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I live in a house in the countryside. It has 3 floors and there is a big and beautiful garden in front of the house. The first floor is living rom and kitchen. this floor has a sofa, a big table, a TV in living room and kitchen appliances in kitchen. There is a light under the ceiling and a plant in the corner of the room. All of members in my family usually eat in the kitchen together. The second floor is my parent's room. In this room has my mother's dressing table, a wardrobe, a bed. There are some pictures on the wall too. Th third floor is my own room. It's rather small, so i don't have many things, there is a black board in the wall, a bookshelf with many books, a wardrobe beside the computer, there are many music CDs. Before sleeping, i often listen to music... I planted many flowers in the garden in frontof my house, when the spring comes,  they bloom beautifully. Myhouse is so lovely, i feel really comfortable when i stay there. I love it so much.


  My worst memory happend on last year’s Mid autumn day. At that time , my class had a small party and my duty was to bring fruits. But that morning , I got up late . Luckily, I had enough time to catch the bus . hardly had I sit down when the ticker seller came to me with a ticker. I saw him and realized that he wasn’t familiar with me. In fact, instead of getting on the bus No.45, I mistook the bus No.54. I tended toget out but the ticket seller said “Money” with an uncomfortable voice. I searched for money to pay him. Unfortunately, I forgot bringing money. He urged:”Quickly!”. I searched my backpack again but this time, it was worse because sll of my fruits fell off. Everybody saw me and laughed loudly. My face became hotter and hotter, I still sat there didn’t know how to do. I tried to stop myself from breaking out into tears. It was so lucky for me. A beautiful woman stood up started collecting the fruits. Al other people did it, too. She also helped me pay for the ticket. I thanked her in a very soft voice. It has been the worst memory that I always remember. I have always reminded myself to be more careful to avoid such an incident. 


My best friend – Hoa – is the person whom i like the most. I knew her when I was traveling to Da Nang 5 years ago. Hoa is a lovely and very intelligent girl. She looks tall and thin. I am impressed by her chearful smile with two dimples. Hoa has a round black eyes, a pleasant voice and an athletic style. She lives enthusiastically, you can easily realize that she is a self-confident person and has a strong personality. She likes social activities as helping orphanes, the old, saving environment. Hoa seems to be stout but sometimes she is very sensitive. She shares all of her joy, sadness with me and listens to all things I say. I’m always given intelligent deep advises by her. Talking with Hoa make me feel comfortable. Sometimes, she and I hold it against with each other, and it alway is Hoa who makes every things peaceful again. Hoa is my friend whom I can confide in. She helps me learn many things I am happy about her, so I must try to make her feel happy about me. 


It's hard to image how the world be like without a TV. Nowadays, almost all people have their at home. In my opinion,watching TV has both advantages and disadvantages. The first are advantages. Watching TV keeps informing and help us update the things happening all over the world such as cultural festivals, wars, conflicts, diasters,... Besides, we also know what the weather be like the following days. To people who are interested in sports, TV enables them to watch many important events which happen everywhen and everywhere, even "live". Futhermore, there are still many educational and scientific channels, programs teaching how to cook or where it's good to travel. However, there are many disadvantages of TV as well. The first, watching TV so much is harmful to your eyes. Some people spend too much time in front of TV instead of doing exercises and spending time on fresh air. The second, a lot of programs are so violent and uneducational, they influence badly especially children's mind. In my opinion, watching TV is both good and bad. It depends on how we access and control my watching.


There are 4 people in my family: my parents, my big brother and I. My parents are both farmer, they are married since 1988. My father is 43 years old. he is very good-humored but he's a strictive father too.He is used to drinking wine each meal, and my mother doesn't like that. My father has a very friendly smile. My mother is the same as my father. She is still quite young and beautiful. Her tasks are doing housework, cooking, caring about all of the members of family. She feels happy for that. She's a clever woman. My brother is a solider, he is the last year student at an army acedamy. He is going to be an army office after graduating in this June. He is very intelligent and handsome. He likes studing about weapons and cars. And i'm the second year student at the Hung Yen University of Technology and Education. we get along with each other. I love my family so much.


It's really interesting to plan for the future. Now, I am the  third year student at the Hung Yen University of Technology and Education. I'll graduate 2 years after. My major is Electrical - electronic, but after graduating, i want to be a journalist. Some years later, i'm going to married and have some children. When i retire, I'll look after a small garden, take care of my family and my grandchildren. I am going to live happily with my wife in a peaceful village. If can, i will go to travel around the world. I am trying to make my dreams come true. What will be, will be. I will enjoy my life and enjoy it's at fullest. 


