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Hey guys,... Finally write this story.. it's having two part cause it was going super long chapter.. so I split it in two part.. read it and enjoy..

Title meaning: You're my beginning, you're my end..

Let's start......

"SANSKAR,.. SANSKAR,.. Sanskar... Sanskar..... ........" The crowd was shouting his name,. welcoming his favourite singer,.the rockstar Sanskar Maheshwari,..who rule the heart of people with his voice nd music,.
" Where is my rockstar yaar?" Said a girl watching the concert in T.v. she was moving left right as if she can enter inside tv and see him.
" Oh...god why are so much crowd is here,.. where is my prince charming,..I can't even see him,.." said the girl irritatedly..

" He will be shown if he come on the stage...he is rockstar. What Will he do in crowd... stupid girl" said another girl coming and sitting beside her,.

" Huh,.. whatever, you won't understand me, I just love him, my sanky ". Said first girl suddenly she sees him nd whistle loudly,..
" Swaraaaaaa..., Why do u get over excited seeing him,.I know ur his fan but,.."
" No,..I m not his fan only..I love him,.you know right...I m crazy about him.." said swara..

" God knows what will happen to you.." said Ayesha ,her best friend..

Swara; why will god know,.I know what is my future,.
Ayesha; really? Nd what it is?
Swara; I m going to marry him,( said dreamingly)
Ayesha: yeah.... right!!, nice dream,.now come back to reality,.
Swara: you won't understand it Ayesha, fall in love then u will know...
Ayesha: not at all... I m not interested in becoming mad like u.

Swara Gadodia: A middle class girl, final year graduation student, 21 years old. A girl full of life, bubbly, traditional yet modern, loves Sanskar deeply,not like a fan or having crush but as a lover but she never met him, want to meet him and tell him her feelings. Love her parents a lot who live Shimla, she is studying in Delhi and live with Ayesha in hostel.

Ayesha:Swara's best friend,love her alot. She knows Swara love Sanskar but don't want that she got heartbreak. They are just from middle class family and he , a rockstar. Always support Swara, very caring,. A true friend.

They watch the concert, Swara was whistling to which Ayesha was laughing on her. After that they sleep.

Next morning..

Ayesha woke up with a jerk , and look at Swara horrified..
Ayesha: aahh!!! What Happened Swara? Are you okay?
Swara: yeah,. I m fine,. And I m so happy,.. yahoooo,.!!!,
Ayesha: arey but what Happened?
Swara:( excited) you know,he is coming here, he is coming to Delhi,. Oh my God... I love you..
Ayesha: ( irritated) Sanskar, he is coming here?
Swara: yeah,. He is coming for his concert, see this in newspaper.. he is coming next week.
Ayesha: you woke me as if you are going to die,. Aarrghh,!! I hate you..
Swara: but I love you,.. Ayesha ( extra sweetly) listen na..
Ayesha narrowed her eyes,.
Ayesha: you wanna go to his concert??
Swara nods sheepishly,.
Swara: pls na,. You're my sweet pumpkin, cutie,..
Ayesha: stop buttering me, leave some for toast, but what about tickets??
Swara immediately shows her phone that she booked two tickets online.
Swara: you know only few tickets were left but thank God I got it.

Ayesha nods unbelievably and chuckled.
Swara: stop smiling,now get up, we have to do shopping for concert.
Ayesha: but college?
Swara: yeah I know,who said we will bunk, we will go to shopping after college.
Ayesha: you have some brain still left. I thought..
Swara: what??
Ayesha shrugs and then get fresh n up.
They got ready and went to college after having breakfast.

After college;
Swara: (angry) huh,!! That bald man, he took lecture so long and we couldn't go to shopping, all because of him. He remembered his special class today only,. I so wanted to kill him when he was torturing with his boring speech.

Ayesha: leave it na Swara,. We will go some other day, already we are late, if we go today then that warden won't let us in and call our parents . And concert is next week so chill..
Swara: hmm,. I know, but that Buddha ,.( Old man)
Ayesha: enough,. Let's go.
They got to hostel.

A beautiful mansion is shown, a boy is shown getting ready in his room. He turn around and revealed as Sanskar Maheshwari, the rockstar. A beautiful smile played on his lips.
Sanskar Maheshwari; 24 years old, singing is everything for him, he get happiness, he was never interested in his dad business and make his own identity. He has a huge no. Of female fan following, girls drool over him but he is still in search for that one girl who can reach his heart. He hate fake people. Very sweet and caring for person whom he love but get angry too. betrayal and lie are two words he hate the most. Love his family and brother a lot.

