Second Confrontation

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Neil is riding Bike so harsh through the forest and Avni is holding Neil very tightly. Neil in mind: I should thank Vidyut for this. I wish if the circumstances were different. I could have continue to ride with Avni till eternity.

Avni: Neil, we should have taken the other road, not this.
Neel: Just relax. Firstly, we have to confuse Vidyut.
Avni: But,I am the one getting confused. Where are we going? Do you
have any idea?
Neil: Why fear when Neil is here?
Avni: I 'm not afraid.
Neil: then why your heart
is beating so fast. I can feel it.
He smiles. Avni soon shift backwards to keep a distance. Neil could see Avni's flushed face in the mirror.

On the otherside Vidyut was searching them sitting in chopper.
Vidyut: Ghosh! Where the hell they dissapeared?
Balu: Boss, I think they entered into the forest. ***

Neil: Avni, what is your plan? Where we have to go? Avni tell the place name. Avni: it's a hill top. Police will arrive there.
Neil: You have already informed them? Avni: yes.
Neil: Oh Good. So, we need to make Vidyut follow us?
Avni: That'll be good.
Neel quickly turns the bike back to the main road and as expected Vidyut follows them.
Avni and Neil reach the hill top but there were no police force.

Neil says confusingly: You sure this is the place? There is no one here.
Vidyut and his goons reach there and encircle Avni and Neil.

Vidyut: Whoa whoa..Neil, I didn't know you do bike racing too. Good job! But you can't get away from me like this.

Avni and Neil looked at eachother.

Vidyut: I feel pity. Pity for both of you. You are surrounded by my men and no one I repeat no one can save you now.

Avni: Don't you think it is too soon to think that.
Vidyut:(laughs) I like your
confidence Avni. You are in an unknown place in a different country and surrounded by my men, Vidyut R's goons and still fearless.
Neil: Really Vidyut? You think you are so fearless? Anybody can boast like that standing with 50 goons. If you're so brave what is the need of these people around you.

Vidyut: What do you think Neil Khanna, this is an ancient age of sword fights? I 'm not interested in these kind of silly fights. My time is precious. I want to finish things as soon as possible and move forward.
He takes out the Gun.
Avni: So you are not sure that you can win over Neil alone?( with contempt) I knew it you were spineless.

Vidyut becomes angry.

Vidyut: It was my mistake. I should have killed both of you earlier. But it's ok. Better late than never.
Vidyut points Gun towards avni same time Neil kickes on Vidyut's hands and the gun fell down.
Suddenly they hear a Gun shot. The police arrived. The police force surround them with guns pointed towards Vidyut and gang. Police arrests
Vidyut and Gang. Avni comes in front of Vidyut and look into his eyes and says: Checkmate!
Vidyut: This is not an end Avni. Do you think these cops can stop me forever. Now, it is between you and me. I will come for you.
Vidyut tries to move forward to Avni but Neil comes in between.
Neil: You will have to face me before that. I will not let you harm Avni. This is my word..

Police take Vidyut. Another
police officer(PO) come to Avni. She handover the video clip and Vidyut's passport to him.
Avni: Here is the Evidence.
PO: Well done miss Mehta. When Aditya told about you I didn't expect this
Avni: Thank you sir. By the way, This is Mr. Neil Khanna, He helped me in this task.
PO: Thank you Mr Neil.
Neil is confused hearing the conversation.
Neil in mind: Who is Aditya? What did he say to this officer?

Avni: So, Neil shall we go? She was about to move.
Neil: One minute Avni. I need to speak to you.
Avni stops and look at Neel.

Neel: I don't get it. What is this task and who is Aditya? How did you connect to the cops here? Are you a spy or something?
Avni: I 'm not a spy Neil. I just have some friends in police.
Neel : But, how?
Avni: They are my batchmates in IPS academy.
Neil: Excuse me. What?
Avni: IPS. But I am not an IPS officer. I didn't complete my training.
Neil: So your investigative mind and planning are not just a coincidence. Then why didn't you left the force?
Avni looked at the distant mountains. She is reviving her past.

Avni is sitting infront of an interview panel. Interviewer: Congrats. You r selected and can join for
Avni: Thank you sir.
Avni in phone to Neela: Maa, my dream is coming true. I' m selected for training.
Neela: Silence..
Avni: Kya hua maa, why are you silent?
Neela: ha..ha..congrats dear.
Avni: Maa, Relax maa. No need to worry. Let me talk to Amol.
Neela give phone to Amol.
Amol: Congrats di. I will cheer up maa. You go and rock!
Neela watching News and sees a news: Terrorist attack in police training camp. Many officers are hospitalised. Neela shocked seeing this and she faints.

Neela in hospital bed (sleeping). Avni and Amol are sitting on two sides of Neela holding her hands.

Avni has a band aid on her forhead.
Dr: She is mentally very weak. Please take good care of her & Don't give any stress to her.
Avni: Ok, Doctor.
Neela opens her eyes and quickly hugs Avni.
Neela: Avni my bacha... Are you fine? This band aid?
Avni: Maa, maa, relax. I am completely fine. This is just a scratch.
Amol:Maa. Relax. Di is here no?
Neela:Avni... please promise me that you won't go anywhere. Please.. You know how Papa is. Now, I can't lose you too. Neela sobs and hugs Avni and Amol

"Avni " Neil's voice brought her to present.
Neil: What happened? You were silent.
Avni: Nothing. Let's go na?
Neil: ha.. sure.
Avni is not comfortable to talk about it. She might be forced to leave the job due to some personal reasons. I think I shouldn't pester her with my questions. Neil thought.

Neel: By the way, you didn't tell me who is Aditya?
Avni gives a pointed look at Neil.
Avni. Aditya is my batch mate and friend. He is an IPS officer in Delhi now. He knows my love for this job and sometimes he unofficially involves me in doing these kind of investigation.
When you told me about Vidyut, I contacted him and made this plan. And thank you for being with me in this and helping me. Without you I might not be able to accomplish this.
Neel: Leave it. I enjoyed this too. He is my rival. And I must say I 'm really proud of you to say that you are my friend.
Seriously Neil? Friend? You think of her as friend? Neil scolded himself in mind.
Avni gives a tired smile.
Avni: Let's call it night? I m really tired.
Neil: yeah. I can see that.
To be continued.
Thanks for reading.

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