anika emotional turmoil

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Anika is sitting in her living area with her friend when Jatin comes drunk and starts misbehaving with Anika.
Anika – Leave my hand and get out.
Jatin – Anika stop it, This is what your father taught you, to misbehave with your would be husband. I think I have to teach you a lot of things.
Ani – Just leave, you are nobody to me, I dont want any relation with a cheap man like you.
Hearing this Jatin pushes Anika hard, she was about to fall on the floor when Shivay held her and made her stand properly and ask if she is alright, Anika says yes and Shivay then stares angrily at Jatin and beats him really hard and ask Jatin to leave and never show his face again. Jatin leaves.
Shivay – Anika pack your bags, you are now going to stay at OM.
Anika – But..(She was cut of by Shivay)
Shivay – Anika enough, I dont want to hear anything, go and pack your things, now i cant leave you alone in this place.
Anika unwillingly goes to her room and after some time comes out with her bag. Both Shivay and Anika leaves for OM. On the way Shivay called Prinku and tells her about bringing Anika to OM and ask her to come to OM and even bring Sara with her.
Shivay and Anika reaches OM.
Shivay with ANIKA ENTERS OBEROI MANSION. Prinku has already arrived at OM with Sara.
Prinku – Welcome Anika. Im glad that you agreed to come to OM.
Anika – Thank you Mrs RAndhawa for everything.
Prinku – Anika you are like my sister so call me by my name or call me Prinku as Bhaiya calls me.
Anika – Okay Prinku. (Ani said this smiling at Prinku, Prinku also smiled and hugged her).
Just then Sara comes running to her daddy and Shivay picks her up in his arms.
Shivay – How is daddy's princess?
Sara – Im good daddy, Im so happy to be back, I really missed you.
Shivay – I missed you too daring and look who is here(Showing Anika to Sara)
Sara – oh Anika aunty, Hello. How are you?
Anika smiled at Sara and said – Hello dear, Im alright, How is my angel?
Sara – Im good aunty.
Sara then sees Anika's luggage and asked Shivay
Sara – Daddy why has aunty here with this bag. Is she going somewhere and came to meet us and say good bye?
Shivay – No beta, Anika aunty is not going anywhere, She is here with her bag because now she will be staying with us in OM.
Sara gets confused by her daddy's reply bec till now she has never seen anyone, especially any woman (other than Prinku) coming to stay at OM.
Sara – But daddy who is she to us? Why will she stay with us?
Anika who was standing there and hearing to Sara had tears coming from her eyes after listening to Sara's questioning to Shivay about her. Shivay looked at Anika and felt bad and said to Sara
Shivay – Sara this is very bad, see aunty got hurt because of you.
Sara – Daddy I just asked who is she.
Shivay – Sara she is daddy's friend and will stay in OM from now on and now no more questions.
(AN – Guys Sara is small so Shivay didnt want to tell her about Anika's loss and pain so he said that she is here as his friend. I do agree that they have just became friends but he brought her in OM as his responsibility and not as a friend.)
Sara could not believe what her daddy said, she could not believe that her daddy brought a female friend to stay with them at OM. She said nothing and went to her room looking sadly at Shivay.
Prinku and Shivay apologies to Anika and Prinku takes Anika to the room where Anika would stay and ask her to get fresh and come for lunch. Anika agrees and Prinku leaves the room.

Here Sara is sitting sadly and thinking about Anika's arrival. Just then Shivay comes in her room and sees her sitting sadly.
Shivay – Sara my jaan are you angry with daddy?
Sara – Daddy can I ask one question?
Shivay – Sure baby, hit me with your question.
Sara – Daddy are you going to marry Anika aunty and make her my new mumma?
Shivay was shocked hearing Sara's question. He went near Sara and took Sara in his arms and said
Shivay – Nahi beta, why did you say like that, She is just here as your Anika aunty and cannot take your mumma's place. Im not marrying again to anyone.
Sara – Promise daddy that you will never bring a new mumma for me.
Shivay – I promise I will never do anything if you are against it.
Sara gets happy and kisses her daddy on his cheek and says Thank you. Shivay then takes Sara with him for lunch.
Anika and Prinku are already sitting on the table when Shivay comes with Sara. Shivay makes Sara sit next to him.
Sara – Anika aunty Im sorry for hurting you, you are really nice, will you forgive me and be my friend?
Anika smiles at Sara and says – Sure darling I will love to be your friend and I have forgiven you a long back, How can I not forgive such an angel.
Sara gets happy and says – Thank you aunty.
Shivay and Prinku are also happy seeing Anika happy and coming out of her pain.
Shivay starts making Sara have her lunch and makes her eat by his hand. Anika who is looking at them feels bad and miss her papa and within a few minutes ran back to her room. Everyon else think what has happened to her.
Sara – Daddy why did Anika aunty leave, Is she still sad because of me?
Shivay – Beta you dont worry and eat your lunch. I will go and bring her back.
Shiavy goes to Anika's room and sees her sitting on the bed and crying holding her father's photo.
Shivay – Anika what is this, why are you crying, please stop crying, its not good for your health.
Anika(while crying) – Mr Oberoi how can I not cry, In 2 days I lost everything, my world got finished, How will I survive now
Shivay(Feeling bad for her)- Anika stop saying such things, you cant break like this, be brave, you have a full life ahead, If you will cry your dad who is seeing you from heaven would not like it.
Anika – Why should only I think about papa, he never thought how will I live without him and left me, giving my responsibility to someone(Shivay) who is a complete stranger to me and for whom Im a nobody.
Saying this she stood from the bed and then sat on the floor crying loudly. Shivay who was standing near her couldnt see her crying and made her stand by holding her arms, Anika stood up and looked at Shivay who was still holding her by her arms and was asking her to handle herself. Anika couldnt control further and hugged Shivay and continued crying keeping her head on his shoulder. Shivay couldnt understand how to make her stop crying, hugged her back and rubbed his hand on her head and asked her to relax. After a few minutes of crying, Anika fainted, still hugging him. Shivay took Anika in his arms and made her rest on the bed.
All this was witnessed by Sara who came to call them for lunch and saw her daddy hugging Anika and picking her up in his arms. Sara was really angry seeing her daddy with an another woman. She had tears following down her cheeks.

Precap – Sara shouting on Shivay and Anika, Shivay slapping Sara and Anika consoling Sara.

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