Some people prefer living in a big city, others enjoy residing in a small town or in the countryside. Living in big cities has advantages as there are better options of education, services and fun activities. Also hospitals are more sophisticated in big cities. Futhermore, big cities are the first areas where new technologies arrive. It's is essential to get accquainted with the pace of real world is moving ahead. Life in the countryside has also some advantages. It has no pollution and the hustle and bustle of the city life. People living in the countryside are friendlier to each other than in big cities. They learn how to help mutual in difficult time enthusiasticly. In summary, both living in the city or living in the countryside have their own values. But for me, I like the living in the city more.

The most important subject

Talk about the subject you consider most important

Of all the subjects that I study in school, I think that English is the most important subject. It is mainly through the English language that we gain access to the various sources of knowledge.

English is a language which is spoken and understood by many people in most countries of the world. It is, in fact, the most important means of communication among the various countries of the world. Knowledge of new discoveries and inventions in one country is transmitted to other countries through English for the benefit of the world. In this way, English helps to spread knowledge and progress.

It is true, however, that in the modern age, the study of Science and Mathematics too should be considered very important. Science has conferred many benefits in man. But it requires little thought to realize that scientific principles cannot be understood well without a good knowledge of a language. And, though other languages such as German and Russian are important in the world of Science, it is English that plays the most important role in spreading scientific knowledge. There is in fact no branch of study that has not been communicated in English. The original writings of great scientists, economists, philosophers, psychologists and others who did not speak and write the English language have all been translated into English. Therefore, one who has a good knowledge of English has access to all the sources of information.

Further, as the English language is used by people of different lands and cultures, it has become very rich. It contains so many words, ideas and thoughts that a good knowledge of English enriches the mind and enables one to express oneself well. It also helps one to think better and to understand the people of other lands. It is for all these reasons that I consider English the most important subject in school.

Why are good books good teachers and friends?

Why are good books good teachers and friends?

It is often said: “Tell me what you are reading and I will tell you who you are”.

For me, a good book is always a good teacher guiding me through life as well as a true companion encouraging me and consulting me in my desperate straits.

In fact, interesting books are a source of invaluable knowledge to those who want to master everything they haven’t known before. Through masterpieces all over the world we can realize the whole outstanding culture and civilization of mankind in every aspect: literature, science, sociology, anthropology, technology and economics.

Nobody denies the important role of good books in developing man’s knowledge. The more we read valuable books the more we become wise and experienced. By reading books, we can get rid of all prejudices and narrow-mindedness. We can no longer live in The Ivory Tower like a recluse and therefore we can get along with other people around us easily.

Next, good books are true companions who always share our joys and sorrows in our daily activities. Are you in low spirits and disappointed in your affairs? Read wise advice through books by profound scholars and authors. Are you sad? Read subtle humorous stories of well-known humorists in the world. All your sorrows and disappointments will vanish at once.

In summary, good books help us train our personality. They help us distinguish the Good from the Bad and they lead us to the True, the Good and the Beautiful.

The advantages of living in the country and the disadvantages of living in the city.

Although I was born and brought up in the country, I spent most of my time in the city; however, a comfortable life in the city has never appealed to me at all. And the country with its advantages still has a call to me for good.

First, the fresh and clean air of the country makes you feel healthier. How relaxed and pleasant you are when you can enjoy the pure air wafted with soft fragrance of areca and grapefruit trees in your garden! Therefore, you can take a stroll around the garden every morning and night. The stifling and polluted atmosphere of a crowded city, on the contrary, makes you suffocated and annoyed. It may breed neurosis and other fatal diseases to urban residents.

Second, living in the country may feel safer while in town, the city dwellers are in state of continuously being afraid of committing violent deaths caused by careless drivers or foolhardy motor-cyclists.

Third, if you have a poetic soul, you will find in the country a source of “divine inspiration”. To my mind, nothing can be compared with the moonlight through foliages or the gorgeous slow of the sunset on yellow rice-fields. I often see the moon shedding its light on the city but how desperate I feel! The moon itself has lost its natural beauty and it seems to me a pale disc hanging shamelessly in a zone surrounded by angrily dazzling neon lights. The silvery moonlight in the country has a mystic power to soothe your pains and sufferings and it does help you escape from the material world.

Fourth, if you are fond of gardening, you can spend your free time digging, planting and watering. Gardening is my favorite hobby. What a serene joy I feel when I watch my fruit trees growing amid the melodious twitters of birds and how sweet and delicious their fruit are when I taste my first successful result! I cannot help feeling sorry for the city dwellers who day and night have indulged themselves in debaucheries and can never enjoy a minute of pure bliss in the countryside.

