face, Ashura had an expression that was basically saying, "Shut the hell up already".

"Like I told you, idiot: I. Don't. Know." He said as he left for his destination.

Back to present...

Ashura sighed in irritation as he walked on the sidewalk as the sun shined down on him. He doesn't even know why he was full of rage either. It has always been that way since he was young.

Despite his anger issues, there were moments when he was actually kind to people, in a nearby shrine from where he lives, he once watched over a lost little girl and they prayed to the dragon statue for a better tomorrow.

Although he didn't quite understand it, Ashura felt his soul at peace in the shrine, and unless he was hearing things, he'd hear a woman's soothing voice whenever he felt angry.

He had heard stories about the shrine he had considered as a place to relax, on every moonlit night, a woman with turquoise blue hair and red eyes would be seen.

When he was a child, his grandfather had passed. He was overcome with deep sorrow and rage over his death, when he came to the shrine, he heard a voice.

[Calm your anger....little fire dragon.]

Confused, the little boy looked around before he saw a bright light that came to him, when it brightened, the woman's voice spoke to him again.

[It is alright. Don't let your flame burn out too quickly. Just relax...and be bathed in moonlight....]

Although he didn't see her, he could tell that the voice was full of gentleness and warmth. The next day, when he woke up, he had a pendant with a small red magatama on his hand.

Knowing that it was a gift, Ashura kept the pendant in honor of the person who gave light in his small dark world of anger.

Since then, Ashura made his daily routine to visit the shrine everyday, in hopes of meeting that person again. Until....


"What the—?!"

He was suddenly brought into a strange place. Honestly, it looked as if he were in some kind of castle. People in strange clothing and armor looked at him wonder. Where the hell is this place?! Was some fantasy world? Not only that, why was 2-C here?!

"Did I just get....brought here...?"

"Indeed." An unfamiliar voice that had a sweet tone but hid dark intentions voiced out.

"The one who summoned you here...that is me, the goddess Vysis."

Goddess Vysis

"I understand that you must be confused after your class has suddenly been taken to another world. However, you are something special! You are chosen beings! are Heroes!" She said with a spread of her arms.

The students look confused while Ashura frowned, something about her was off. She then smiled at him, "You are Ashura, yes?"


"....Would you like to be my greatest Hero?"

This made Ashura shocked while the boys of 2-C glared at him in envy and hate while she explained the reasons, "The reason for summoning all to this for you, the Heroes, to defeat the Demon Lord."

'Demon Lord...? "Heroes"...? What kind of bullshit...?!' Ashura thought in confusion as Vysis explained even more, "Out of all your classmates, you're the fourth one to be considered an S-Rank, despite being level one, the highest of the ranks. It would give me great pleasure if you accept this, Ashura."

The crowd looked silent as Ashura then asked her, "Just one question."

"Ask away."

".....Were you the one who gave me this?" He asked as he showed her the red magatama, it was then the Goddess's eyes widened, like she knew what the object was and who gave it to him.

The next looks he had seen was at first, jealousy....and then, a very "sweet" smile appeared as she touched his cheek.


"Ashura....won't you remember who I am?" Her eyes glowed as the boy felt something invade his mind as he grunted in pain. Smirking, Vysis gently grabbed both of his cheeks as she spoke, "I am your guardian...I am your light...I——!"

The next words died in her mouth as she saw a burning red aura coming from him, this aura....this....this flame was hot! So hot that it could burn away her entire soul! Not only that, she could feel a massive amount of rage, not like the Demon King, but was more like the wrath of a God.

'This aura....and.....this rage....! It can't be—'


Vysis looked down to see Ashura's hand, and before she would react....



With a loud roar and the strength of eight gods, Ashura punched the goddess to the far side of the throne room. And while he panted, everyone including Ashura himself, saw a blazing red aura around his body.

"What the hell...?!" Shogou said in shock while Takuto Kirihara, another member of 2-C and was an S-Class Hero like Ashura and Ayaka Sogou, also spoke his own words of surprise, "He punched a Goddess...with his own fist...!"

"Wow...." Itsuki Takao said in awe as her older sister Hijiri wondered, 'That burning red aura....what is it?'

While Tomohiro Yasu and his classmates were scared of his aura, it wasn't just the was his eyes. Ashura's black eyes had turned a burning red.

Asagi Ikusaba looked at him in lust while Sogou Ayaka had a surprised and shocked look on her face, a burning red aura, eyes full of wrath, it had all rung a bell in her mind.

3 years ago...