He went downstairs and joined everyone for breakfast.
Sanskar; good morning everyone.
" Good morning" replied everyone.
AP: so Sanskar, when is ur next concert?
Sanskar: next Sunday badi maa,.
Sujatha: now where are you going?
Sanskar: Delhi, and I m going today only,.
Rp:why today?
Sanskar: friend marriage dad,. I thought will attend it too.
Rp: ok,. U go.
Sujatha: what , u go? If it will go like this then u will attend ur friend marriage only, but what about yours, he always go here and there for concert, don't even have time to get married..huh!!
Laksh chuckled..
Sanskar: mom , I m just 24,. Will marry when time come. And concert tour is important for my career.
Sujatha;when will that time come, I will also see how important is ur concert when ur wife will come, then will you able to leave her and go or not huh!!

AP; I agree with sujatha, and ur career is already at it's height. u r singing star, what else do you want.?
Sanskar; badi maa, u too..
Laksh; mom, it's no use to tell this to him, he is waiting for some angel to come from sky.

Everyone laughs..
Sanskar; Laksh u r also coming na,.
Laksh; oviously but only to attend your concert ,I never missed it,have some work in office. I will join you.
Sanskar nods.
Then his manager came telling about his flight timings,.
After sometime Sanskar left with his manager.

Swara and Ayesha went to shopping after their college. They went to mall and shopped.
Ayesha; now are you happy? We have bought dress.
Swara: super happy,.
Ayesha: let's go then..
Swara nods, they come outside mall and Swara sees a card shop.,
Swara: Ayesha stop!!!,.
Ayesha: don't scare me,. What Happened now?
Swara: nothing, woh I just wanna buy a card for him.... You see, I m meeting him first time.. it's not look good na. I will give him this.
Ayesha; you are going to concert not on date..
Swara; pls,.
Ayesha; ok go,. I have to buy a medicine for siya, she told me to buy it for her.
Swara; what happened to her?
Ayesha; nothing just headache,. You go.. I m in that shop.
Swara nods and Ayesha left.
Swara start running to opposite side of road and didn't saw a car approaching., The car driver press horn that makes her come in sense and she stopped in middle of road, she squeeze her eyes tight standing there only in fear to die. The driver put the break suddenly and car stopped just an inch away from her..
The person who was driving got angry on Swara, he immediately came out of the car,.
Person; are you out of your mind? Don't you know how to cross the road.. why are you running?
Swara listen the voice, she find it familiar,.and realizing it ,her eyes opened wide.. she look at him,yes how can be she wrong in recognizing him,. It's her Sanskar.. she didn't do anything just stand there blank, didn't care about his scolding..
Sanskar; hey .. are you blind,. Don't you have eyes,. And why are you looking at me , it's your mistake,.
Swara who was drawn in him ,think a bit then look away from him and say; I m sorry,..
Sanskar; what sorry haa!! You could have died And I may got arrested. Use ur eyes sometime,.
Swara; how to use when I don't have my eyes...
Sanskar got shocked listening it... He looked at her who was looking down now..
Sanskar: ( said slowly) what??
Swara: I m sorry.. Actually my friend was here only. I was finding her, and start running on road.. Sorry to trouble you And thank you for saving me..
Sanskar felt guilty for scolding her: I m really..I didn't know that..
Swara: it's ok, I m habitual..
Saying this she started to move away slowly..
Sanskar: wait.. I will help you...
Saying this he immediately come to her and hold her hand to take her to one side..
Swara: no it's ok , I will manage,.
Sanskar: pls let me help you,. I m already feeling guilty.
Swara: thank you,.
Swara felt a sudden happiness in her heart. She was blushing and look at him from corner of her eyes but Sanskar didn't noticed..

They come side, and Ayesha immediately rushed to her: Swara, u okay?
Sanskar;( angry) so u r her friend? Don't u know u should take care of her? Where were u? She might be died,.
Ayesha was shocked to see Sanskar with Swara..
Ayesha: yeah,. That's why I scold her from running like this,.
Sanskar: she was searching for you only, where were you leaving her alone,even after knowing that she can't see..
Ayesha didn't understand and say: sorry,.???
Sanskar: what sorry?
Swara: pls, don't scold her,. It's my mistake only,.
Sanskar: arey but..
Swara : pls..( said so sweetly that Sanskar got drown into her, he noticed her angelic face, her beautiful eyes,but felt sad that she can't see)
Sanskar: ok,. By the way,. I m Sanskar,. Sanskar Maheshwari.
Swara: ( in mind) like I don't know, I can recognize by ur voice, even I won't be able to see,.
( To him) oh my God, u r rockstar Sanskar,.
Sanskar smiled; yeah,.
Swara: I m sorry,.I ,.I. I m Swara,.
Sanskar: ok, you live here,I mean Delhi?
Swara: yeah,. In xyz hostel,.
can I get ur autograph,.
Sanskar smiled and gave autograph on her hand,.
Then he sees crowd was gathering around,.
Sanskar: I should go now, otherwise it will be tough for me to go..
Swara chuckled: Yeah,. Thank you once again..
Sanskar smiled at her and go to his car. He sees her from rear view mirror, he don't know why but feel so happy.

After Sanskar went, Ayesha who was watching all this look at Swara..
Ayesha: what's happening Swara? Can u elaborate?
Swara sighs: First let's go back to hostel,. Then I will tell.
She sees the autograph on her hand and smile,.