Finally, in the country you can rest from the noise and bustle of the town. Even though you have to get up early to catch buses to get to work in town, you can sleep better at night without being disturbed by deafening sirens of cars or machines running noisily all the time.

Life in the city, compared with life in the country

Life in the city, compared with life in the country

In my opinion, urban life or rural life has its own advantages and disadvantages.

First, living in the city we may enjoy those benefits.

- Communication and transportation systems are better. There are so many means of communication and transport that we can choose the ones we like best. We can get in touch with a friend or talk to him by phone without having to go out of home.

- Thanks to electricity network and running water, our material lives are more comfortable. Supermarkets, markets and shops are found everywhere and we can buy anything we need providing that we can afford it.

- Urban life provides us with all sorts of entertainments: televisions, radios, movies, theatres, concerts and famous recreation centers.

- Living in town we can improve our knowledge easily by attending any schools, universities or evening classes where experienced teachers and professors are ready to satisfy our thirst for knowledge.

Besides its advantages, urban life also has its disadvantages:

- Our health is in danger: pollution by factories and heavy traffic may cause serious diseases to all of us.

- Evil influence upon the young generation by obscene video films is inevitable.

- Violent deaths happen regularly in such a crowded city with all kinds of vehicles.

On the contrary, rural life seems ideal to all of us, especially to the old.

- We can enjoy fresh, cool air and behold beautiful landscapes in the country.

- How safe and delighted we are when we can sleep a sound sleep at any time of the day without being disturbed by sirens of cars or by deafening noises from manufacturing factories.

- Our social lives in the country are easier: we can eat the food and vegetables we grow, the chickens and goats we raise. The countrymen lead a very simple life and they are quick at mutual help in any case.

Apart from these advantages, living in the country we may meet lots of difficulties too.

- Communication and transportation are obstructed by lack of means of transport or by floods in the rainy season.

- Our knowledge is limited by being short of mass media.

- Our social and physical lives are not as comfortable as those in town because of lack of electricity and medical care.

In a nutshell, our love for town life or country life depends on our outlook and age. As for me, I always prefer rural life to urban life.

Describe your first day at school as a child

There are such moving incidents in our lives that we can never forget. As for me, the most remarkable event in my life is the memory of my first day at school.

That morning, after waking me up earlier than usual, my mother helped me wash my face and get dressed. The school things bought by my mother the previous day were put carefully in the new brown leather schoolbag.

On the way to school, my mother tenderly held my hand and looked at me fondly. The road to school now seemed quite strange to me although in my childhood I rambled along it so many times! The other children of my own age, in new clothes like me, were timidly accompanied by their parents to school. A strange and inexplicable feeling bloomed in my heart. Then I had a feeling of worry and fear when I caught sight of the imposing and gigantic elementary school in front of me: It looked so majestic in its new colors. The schoolyard was packed with pupils and their parents. The old pupils were playing with marbles or with spinning tops, running up and down, talking and laughing merrily. The headmaster and the teachers, neatly dressed, were standing under the school verandah.

Suddenly there echoed the sounds of a drum in my heart.

We were all ordered to stand in line before the flagstaff to salute the colors. When the flag salute was over, we by turns went into our classrooms. A young and mild-looking teacher greeted us at the door. And in a gentle voice he taught us the first lesson.

1.    Would you like a job in a company or have own business?

After graduating from university, applying  for a job in a good company is so difficult. But I would rather apply to a post in a company than have my own business. Firstly, as a newly graduated student, I think that I don’t have enough experience, capital as well as knowledge to set up my own business. Setting up my own business at this time can be risk. Secondly, when I work in a company, I ‘ll have opportunity to be challenged in a real working environment . Sometimes, I must  work under stress to meet the target  or unluckily, I must work with a bully, but all of it will become very helpful experience in my life. Thirdly, I’ll learn more from my colleagues at work. They will teach me how to complete the work perfectly and also show me the way to become a good colleague to other people. Some people often think that working for a company is restrictive because you always  go to work on time, execute your boss’ orders without complaint or delay. However, why don’t you think that such strict rules will help you cultivate yourself. They are not only good for supporting your personality but also good for your future, if you want to have your own business. Morever, when  I  work for a large company, I will never live in fear of losing my job if there is downturn in the economy. Instead of that, I always believe that the more I try, the more I have a good prospect . For all of aboving reason, I am sure that work in a company is more stable than having own business.