"Ayaka." Her grandmother began as she showed her granddaughter a painting, "A long time ago, there was once a demigod whose wrath burned continuously like wildfire. The reason for that was his wife was killed and his beloved daughter was held captive by the ones who he had once called comrades. No matter how powerful they were, his wrath kept him alive. He took down three demigods, defeated their leader with the help of his brother-in-law, took down the most fearsome demon together with him, and destroyed a God who was bent on controlling our world. The name of this demigod whose raging spirit never dies was named..."

Back to present...

"Asura...?!" She said in shock as Ashura looked at himself, "What is this...? Red....flames....?"

"How dare you...."

Ashura looked to see Vysis who got up from the area she crashed into. No one had dared to hit her, no one!

"No one dares to hit one....not even a mortal who can use Mantra!"

'Mantra? What is Mantra?' Ashura and the rest of the students except Ayaka wondered as Vysis prepared her attack, "ASHURRAAAAAAAA!!"

The Goddess fired a magic beam which didn't hurt him surprisingly, but was starting to burn his skin a little bit as he was slowly being blown away while she yelled, "I do not know where you got the courage to damage my beautiful face, but do you really think you can defy me, A GODDESS?! YOU SHOULD BOW BEFORE ME! WORSHIP ME! PRAY FOR ME!!!"

Ashura growled, pray for her?! Ridiculous!


Vysis and everyone else witnessed Ashura emitting that same red aura as he slowly walked towards her before he slowly began gaining speed as he approached her.

Infuriated, the Goddess summoned a sword to kill him with but the Japanese boy grabbed it with his hand as it bled.

She smirked, but eventually gaped in shock as Ashura slowly bent it before he spoke as the red aura blazes up once more, "I...I PRAY TO NO ONE!"

The reincarnated teen punched her in the face again before punching her in the gut as he spoke again, "NOR WILL I BE PRAYED TOO!"

As she skids back a little, Ashura continued, "There is always some fool...WHO WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD! Always forcing others to do....what they cannot do for themselves! That I believe to be true! I have no interest in your damn war! You are not the person who I met in my childhood! Compared to you, her beauty is pure! Yours is murky! I will decide on how I will live my life in this world, and I will, be my own person! This, I swear!"

Before she'd did anything, a Japanese fan being closed was heard as a man chuckles, "Well said. I could not agree with you more."

A man wearing a kimono along with some moon accessories and long white hair appeared as Vysis widened her eyes, "Tsukuyomi...?!"

The people in the throne room along with the students gasped, this person was Tsukuyomi?! As in, Tsukuyomi-No-Mikoto?!

"Hello again, Vysis."

月読命/Tsukuyomi No Mikoto
Occupation: Shinto God Of The Moon

"What the—"

""Hell?", is what you're going to say, right, Ashura?"


"Why are you here, you old bastard?!" Vysis didn't bother hiding her malice at this point as Tsukuyomi tsked, "Sorry, milady, but, this boy's under my protection now, so....toodles~!" He waves as he and Ashura start to float while the teen comically moves in the air panicking as Tsukuyomi shouts out, "Zoom!"

A/N: For those of you who haven't heard of, read, or played Dragon Quest, Zoom is a type of transportation spell.

And with that, the moon god and Ashura flew out of the castle as they fly waaaaaay high up in the sky. Once they were in the air, Ashura asked the god, "What was that?!"

"Freedom, my boy. And also, I am very sorry for your trouble." The moon god bowed as Ashura blinked, "Huh?"

"We, the other Gods and Goddesses are not like Vysis, I assure you. We give people like yourselves a choice on what path you choose."

"Huh..." Then, a reminder popped in Ashura's mind, "Oh yeah, what's Mantra?"

Tsukuyomi widened his eyes but he eventually smiled, "Ah...that brings soooo many memories. Unlike magic, Mantra is sort of ancient and it works differently. Like say, it's something that cultivators and martial artists use. What did your people call it again?"


"Ah, yes! Like Ki, Mantra serves as a life force and a source of power. Each Mantra has its own affinity, you see, which usually depends on the person who's reincarnated. Yours on the other hand....."

With a snap of his finger, Tsukuyomi showed Ashura his own Mantra affinity in the shape of an orb, which was red and it had the kanji symbol for wrath.

"It's very special....and very powerful."

Ashura then asked, "How so?"

"It's simple really," Tsukuyomi said with a smile, "Touch the orb....and see for you really are. After all, she is waiting for you."