Hostel room;
Ayesha: now say,. What he was saying, you are blind,? Why did u lie.. It's wrong, I know u love him but this is not the way,.
Swara: (frustrated, cause since the time they came back Ayesha was continuously saying this again and again) yes,. Yes.. !!! I know I m wrong, I did wrong to lie but I love him,.
Ayesha; what do u mean? Loving and lying are different things.
Swara; so what should I have done, I should have heard his scolding and then, then what? He would have left , he would have never come back in my life,. That Moment when his car was going to hit me,I thought I will die but no, god has sent him , for me,. I took it as a chance,. So that I can be in his life,.
If that time I would have told him that I m his very big fan,I love him a lot, would he have been happy,no! It doesn't make any difference. He have so many fans then why will be I special for him. Yes I lied, I lied so that for once I can get his attention, I want him to know me, I want him to fall for me just like I m fallen for him. I m just a middle class girl Ayesha, and I know u think me kiddish sometime that I dream such things. I know if I m ground then he is sky, both never meet but at least they appears to be. And I want to cover that distance to reach him, to his heart, to tell him about my feelings. If destiny made me meet him, doesn't it symbolizes anything? Pls Ayesha, I promise that beside this that I m blind, I won't tell him any lie. I will show him what actually I m and wish that he may fall for me...
Ayesha; why do you love him so much? I m not angry on you. It's just that I don't want to see you heartbroken.
Swara; I know u care for me but Ayesha , I seriously feel sometime that I will die without him. I don't know why I love him but I do. A lot.
Ayesha; don't say like that,. Ok , now what u r going to do next..
Swara; what, I won't ,. I think he will come to meet me..
Ayesha; why do you think so?
Swara; I know him Ayesha,. I saw him, I think he is affected..
Ayesha; I will never understand how can you know so much about him when u never met him before..
Swara; heart connection..( dreamingly)
Ayesha chuckled..; but what if he won't..
Swara; my heart says,he will, ND if not then we will go. I came to know he is in hotel glam.
Ayesha: why do you stalk him always.?
Swara: cause I love to.
They have their dinner and sleep. Swara was so happy after meeting her prince Charming..

Hotel glam;
Sanskar was in his room, he was continuously thinking about Swara, her smile, her eyes ,her face.
Sanskar;( monologue) why that girl is affecting me, I m thinking about her again and again, may be sympathy that she is blind,. it's pained to know those eyes can't see. Why God did this to her. Such an angelic face she have. She was so good, at least not like my those girls fan who throw herself on me. I want to meet her again,.
He take his phone and search for location of hostel as Swara told the name.
He found it and smile.

Next day;
Sanskar get ready and go to her hostel to meet her. He stopped his car, and wanted to go inside but he feared if anyone recognize him then it will be blunder.
He called on warden no. Which he got online. He changed his voice and talk in girls voice.
Sanskar; hello ma'am.. Can u please call Swara,. Actually I m trying to call her but her phone is switched off.
Warden; but who are you and why don't you call to her friends?

Sanskar mumbled some curse and then say; actually I don't have their no... I m Rachna, her school friend. Pls call her she will understand.
Warden; ok,. Call Swara ( to peon)
Swara came with Ayesha,.
Warden: Swara, here's phone for you.
Swara: phone?? But who?
Warden: some Rachna, ur school friend,.
Swara: what?
Swara take the call confused; hello...
Sanskar: hi,. Its Sanskar, remember..
Swara coughed... Warden look at her suspiciously
Swara; oh,.hi Rachna, how r you,. Long time. no see,.
Sanskar; oh is it? Then meet me,
Swara; hmm.. ( smilingly idiotically as warden was looking at her)
Sanskar; I m outside ur hostel in my car,.
Swara again start coughing,.. her eyes widen..
Ayesha gave her water..
Sanskar chuckled.
Swara cut the call, and come outside warden room.
Ayesha: who is Rachna?
Swara: Sanskar,.
Ayesha: what??.
Swara: yeah.. He is waiting outside.
Ayesha; now what??
Swara; nothing, you remember, last year we did a play and use a stick for blind person role,.
Ayesha; yes.
Swara; now I m going to use that.
Ayesha: oh smart,. But are you sure u r going to do it?
Swara: pls na...
Ayesha nods.
She got stick and go outside and sees Sanskar waiting. But she act like she didn't saw as she is blind.

