Sobble Evo Redo

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Hello, this is one of my few personal projects, I relate to Sobble and I kinda hoped they'd stay shy, but we got Inteleon, which is fine, he/she's cool, but I decided to redo the starts for funsies, hope you like it


Species: The Water Lizard Pokemon
Type: Water
Pokédex Entries:
Sword-When scared, this Pokémon cries. Its tears pack the chemical punch of 100 onions, and attackers won't be able to resist weeping.
Shield-When it gets wet, its skin changes color, and this Pokémon becomes invisible as if it were camouflaged.


Species: The Dramatic Lizard Pokemon
Type: Water
Pokédex Entries:
Sword-When threatened, they will cry behind their tail to release a chemical punch of 100 onions as attackers cry, the Pokémon will scurry off .
Shield-when alone, the Pokemon will make bubbles that resemble other Pokémon and talk to them, it's advised that trainers let them do this as it calms them down.


Species: The Comedic Lizard Pokemon
Type: Water
Pokédex Entries:
Sword-When this Pokemon finally evinces, trainers report the Pokémon disappearing the first night. The next night, the area around them seems to always be covered in lakes. Researchers believe that Thailoch release their sadness and anger in one great "play" and become more docile and social, but still remains it's timidness.
Shield-When this Pokemon evolves, they will joke and play with other Pokémon, but still be as timid as they were when young Sobble.

They're based on theatre mask, the Loch Ness monster, and chameleons, that last bit was a bit to easy to figure out but eh, hope you all stay safe

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