This was it. His chance to set out into the world and meet the person who comforted him in his memories. As soon as he touched it, Ashura's mind was overflowing with memories. Memories where it show a man with the same red aura and rage as he fought many battles, suffered many times and became powerful during those times.

'What....what is this?! Are!' Ashura gasped as the memory show ended. They weren't his, and yet....then it happened. Ashura began to remember everything....including his other name.


"Correct." Tsukuyomi said as he spoke to the Japanese boy, "You...are Asura, The God Of Wrath, Protector Of Gaea."

Ashura widened his eyes as a silhouette of Asura was beside him, who was in the exact expression as Ashura, proving Tsukuyomi's claim to be true as both had the same Mantra and anger.

"Even though you had rage burning in your soul, that soul had light, thus, allowing you to be reincarnated."

"...Why me?" The reincarnation of Asura asked as the Shinto moon god smiled again, "The power you wield, even though it's something that foolish beings like Vysis and some of your classmates fear, it is a force of good. And I believe picking you was the right choice we made."


"Yes. I, and the other Gods and Goddesses, hell, even the Divine Dragons have picked you to take the role of "Connector"."

Ashura spoke in confusion, "What's "Connector"? Some more important role than the cliche Hero title?"

Tsukuyomi smiled yet again, "That it is! The role is very simple: Make bonds with the other races as the only human. Is what I should say,'re already stepping onto godhood."


Before he could ask, Ashura's body emitted the same aura as Asura's as he began to fall from the sky as Tsukuyomi smiles one last time as he was slowly disappearing, "Sorry about that, old friend. But, knowing you, a simple transportation wouldn't make you feel like you. Still....I hope we meet drinking buddies."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

«In Your Belief(Vocal Version)by LiEN»
As he disappeared, Ashura felt a great amount of power surging inside of him as he continues to fall towards the new world.

Back at the kingdom...

Vysis was NOT happy. Not only did Ashura damage her face which she recently healed, but Tsukuyomi had come and taken him away! 'Doesn't he understand that boy is the reincarnation of Asura The Destructor?!' She frowned angrily.

It made her furious, then again, she didn't care on what the other Gods and Goddesses think, in order for her "perfect world" to be complete, she needed heroes to defeat the Demon Lord, but how will they fare against a god reincarnate?

Her thoughts were cut off when a messenger came into her throne room, "Vysis-sama! Come outside, quick!"

Outside of the kingdom, clouds were slowly going away as the sun shined down before a bright light was seen in the faraway plains as everyone all over the world saw the pillar of light reaching to the heavens.

"What the...?!" Vysis said in shock as she could feel an immense energy from the light, but what was it? It felt so full of wrath— Vysis gasped, "It can't be...!!"

The students of 2-C watched the light show as well, they all wondered, was it the Demon Lord? Or....was it something else?

In the land of Majin, a female Majin noticed the light along with her fellow kin.

"That light....can it be....?"

In the kingdom of elves, an elf princess and her people saw the light as well. "What immense energy....what sort of being is causing this?"

In the kingdom of Gritonia, another princess and her people had also saw the light as well. Beside her were a silver-haired young man with different eye colors and a certain brown-haired woman watching in awe of the light.

In a wasteland, a turquoise blue dragon awoke to see the light too. Her eyes widened as she felt a familiar aura from it, "This that you....?"

Within the light, as gigantic rocks slowly floated up in the air while a figure stands on an even bigger rock by himself. He was wearing a red gi with tiger stripes that had a kanji symbol for tiger on his back, black Chinese martial arts boots, orange fighter fingerless gloves, and a black shirt underneath.

His voice growled as he made his stomp, as soon as he roared at the sky, his face was revealed to be none other than...


Ashura, but with his black hair turned white and eyes red. As his anger subsides, so does the sudden burst of power while his hair and eyes revert back to their normal color as he looks at himself.

"This power....I can feel it...."

It was incredible. Ashura felt so much power, that he can actually feel a great force within him! But how was he going to test it?


From below him, he saw a bunch of wolves growling at him. Grinning, he knew exactly what he needed to do.

"Alright, you bunch of slobbering wanna play?" Ashura's eyes and hair turned back into their colors with his Wrath Mantra activated as he flies towards them, "THEN LET'S DO THIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSS!"


NEXT TIME: "The Dragon's Promise"

With his power awakened and memories of his past life before reincarnation, Ashura begins his first journey into the world he was brought in. In his quest, he meets an Orc girl who was being chased by the wolves he had fought just now. But as he wanders into the wasteland, he has a battle with a mighty dragon who is actually someone he knows from his past.

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