Sanskar come out of car and goes to her. He hold her hand and take her to car.
Swara; hi,.
Sanskar; hi...where is ur friend?
Swara; woh ,she had some work,.
Sanskar; I think ur friend need a punishment,she always leave you, and now too with a stranger like me,.
Swara: she didn't, I told her to go, and I came here cause I trust you,.
Sanskar; why? You don't know me right?
Swara;( monologue) cause I love you , and trust is first step of love,.( To Sanskar) this much trust I can have on you as you saved my life yesterday and help me.
He made her sit in car and himself too sit..
Swara; so why do you wanted to meet me Rachna?
Sanskar chuckled.
Sanskar; can we be friends?
Swara; only this?
Sanskar; no, but first things first..
Swara; ok,. Friends.. she extend her hand in another direction but Sanskar hold it smilingly.
Swara was feeling a little guilty for lying him but composed herself that she is doing for her love.
Swara; what's next?
Sanskar; I need a friend to roam around Delhi as it's my first visit, will you?
Swara; but you know I can't...
Sanskar; I know,but at least you can feel..
Swara; but if you will roam around, people will recognize you,.
Sanskar; they won't,. I have my way,. I have disguised myself in normal person.. no one will know.
Swara smiled at him.
Sanskar; shall we?
Swara nods.

Sanskar start the car. They roam around. Sanskar was always with her like a shadow. Sanskar feels so happy with her. He knows more about her, Swara happiness have no bound, whole day with her love.
In evening;
Sanskar drop Swara at her hostel.
He help her to come out of car,.
Sanskar; thank you for today,.
Swara; no sorry and thank you in friendship., And I m lucky to spend whole day with my favorite singer. I didn't knew a rockstar can be so fun loving. I thought they are rude,.
Sanskar; why? Rockstar are not human being? Are they alien?
Swara;( laughs) no, I didn't mean that...
Sanskar smiled; you are really different from other girls..
Swara; you mean I m boy?
Sanskar; no no,. I ..
Swara laughs. Sanskar also laughs.
Swara; now I should go..
Sanskar; yeah,.
Swara goes inside,. Sanskar sees her retreating figure and goes.

Swara hurriedly went inside and tell everything to Ayesha, she was also happy for her.
Since that time Sanskar meet with Swara more often days passed . they meet in park, shared no., talk late night Sanskar was fallen for her, he love her for her simplicity not caring about her blindness. For him Swara was totally different from all girls night,like the girl he want. She understands him. He don't know that she is not blind but he can't stop himself from falling for her. On the other side of the Swara was fallen more for him, she also know that somewhere Sanskar like her but she was not sure and feel guilty for lying him.
It's been one week, next day was Sanskar concert,.
Sanskar drop her to hostel in evening, but like other day he did came other side to open the door for her.
Swara feel little nervous,. After whatever happened today,.

Swasan were in restaurant, they had dinner and then Sanskar ask her for dance, Swara denied,but Sanskar made her agree,.
They danced together, Swara was so much affected by his proximity, she didn't dared to look into his eyes cause she may lost herself and may be he would know the truth... The songs track change to slow no. The light goes dim And they got more close... Sanskar leans toward her and nuzzles in her hair, softly kiss her neck,. Swara shivered ND hold his arm tight. He caress her face then kiss her forhead, he leaned toward her lips, Swara sensed it and become nervous,.
Swara; Sanskar, I will get late please drop me to hostel..
Sanskar realized the situation and said okay..

Flashback end;

Sanskar; Swara,. Ur hostel,.
Swara; hmm.
She tried to open the door, to which Sanskar lean toward her and open the lock. They were so close, Sanskar lost himself in her face,
Swara; I should go,.
Sanskar hold her hand,and then pulled her to him.
Swara so wanted to see in his eyes,.but she closed it tightly. He cups her face,ND caress her lips leaning toward her,.
Swara clutch his shirt, Sanskar slowly take her lips in his and kissed her passionately, Swara also gave up And respond to kiss, Sanskar deepen the kiss taking the lead which Swara happily gave to him,.
After breaking the kiss.. He looked at her who was still having closed eyes, breathing heavily.
Sanskar: Swara.. I want to say something,.
Swara: hmm,. What?
Sanskar: something which we both know, don't u know Swara.? Something about my feelings for you?
Swara: may be i know but you also know that I m .... Isn't it wrong? Loving me may be wrong for you.
Sanskar; I don't care about that you can't see, you will see the world through my eyes. I m happy with you. Atleast not like those girl who use tricks to get my attention and throw themselves on me.. and if loving you is wrong then I don't wanna be right.
Swara was so happy hearing it, she hugged him. Sanskar also respond to it, his hand move sensually on her back hugging her back.
They break the hug.
Sanskar; I won't say those word today , cause I want to confess my love in front of world,. I m gonna announce after my concert tomorrow, u will come na?
Swara; yes, I will..( said smilingly)
Sanskar help her in coming out of car, and then kiss her forhead.
Swara go inside,where Ayesha was waiting for her,.

Swara tell her everything,.
Ayesha; OMG,. You kissed,. I m so happy for you and he is going to propose you tomorrow in front of whole world,.
Swara smiled but it faded, Ayesha noticed,.
Ayesha; what happened Swara? Aren't you happy, you are getting ur love.
Swara; I m but i m scared too. I m feeling so guilty, Sanskar don't know that I m alright, I can see him. He love me selflessly not caring about blindness and I m cheating on him,. He is very good, in starting I wanted that he also fall for me, and now when he is, then i m scared, if he come to know that I m okay, will he accept me.? He hate lies, it's equal to betrayal for him. I don't want to loose him Ayesha,. Today when he kissed me, I feel blessed,but at the same time I was guilty that I m keeping him away from truth. It's wrong.. I love him but...

