Silences and Arguments

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Neil was sitting in the Boarding area in Airport along with Avni. Avni was completely lost in phone. Neil looked at her. He saw a small smile appeared on her face. Neil too smiled seeing her smile.

Why did she smile just now?
May be she is chatting with someone. Who could that be? Would that be Ali? But he just left after dropping Avni at Airport and he started to message her already? I gnushed my teeth. I don't know why I lose my temper seeing that guy. He didn't do anything harmful. But when I see him with  Avni....

Suddenly Avni raised her face from phone screen and looked at me then only I realised that I was staring Avni for the few minutes. I looked to the tv screen which was behind Avni in a hurry pretending that I was watching the TV. She looked back into her chatting. I sighed... "Bach gaya. I didn't get caught. " I mumbled under my breath. Why can't she talk to me. She is behaving like I am a stranger. She was very talkative with Ali outside. He even pulled her into a brief hug before bidding bye. She talked to dad who came to see off me, but not a word to me.

On the other hand Avni in mind

This silence is too awkward. Why can't he say something? To avoid this awkwardness I am chatting to Mitali. What happened to him? He glared at me outside the airport and now this silent treatment. Did I commit any mistake? Oh no.. is he staring me? I looked at him but he was looking at the TV. I think I will have to break the ice. This Nakchada Khanna is not going to initiate.

"Hmm .. is the flight late?" I asked the question which came in my mind, though I know the answer of it.

"Yes. Just 30 mins. It is due to air traffic congestion. You wanna have something?  I am going to get a coffee for myself."

"Coffee? Now? If you have a coffee now, you won't be able to sleep throughout in the flight. I think you shouldn't have coffee now."

"Ah... that's right. I shouldn't. "

Avni thought: He really admitted what I said! That's not like Nakchada Khanna who always argue against me. Strange!

Neil in mind: it feels so good when she shows concern to me. Also she took the initiation to talk.
Suddenly Avni's phone rings. Avni picks it up.
Avni: Hello Mr.. Finally you got time to talk.
Neil in mind: Now who is that? I thought I will have a conversation with her but she is busy in her phone.
Avni in Phone: Fine.. fine. Ok i will come on video call.

Neil shifted his position and sat beside her and picked up the magazine which was lying on the side table. The magazine was just an excuse. His real intention was to see who is the person in video call.
Avni was talking in video call with her headphones on. Neil slightly peeped in to the screen.
"This person is very young. May be it is her brother." Neil thought.
Amol sees Neil.
Amol: Didi, who is over there?
Neil move back quickly. Avni notices it. Avni to Amol: This is my boss Mr. Khanna .
Amol: Acha. Hi Sir.
Neil: Hi (with embarrassment)
" What was the need of this? What would he and Avni think of me now? Sh#t!" Neil thought.
Avni disconnect the call soon and glare at Neil.
Neil: what?
Avni: What were you doing?
Neil: Me? (He flaunt the magazine in front Avni) I was reading. Can’t you see?
Avni: I saw what you were doing. Aren't you ashamed of peeping into someone's privacy?
Neil: I don’t have any interest in your privacy ok? I have better things to do.
He takes out the laptop and open presentations made by Avni.
Avni:  You were peeping into my phone and now when I caught you, you pretend to be busy?
Neil thought. She is accusing me. I need to distract her from this incident.
Neil: What is this Avni? Don’t you know how to make a ppt?
Avni: What happend? You had told me that it’s ok.
Neil: All the slides are crowded with texts. I have to remove these extra things now. You can't do such a simple job( fake anger).
Avni is also irritated. Is he trying to change the topic? Or really saying ppt is bad?
"Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I would have corrected it early. I will do it. Give to me. "
Neel: No need. You continue with your phone calls. After all you are going abroad for the first time( in sarcastic way). Who is next? Boyfriend?

Avni is very much angry. She stands up and stomps  her foot.
Avni: What the...

Hearing the sound everybody else looked at Avni. Seeing that she controlls her words and walk to the coffee shop near by.
" I badly need to munch on something to cool me down and relax."
She went through the menu card of the cafe and moved to the counter to place the order. Then she notices that the person just moved away from the counter taking his coffee forgot his wallet there. She took it.
Avni: Excuse me, Your wallet.
The person turned back.  He came to Avni and took the wallet from her with gratitude.
Person: Thanks.
Avni smiles in return.
The person moved a few steps away from her and turned back with a mysterious smile.  He looked at the photo of Avni which was with him in his phone. He smirks devilishly looking at Avni again.

To be continued.

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