Chapter 1: Transform

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It was just like any ordinary day at raimon junior high. The club was out on the filed training hard like they did every day.

"You've improved a lot since you started Hikaru!" said a certain brown haired captain.

"Thanks Captain, I'll keep doing my best."

Tsurugi who was on the side of the field, was observing Tenma and closely listening to the compliments he was giving everyone. This was his charm. He could put a smile on anyone's face, even Tsurugi's, and that's what he hated most. He found it annoying. He didn't really understand the feeling himself but it churned in him like a non-stop working mechanism.

"Hey, Tsurugi-kun!"

He was snapped out of his daze to hear the second year manager, Akane call his name. "Are you okay?" she asked in a gentle tone.

"Uh, yeah..."

That moment, Tsurugi turned around and dribbled the ball onto the field joining his comrades, in obvious attempts to ignore Akane's question. Which just left her  little confused.


It was finally the end of practice which seemed really long for Tsurugi today. He didn't hate training, but these confusing thoughts he always had just got in the way. The sooner he was alone, the sooner he could get some peace.

The blunette was about to walk out the club-room door, after changing, when he blindly walked right into someone in front of him. Stepping back he looked up to see who exactly he  had walked into him (Though it was partially his own fault)

"Hiroto-kun?" His voice questioned looking at the taller man in front.

"Ah, Tsurugi, it's been some time. Hello, Endou-kun, everyone!" Hiroto warmly waved at everyone with on hand while holding a box in the other, before letting himself in, being also greeted by Endou back.

"What are you doing here?" Kariya kinda unconsciously mumbled from across the room.

The read head sighed at his statement, hearing his nimble voice loud and clear."Look happy when I come to visit everyone in a while."

kira Hiroto was sat on the round table in the corner of the clubroom with Endou and Haruna. He was wearing his blazer over his smart suit like he did a lot now a days. He was always busy trying to discover new ways of figuring things out but Hiroto was the more practical type. And his computer skills were incredible.

"So I wanted to show you this,"

Hiroto placed his box on the table and carefully opened the fragile case. Inside, there lay a gold and red colored gun. It shone brilliantly and it looked as if it had just been polished. It was strange looking gun, something the club had never seen and watched in awe.

"Where did you find this-wait did you make it!?" Endou asked, absolutely astonished.

"What? No no. I found it in the old Aliea Gakuean ship that lay on mount Fuji." by the now the whole room was silent, all eyes on this suspicious weaponry. 

"The deconstruction for that place had taken time but one of the workers found this and handed it to Hito-Onee-san." Hiroto placed a hand on his head. "She then gave It to me to investigate and it's what me and Midori-chan have been working on for some time"

"Wow!" Said Endou with a really interested expression on his face. "But what does it do?"

Haruna gave a sigh to Endou, "Well then, what are you so exited about?"

"Well I don't know?"

The whole club-room was filled with pissed of impressions as every one fell to the floor. The red head rubbed his hand on the back on his head awkwardly, "Ah ha...well, I don't really know what it does either." Proving to the Junior high kids, these adults were just as useless as anything, everyone resumed there jobs in packing up and returning home.

Karyia slung his bag over his shoulders, "Then why are you here? " He walked up to Hiroto. "What, you gonna ask us to figure out what it does?"

"No, I'm not an idiot you know."

"Oh really, Hiroto-nii, I'm surprised!" Kariya was messing with him on purpose this time and it was seriously beginning to tick off the other male.

"Why you little~" Hiroto got off his seat and walked over to kariya who looked a little worried now. 

Gulp "C-come on now, I-I was only j-joking." Kariya spoke in his defense as he was backed into the wall, being pushed every moment by Hiroto, who didn't look at all jolly anymore.

"Hiroto cool it!" said Endou, also getting up and placing a hand on the table, but as he did he had accidentally hit the trigger for the gun which shot out a bright green laser!

Everyone reacted quickly and stepped back but Tenma froze as the bullet aimed straight for him! But in a split second with out even noticing Tsurugi had pushed Tenma out of the way of the bullet and was caught into the shot himself.

Smoke filled the club-room as the rest coughed way what was surrounding them. Tenma had hit the floor and a little in daze, lifted his head of the ground.

"Wait...Tsurugi!" Tenma got up and ran towards the spot were the bullet had hit.

"Tenma wait, stop." Nishiki tried to hold Tenma back, I mean who knows what could have happened, (Me while writing : sigh -_-) But Tenma kept struggling, trying to free himself from Nishiki's grasp.

"Senpai, please let go!"

Shindou stepped forward and looked at Hiroto. "What happened, is Tsurugi okay?" His tone was soft but Hiroto's gaze was on the smoke and when he realized what happened his face looked shocked and he gave out a small gasp. Shindou looked back at the smoke to try and meet where Hiroto was looking and saw the same.

"What happened?" said a sort of girlish voice coming from the smoke.

"What the-" Tenma couldn't believe what he was seeing, no one could.

"What, why is everyone staring?" she was rubbing one hand on her head, Tsurugi realized her voice was different. She placed a hand on her throat. Why do I sound so weird? And my chest feels heavier than usual, and I feel weird..."What happened to me?" Aoi ran over to Tsurugi.

"Tsurugi-kun are you okay?"

"Erm...I guess..."

Hamano interrupted, "Well you sure don't look alright."

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