Ayesha; that's what I was saying, don't lie. Swara, Sanskar is very nice person. What will he feel when he will know about you. So please tell him before he come to know himself. If you will tell him, he may understand it but if he get to know from other way, u both will feel a lot of pain. The sooner he will know, better it will be for ur relationship, tell him everything before ur love confession. The relationship based on lie can't stay long time, it break soon. Tell him everything Swara. Start fresh with truth.

Swara; you are right, I will tell him everything before tomorrow concert. After that whatever he will decide, I will be okay with it.

Ayesha; don't worry Swara, he will always with you, his love is true. He will understand you.
Swara nods.

Next day;
Swara came with Ayesha, they were sitting in a room, Sanskar specially order his security in charge to take care of them.
Ayesha tell her to say everything to Sanskar, and goes outside giving her space.
Sanskar came to her and hug her..
Sanskar; I m so happy today. This is gonna be best concert of my life.
Swara gave weak smile,.
Swara; Sanskar, I want...
Then only a staff came to tell him be ready, concert is going to start soon,.
Sanskar nods,.
He kissed her forehead,.
Sanskar; Swara u be here,.I will tell someone to provide you seat, okay,..
Swara; Sanskar listen...
Sanskar try to open the door but it was having sharp edge and he got cut in hand.
Swara sees it and panicked, without thinking much she rushed to him.
Swara; SANSKAR!!!. What are you doing? Can't u see, how will you play guitar now? Come now..
She dragged him to sofa,.
Sanskar; Swara.. it's nothing .. I m fine,. (Suddenly he realized something and jerk his hand)
Swara; Sanskar what are you...( Look at him)
Sanskar;( angry) you lied,.. you can see everything, right miss. Swara Gadodia..
Swara realized she did a blunder now, ; Sanskar. Pls once listen to me,. Sanskar ur hand is bleeding, you have concert pls,.
Sanskar; ( shout) shut up, stop showing ur fake concern, what do u want to say haan? You cheated me, I told you that I hate lie.. and I hate liers..
Swara;( in tears) Sanskar, pls try to understand... I was going to tell u everything, that's why..

Sanskar; yeah, right, you were going to tell the truth, then why didn't you told till now? You know Swara, I thought you are different from other girls, who just drool over me for money and my popularity but you are also the same, tell me why did u lied, to get me attracted toward you? So that after that u can lead rich life..
Swara; Sanskar, what are you saying? Do you think I can do that? I need ur money?

Sanskar; it's not about what I think, it is what I m compel to understand. Wait a min, you came in front of my car ,was that also part of your plan.

Swara;( crying) Sanskar pls, pls listen to me once, I can never do that, I accept I lied but I...

Sanskar; don't you dare, don't utter a word more, you wanted to trap me and look I m fallen for you. seriously Swara .. it was master stroke to come in front of my car, how you manage to do such great acting. You made joke of my love. Here I was thinking whether u can see or not, I will be happy with you but you... I wanted to propose you, live my whole life with you, but thank God I see ur true face, you were acting to be good all the while, every moment we spend together was a lie right? You played with my feelings, you hurt me Swara.

Swara; no Sanskar, I never wanted to hurt you, pls Sanskar,. I lied that I m blind but after that all the moment I spend with you was truth, I never lied anything else. I lo...

Sanskar; no,. Don't say one more word that you don't mean, you can't love me.

He angrily hold her arms and pulled her toward himself,.
Sanskar; it was paining Swara, paining to know that these beautiful eyes can't see me and now it's paining to know they can see everything because it's betrayal. You use it brilliantly, first sympathy, then somehow make me fall for you, then what, my everything is yours.. seriously you are disgusting swara,I hate you.. you have broken my trust so badly that I won't be able to believe on love again. don't show me ur face again ever in my life.

Music plays...

Sanskar jerk her and goes outside taking his guitar,. He had tears in his eyes, and red due to anger,.walk toward stage..
Swara fall on her knees and start crying bitterly..

Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi
Phir Jaane Kyun Tanhaai
Kis Mod Pe Hai Laayi Aashiqui
O.. Khud Se Hai Ya Khuda Se
Iss Pal Meri Ladaai
Kis Mod Pe Hai Laayi Aashiqui
O O...

Sanskar go to stage and sees the crowd that was shouting his name, but his mind was only surrounded by Swara thought. he hold the guitar and start playing , totally lost ,and then start singing in pain.. expressing the pain in his heart..
Ayesha who sees Sanskar on stage go to search Swara because she didn't came, she goes to room and shocked to see her crying on her knees.

