Semetios (Anubis)

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Requested by zazalord


I'm so sorry this took this long, but I finally did it, and I got some great notes for this. But I did take a lot more liberties, I'm sorry

They are around the level of Tobi-Kadachi/Anjananth, a place I call "second best"

I see them being rivals with a brute Wyvern version of Set

Their Postiche (metal beard) and tail release confusion gas and the hooks inside let them push the gas farther as its forced to go out of the holes, allowing them to spread the gas efficiently

Their two large middle claws are based on the embalming tools used to cut organs and bodies, whilst their outer needle-like claws are based on the thin hooks used for removing organs, and their side of their paw are lined with sharp scales to better hold prey as they cut

They secrete a Natron- (mummifying salt) -like liquid in their saliva for preserving buried food

Sem or Semet priest are the Egyptian Funerary priest, hence the name

The locale their in is based on Egypt where corpses from the waste fall after a specialized effluvium melts and rebuilds the sand around them to let them fall into these rivers of corpses, where they will be transported to the rotten vale and fall down a waterfall there. It's called the Carved Canyon for now, but I need help with the name, Wadi came to mine, but I don't know what else should go with it (Wadi: a valley, ravine, or channel that is dry except in the rainy season.)

Their lower incisors drain effluvium and liquids from their prey to clean and extract resources from them, they shoot the effluvium out of holes in the bottom of their jaw to release it since they can only handle short encounters with effluvium

I hope you like it Zaza, I'm sorry for all the liberties, and more so for how long it took, but it's here- so, hope you like it

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