Something coming up

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"Avni" . Though he uttered that
his voice was so feeble to hear. Avni placed her hands on Neil's palm.
"Don't worry Neil. You are safe. Now you sleep. Nothing has happened to you"

Neil closed his eyes and slipped into sleep. But sleep was far away from Avni. She was trying to decipher what might have happened.
"Who could be the person who is trying to harm Neil? That too in flight!"
Next morning Neil woke up to see a sleeping Avni. She was resting her head on his bed facing
him. Neil stared at her without blinking. There was a hair strand on her face
he tried to set it aside. But just before he could touch it Avni opened her eyes and Neel quickly
withdrew his hand.
Avni: Neil! You are up? How do you feel now?
Neel replied in a weak voice: Feeling good very good.
He smiled at her.
Avni: Thank God. You don't have any idea how worried I had been.
Neil : why?
Avni: you are asking why? Really Neil? You were...
The clicking of door knob interrupted their conversation. They looked at the door. Neil cursed in her head. He was hell curious to know what Avni felt.

Dr. Barun entered the room with a nurse.
Barun: Good morning. Feeling well Mr. Khanna?
Neil nodes slightly.
He checks Neil and the test results. Barun: Good. Your reports are getting normal. You really scared the hell out of
Mrs. Khanna.
Both of them got surprised hearing Mrs. Khanna.
Avni: No Dr. I m his coll...
before Avni could complete,Neil interrupted. :She is my friend. Good friend."
Barun: You both were holding your hands while sleeping. So I thought... sorry.
Then only they realised that they have been holding eachothers hands
intervened. Both released hands feeling awkward. Barun then instructs nurse about medicine and treatment and goes out. Avni follows them.
Neil in mind:" Geez! I could have get an idea about her feelings. But, that Dr spoiled it. By the way, she admitted that she was worried and we were holding each other's hands..
He smiled with blushing cheeks.
Outside the room.
Avni: Dr, Did you see the reports? What was that drug?
Barun: This is not any common drug and it is really dangerous. I think it was a kind of..
Avni: You mean Murder attempt?
She was dumbfounded when Barun nodded.
Barun: The police will come for clarification. Don't worry. I will help you.
Avni: Thank you Dr and Please don't let Neil know about this now.

Barun: I will take care of it. He leaves.
Avni in mind: Neel had food from flight. I think it was purely intentional. Perhaps my food was also poisoned.
Avni came back to Neil's room.
Neil: Avni... Did you informed anyone about our situation?
Avni: Yes. I have emailed the clients about the medical emergency. Hopefully they will give us another chance to meet.
Neil: At home?
Avni: I have informed Prakash sir that we are struck in Bangkok but didn't tell the reason. You please call him.
Neel: Sure. But what had happened to me?
Avni: Nothing much, just food infection. Neil: food infection? Normally
food served in flights are safe. I think we should complain this.
Avni: yeah. We can. But for now, you take rest. I have some work at the airport. And please call Prakash sir.
Telling this Avni left.

In vidyut's office:
Vidyut: Any update?
Balu: Yes. I have found the hospital he is admitted. It's xyz medical centre. And about his current condition is not known yet. I will update soon.
Vidyut holds the collar of Balu in anger and said: To hell with his condition. Tell me about the investigation? How is the authority addressing the issue? As an accident or a crime?
Balu: sir wo..wo..
Vidyut: You are such a Useless.. What made you took so much time then? Leave now! And one more thing, Keep Sheena in our custody. It will be better.
Balu: yes Boss.
As soon as Balu left from there, Vidyut
threw a paper wieght on wall in anger and tension.
Vidyut in mind: That Avni... she spoiled everything. I will not spare her. By the way, Atleast, Neil's meeting will not take place now.
At Khanna House.
"What ae you saying Prakash ji?"

Swetha couldn't grasp what she heard from her husband just now.
Prakash: There is nothing to worry Swetha. He himself called me. He is fine now. Just had a food infection.
Swetha: If so, then why he didn't call me? I want to hear from him. My tillu.. he is all alone in a strange place in such a situation!
Prakash: He must be sleeping now Swetha ji. Let him take rest and by the way Avni is with him, he is not alone.

Swetha: Kya? Did Avni accompany him? But why? There were many staff in our company and out of all, you chose Avni to go with him?
Prakash : Obviously, she was the in charge of this project. So why not ?

Swetha: But I thought Tillu went alone. Why you people hid it from me? I wouldn't have allowed him to take her along.
Swetha clasped her both hands eachother in frustration

Bebe: When did you become interested in business affairs?
Swetha: Bebe.. my interest is not in business but in my Tillu only.
Prakash: I don't get you Swetha. Neil is alright and we should thank God that Avni was there to take care of him
Swetha: She is the problem! I don't like her at all. I want to talk to him right now!
Bebe nodded her head in disagreement.
Bebe: why are talking like a maniac and what's with Avni? You haven't even met her.
Swetha: I don't know anything. I wanna hear him. That's all.
She tried calling Neil. But it is not reachable. Then a person entered into the house. Prakash face lit up seeing the person and he wholeheartedly received the guest who entered at an odd hour.
Prakash: Welcome Joydeep. What a pleasent surprise. Bebe, Swetha ji, meet my friend and great business man Mr. Joydeep Sharma.
Joydeep: Namaste..
They exchanged greetings.
Bebe: Yes.. I remember we met last month in the buissiness conference held in Pune.
Joydeep: wow.. you have good memory bebe.. I mean Mrs. Harleen Khanna.
Bebe: You are like my son only no? Call me bebe..
Swetha controlled her concern for Neil and attended his husband and his friend. Still Swetha's thoughts roamed around Avni and Neil. While Prakash and joydeep talked buisiness. and
Swetha brings tea for them.
Joydeep: By the way where is Neil?
Prakash: He is on a business trip.
Joydeep: You are really lucky Prakash, you have your son to support your business. Very talented he is. I have met him once.
Prakash smiled shifting his position in the couch.
Bebe: Certainly. He is very hardworking and responsible boy.
Joydeep: That is the only thing I envy you Prakash. Look at me, I am still handling everything alone.
Bebe:Tell me about your family beta?
Joydeep: My only family is my daughter Mitali.. Mitali Sharma.
Swetha quickly glenced Joydeep with full attention.

To be continued

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