Aashiqui Baazi Hai Taash Ki
Toot Te Bante Vishwaas Ki
O.. Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi
Phir Jaane Kyun Tanhaai
Kis Mod Pe Hai Laayi Aashiqui

He change the note and started singing closing his eyes.. he remembers the moment he spent with Swara..
Swara sees Sanskar from tv that was in room, Ayesha hugged her,and asked her what happened, Swara told everything cryingly.. Ayesha start crying for her friend.

Music plays,

He plays guitar without his hurt hand, and it was bleeding more and more,.He remembered their first meeting,her angelic face, her laughs, their dance , their kiss,..
With each moment he was getting angry and angry, not able to control himself..

Two year later;

Jaane Kyun Main Sochta Hoon
Khaali Sa Main, Ik Raasta Hoon
Tune Mujhe Kahin Kho Diya Hai
Yaa Main Kahin Khud Laapata Hoon
Aa Dhoond Le Tu Phir Mujhe
Kasamein Bhi Doon Toh Kya Tujhe...

Sanskar was on stage singing or can be say taking out his frustration on guitar. He still remember her, her lie, all moments are still fresh to his eyes, he could never forget her. He was totally lost. Sanskar who was once loving and caring was now totally opposite..

Aashiqui Baazi Hai Taash Ki
Toot Te Bante Vishwaas Ki
Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi..
Phir Jaane Kyun Tanhaai
Kis Mod Pe Hai Laayi Aashiqui

Music plays....

He roughly plays guitar not caring about his wound, it was getting deep, Laksh who was standing in front sees it and got shocked .,.but it was one more time he is roughly playing guitar and get one more wound on his hand,. He knows him and his pain which he bearing since two years..

Toota Hua Saaz Hoon Main
Khud Se Hi Naaraz Hoon Main
Seene Mein Jo Kahin Pe Dabi Hai
Aisi Koi Aawaaz Hoon Main
Sun Le Mujhe Tu Bin Kahe..
Kab Tak Khaamoshi Dil Sahe..

He hold the Mike and sing closing his eyes, but it couldn't hide the tears he had in eyes,. He has buried the pain inside his heart but it still can't and emerge whenever he sing, he can never forget her even if he want and he hate it. The love has taken him to path which he also don't know,.

Aashiqui Baazi Hai Taash Ki
Toot Te Bante Vishwaas Ki

Aashiqui Baazi Hai Taash Ki
Toot Te Bante Vishwaas Ki

O Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi
Phir Jaane Kyun Tanhaai
Kis Mod Pe Hai Laayi Aashiqui

O Khud Se Hai Ya Khuda Se
Iss Pal Meri Ladaai
Kis Mod Pe Hai Laayi Aashiqui
O O Ho...

Aashiqui Baazi Hai Taash Ki
Toot Te Bante Vishwaas Ki

In Shimla;

A girl is seen seating on a chair and listening his song, tears were falling from her eyes but she didn't see toward the screan to see his face,. She can feel his words,and know It's expressing the pain of her heart,his heart,. She pressed her lips not to breakdown.. But what could she do.. she knows that she had broken his trust, now nothing is left. The concert finished. Swara immediately go from there,.

Sanskar finish singing and gave sad laugh to Laksh who was looking at him intently..
Sanskar come down from stage, Laksh hold his hand and take him to vanity,.
Laksh; again, this much blood if u will donate once in month then u will get someone blessings,but no.. u just want to hurt urself.
( Cleaning his wound)
Sanskar: so what do u want? I didn't became a drunkard due to mom dad but I want to forget her ,her betrayal. I get relief by doing this,.
Laksh: really? Did you forget her? No na, then what's the use of hurting urself..
Sanskar: ( shout) yes, I hurt myself and I so hate it that I can never forget her but what to do tell me,. Say, you won't know my pain Laksh. It's been two years but still everything is clear in front of my eyes. Every moment I spend with her but it was all like... I lived fake moment with her but still they were special to me. I so hate myself that I loved her. She broke my trust.

Laksh: ok calm down now, relax.. don't think about her more. concert is over, shall we go home.

Sanskar: hmm, I will change then we will leave.

A house is shown, a girl is seen sitting in her room analysing things by touching it and keeping it carefully on the side table. Suddenly something fell down.