2.    Where would you like to live and work after your  graduation, hometown or a big city?Why?

After my graduation, I would like to live and work in a big city. I think that so many people also have the same decision with me because there is a conspicuous difference between  two lives. When I graduating from university, I have tried beginning my life in my hometown but after that, I realize I want to come back to city. Firstly, the economy in a big city is growing fastly, so it makes people to work harder and more positive. Thera are more opportunity to find a good job with high salary in a big city than in hometown. It can be said that living and working in a big city has so many difficulties but it also makes motivation to strive. Secondly, the quality of life in a city is important aspect. In a big city, information, transportation, entertainment… is certainly better than hometown. Especially, when having family, living in a big city will bring so many benefits. My children will be approached an advanced education, my life will have more facilities, my work will have better prospect, my health will be better cared . I think however I choose to live in city or in hometown can’t say I love your hometown or not. I very like the pure atmosphere and friendly people in hometown, and I hope my successful life in city can help my hometown develop.

3.    What’s your major?

My major is information technology. Our major’s task is to learn about computer and  software.  Computer always need a private language to understand and carry out, so my major can be said to be quietly complex. But I’m very interested in learning it. I think that information is always up-to-date, so working with information helps us capture all aspect of life faster and more effective. Besides that, I feel very happy to see that computer programs are used in many fields such as management, education, economy, army… Unless we had information technology, we would  manage to complete statistics, we would have difficulties when data changes, we would spend so much time contacting with others and we would not listen to music, chat or play interesting games, we would not have so many ways to approach information. Today, information technology is growing rapidly to meet the need of society. Pursuing this major, I’ll become a technician to support the development. With information technology, I not only do my favorite job and enrich but also bring benefit to everyone.

Topic 1: describe your first day at school as a child

The first day I go to school. It was a very sunny day as I remember. My mother  woke me up earlier than unsual, and helped me to wash my face, and get dressed. Everything was prepaired by my mother, I just took the school bag then went to school. On the way to school, my mother tenderly held my hand looked at me fondly.The road to school now seemed quite strange to me although in my childhood I rambled along it so many times! The other children of my own age, in new clothes like me, were timidly accompained by their parents to school. I had a feeling worry and fear when I caught sight of the imposing and gigantic elementary school in front of me. The first time, I met my teacher, not like other child who usually think their teacher are very beautiful, I just thought she was so strict and I was afraid of her. I really hoped that I could come home as soon as well. I think I was very scared and I didn't want to come there anymore.   It was so funny?

Topic 2 : describe your favorite hobby

My favourite sport, Soccer, evokes extra ordinary passion. It lends itself to a competition of national teams because it requires an extraordinary combination of individual skill, teamwork and strategic sense.

As an avid soccer player, great enthusiast and passionate admirer of soccer’s greatest sensations who displayed their skills on the fields while the world watched with bated breath made this summer a memorable one. As I readied myself, in common with millions around the globe, for the world cup, I was assailed by reflections of how large a part this sport has played in my own life.

My favourite sport has evoked my deepest interest and passion for the intrinsic advantages it has. It lends itself to a competition of national teams because it requires an extraordinary combination of individual skill, teamwork and strategic sense. Soccer itself is an art rather than a science as is exemplified by the craft of great players like Zinadine Zidane (France) or Dennis Bergkamp (Netherlands), the guile of Diego Maradona (Argentine), the precision of Ruud Van Nistelrooy (Netherlands), the flair of Ronaldinho (Brazil) or the speed of Michael Owen (England).

Soccer perfectly reflects my personality. It is all about attitude and effort. The more high strung, on the edge, the harder I play. Feeling the dirt, rocks, water or sand beneath my feet and hands and having the wind on my face makes me feel alive. This sport has made me exhilarated, tough minded, assertive, emotionally stable and self confident. Owing to my aggressive attitude, I command the right wing of my company team in corporate tournaments.

I admire soccer because anything achievable by human foresight, careful preparation and hard work is accounted for. Like an effective soccer player, I am highly skilled, physically fit, and capable of making good decisions throughout the course of a game (project/problem). Elite players consistently achieve peak performances despite changing competitive circumstances ...

Topic 3: which season of the year do you like best? Why?

My favorite season is summer. I love watching the sun rise over the ocean in summer. I love a tall cold drink on a hot day; I love the smell of rain, the sound of thunder, the flash of lightning, the feel of warm water running down the back of my neck when I get caught in a sudden downpour. Summer is generally known to be the season which has the hottest and longest days in a year. The summer nights are usually smaller than those of winter. It is a very good season for outdoor activities like vacationing, swimming or simply lazing on the beach. Various tropical summer fruits like pineapples, watermelons, mangoes, berries, melons, and vegetables are abundant in summer. Have you see that summer is great?

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