Girl( murmured) Swara, when will u learn doing things without breaking or messing up.
She bent down and move her hand to and fro to hold it. She took ND then touch it to check it is ok: thank god it didn't break..
Then she carefully keep it inside drawer.
Then she heard the doorbell and someone shouting; Swara di... Open the door..
Swara smiled; Vivan..
Again he shout.
Swara: coming Vivan.. wait.
Swara took her stick from side table and open it. Then she go to open the door.
She opened the door.
Vivan;( a six year old boy , live in next house to Swara, come to meet her, play with her more oftenly) Swara di..
Swara; hi Vivan,.
Vivan: Swara di ,you know what.. today dad came back from his business trip and he bought so many things for me.
Swara: ( smiled) really? What?
Vivan: di see this, my new shirt and my new remote control car... See thi..
But his excitement vanished realising something. Swara feel that. Her smile also faded.
Vivan; sorry di, I m bad boy na, I hurt you..
Swara: no ,who said my Vivan is bad boy. He is really good boy. Come to me.
Vivan hold her hand ,Swara sit on her knees and touched his face.
Vivan: sorry di.. I know u can't see still I came to show u my toys and my new shirt.
( Yes swara can't see ,her eyesight is actually gone. How and when u will know )
Swara: no bachcha don't be sorry. you have wore ur new shirt na.?
Vivan: yes.
Swara touched his shirt: arey, it's really good. I know my Vivan is looking very handsome in it. Now where is ur car?
Vivan: here ,.
He gave it in her hand.
Swara touched it with her hand ; it's also good. U will play with it. U will let me play with it na?( Pout)
Vivan: of course di, I will play with u only na.
Swara smiled and kissed his forhead cupping his face.
Swara; my kiss?
Vivan kiss on her cheeks: let's go in park di. We will play.
Swara; no vivan.. it's late na, we will play tomorrow. Ok
Vivan: ok di... I m going bye.. love you.
He kissed her cheeks. Swara Pat's his face and say; love you too.
Vivan left then Swara close the door and goes back to her room.

On the other side;
Sanskar and Laksh reach mansion. They had their dinner and goes to their room respectively.
Sanskar go to his room he close the door and went to cupboard. He open the drawer inside it and take out a small blue colour box. He open it. It was a ring..

Sanskar ( monologue) I wanted to propose you in front of whole world, I never wanted any rich girl in my life. Just a sweet and simple girl like u. Sorry like u shown urself. It never mattered if you were blind or not cause I would have always love you the same but you didn't said the truth. You lied to me. Every moment I spend with u was lie. Why did you played with my feelings. I never got peace after that day. In these two years, my world changed. Once I was happy person but now I always carry a pain of your betrayal with me in my heart. I wanted to leave singing but I couldn't cause this is the only way I get some relief... May i need more pain. Everytime I close my eyes, I see you. I can't forget you but you must have somewhere Happy in ur world. I m also trying to be Happy but I wish could. I m engaged to maya but I m not happy. She is dad friend daughter. She is nice but for me??? No... Cause . ( Sigh) fine, this heart still beat for you which I hate. Don't come in front of me again.. I don't know what will I do to you.

A tear escape from his eyes. Sanskar close the box and keep it inside. He took out his clothes then changes and go to sleep.

Swara had her dinner and then go bed. She roam her hand on pillow and take out a chain with a locket of "s". She touched it and smiled painfully remembering something.

Sanskar: Swara , I want to give u this..
Swara: what is it?
Sanskar made her wear it.
Swara touched it, she wanna see that but control herself.
Swara: Sanskar..
Sanskar: this is lucky chain, I always wear it but now I m giving it to you.
Swara: but why?
Sanskar; ( monologue) cause now u r my luck ( to her)Swara, you speak a lot., Can't u keep quiet?
Swara: but..
Sanskar: sshhh, it's a gift from my side to my biggest fan.
Swara smiled: thank you..

Flashback end..

Swara: ( monologue) you still hold that place in my heart but do I? I know I cheated you but I did what I felt was right. I was going to tell u the truth but u came to know it before. That day I had strange feeling but I understand it later that I was going to loose you forever. I tried to meet u again after that day but looks like u were so angry with me and I understand it. I did mistake but i wish once I could get ur forgiveness, I would have got little peace in my heart. Now it's not possible. You are far away from me and may be happy in ur life too but sometimes I feel u r also not happy. Whatever it is but I can never forget u that I know that's why I never tried. Once I told you I m blind but now see the game that destiny played with me . I m actually blind. I want to see u but can only hear ur voice. Sometime I feel like u r calling me but I know it's just my imagination. You only told me to go away then why will u call me. Gold bless u Sanskar. May u get whatever u wish for. U r best and u deserve best. If possible then pls forgive me but pls don't forget me cause I still love u. I love you so much.

Swara hold the locket and cried bitterly. She hugged herself curling into ball, totally alone. There was no one who could hear her or support her. It was one of those night which pass just by crying.

That day after telling everything to Ayesha, Swara started crying but compose herself and say that she want to meet Sanskar and tell him everything, why she did all that. Ayesha tried to make her understand but Swara runs outside. Sanskar finish the song and sees Swara standing at back stage. He look at her angrily then go from opposite side. Swara runs to him but Sanskar goes from there. He sat in his car, his fans and media surrounded him. Swara somehow go to his car , struggling through the Crowd. She called him ,he look at her painfully yet angrily through window. Then turn his face. The car slowly goes out of her sight, leaving her heart shattered. She loose her strength and fall on her knees cryingly. Everyone goes from there but Swara was still there crying. Ayesha come to her and hugged her. She try to console her but it's was not working. Then somehow both come back to hostel. Swara cried whole night. Ayesha was helpless. Next two days Swara goes to his hotel and tell that she wanna meet him but hotel staff didn't let her in. She sit outside whole day and wait for him to come out. But even when he comes,he goes without giving her any look. The security around him didn't let her reach him. So in night times Swara come back to hotel getting heartbroken.

Third day Swara again goes to hotel but comes to know that he had already left to Mumbai. She got numb. She felt her heart stopped. She comes back emotionlessly. Sanskar had already changed his phone no. Even social account were also removed. Days passed , Ayesha tried to cheer her up but she could never become that old Swara, bubbly and chirpy. Swara just continue her studies and finish her exams. She still hear his songs,see his song but not much excitedly, she used to start crying seeing it . Her graduation was completed and then she goes to Shimla to her mom dad. With her mom and dad.. she was little bit fine but this didn't stayed longer. Once they went to visit her papa friend. They were coming back but then their car meet with accident. She lost her parents in that accident and her eyes too. Swara was left with nothing. She did last right of her parents. Her relatives told that they will take care of her and she should stay with them but she knew that all were fake. She chooses to stay in Shimla. She didn't told anything to Ayesha. Ayesha was going to marry in few days. She didn't attend marriage of her.. but after someday Ayesha came to know everything. She came to meet her and scold her for not telling anything. She told her to come with them . Even Ayesha husband also say this. He was very nice person but Swara denied. Saying that if they want to meet her, they can come anytime but she can't go. After trying much Ayesha gave up. They left. Swara live alone in her house. In starting Swara had to face lots of difficulty in handling everything. as slowly time passed ,swara learnt to live alone with darkness. She make food for herself which sometime become tasteless,do house chorus.. sometime neighbors help her but she tries her maximum to do everything by her own, not depending upon others. She teaches guitar to some children and earn some money for her uses. ViVan most of the time come to her and spend time. She also feels Happy with his presence. His childish talks somehow brings small smile on her face. But She never forget Sanskar, she still love him the same but now she left with no hope. She was broken when she heard Sanskar is getting engaged to one of model named Maya. She is his family friend. But what she could do is nothing. She made herself believe that Sanskar is not hers... May be she is still trying.

Next morning;

Sunrays fall in Swara room. Swara was already awake.. she was sitting in her bed. Her eyes were red due to crying. The room filled with light but she was still in darkness. She put the chain back inside pillow and got up to do her daily chores.
She got ready and take her guitar then goes to park.

Sanskar woke up as sunrays hits his face. He got ready and went downstairs. All were having breakfast and some discussion going on.
Sanskar came: what's going on?
Laksh: nothing just normal business talk.
Sanskar: ok.
Then someone came. It was Maya.
Maya; good morning Uncle , aunty. She greet everyone.
AP; come beta, have breakfast.
Maya; no aunty.. I have eaten. U all have it.
Sujatha: Maya, how u came here?
Maya: actually aunty, I am going to Shimla to attend my friend marriage. So I came to ask if Sanskar could join.
Sanskar: no actually.. I m busy..
Sujatha: what busy? Always work, shut up.. u r going. Anyway it's Shimla.. good place.
Sanskar: but mom..
AP: Sanskar, I also think.. u should go. Take a break for few days.
Sanskar: badi maa ,I understand but I have recordings..
Maya: it's only for two weeks.. Sanskar. Pls pls.. and secondly my friend is big fan of yours.. she will be very happy to see you . Pls..
Dp: Sanskar.. go beta.. postpone your recordings for few days. Break is important in life.
Sanskar: ok.. I will go.
Laksh: papa.. may I also go. I also need a break from office. You only told na break is important..pls
Dp:( laughs) ok , u can also go. We will handle office.
Laksh: thank you papa.

Next day:
Sanskar, Laksh and Maya took left for Shimla. Sanlak went to hotel. Maya went to her friend home , she told them to join her but Sanskar denied saying he will come directly on marriage. Since the time Sanskar came, he was feeling restless. He was lost in his thoughts... When Laksh said something..
Laksh: Bhai,. It's such a cool place na..
Laksh: Bhai.. I m saying something..
Sanskar: yeah,.oviously it's Shimla.. it's cool only.
Laksh: arey.. I mean it's so beautiful.
Sanskar: yeah.. you are right.( Looking outside window)
Laksh: Bhai.. let's go na.. we should roam..
Sanskar: what? Did u see the timing.. it's already 8:00pm. And secondly I m tired.. we will go tomorrow.
Laksh: ok.. good night.
He also goes to sleep.
Next morning they got ready and hire a car. They roam around city.
After sometime they come near a park.. Sanskar stopped the car with jerk. The feeling that he was getting was more strong now. Like she was near only.
Laksh: Bhai.. what happened?
Sanskar nods nothing but he was also confused..
Then they hear someone playing guitar on his song.
Laksh: such a nice tune.... It's ur song na Sanskar?
Sanskar nods...and he came out of car. He unknowingly start moving toward park.
Laksh also came out of car and go on his back.

To be continued.....

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