anika is hurt!

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Recap – Tia enters again in Shivay's life after 10 years, She is back from London leaving her husband(Dushyant) and son(Ishaan) in London only. She tells Shivay that she is divorced now and Shivay sympathizes with her and takes her to OM where Tia meets Prinku. Prinku is not at all happy seeing Tia back.

Scene starts when Shivay and Tia arrives at OM and Prinku meets Tia. Just then Sara comes running after seeing Shivay back from office.
Sara(Happily)- Oh daddy you are back
Shivay(Picking Sara up in his arms) – Yes darling, How was your day
Sara – Great
Tia smiles looking at Sara
Shivay(To Tia)- Tia she is Sara, my daughter and my world
(AN – Guys since Tia had left the country 10 years ago and Sara ia just 7 so Tia and Sara havent met each other)
Shivay(Putting Sara down)- Beta say hello to aunty
Sara(Going near Tia) – Hello aunty
Tia(Cupping Sara's face)- Hello meri jaan, see what I got for you(Taking out some chocolates out from her bag)
Sara(Happily accepting the chocolates)- Thank you aunty
Saying this Sara leaves from the living area.
Prinku – Bhaiya you chat with Tia, I will go and set the table for lunch.
Shivay – Sure Prinku.

Today Anika is preparing the lunch. She is working when Prinku comes in.
Anika – Prinku just a minute more, everything is done.
Prinku(Inhaling the aroma of the food)- Waao Anika you are so good in it, I cant wait to eat.
Anika(Smiles at Prinku's compliment)- Hope you and everyone else will like it.
Prinku – Im sure we will love it but yaar you really dont had to do all this, you should just relax and tell the maids and the cooks whatever you wish to have and they will make it.
Anika – Arre Prinku I was getting really bored so I thought to make the lunch myself and look today Mr Oberoi's friend is also there so dont you think we should serve her good.
Prinku – No Anika that friend of bhaiya is not someone special, Infact I really dont like Tia, you know she is behind bhaiya since their college days and wanted to get married to bhaiya but thank god bhaiya got saved from her.
Anika – Why are you saying all this about her, Is she not good?
Prinku – Anika dear its just that her way of style and living is very different from ours, Tia is very open and bold, She gets free with almost every man she meets and I find her totally senseless. But Anika you know I really like you and I want you to be like this forever.
Anika – Prinku you are saying this about me because you love me.
Prinku – Anika you are a darling. Acha now lets go and see what bhaiya nd Tia are doing.
Prinku calls the maid and ask her to set the table for lunch and goes out to the living area with Anika.
In the living area Prinku and Anika finds Shivay and Tia nowhere and Sara sitting on the sofa and playing with her doll. Prinku and Anika goes and sits near Sara.
Prinku – Sara jaani where is your daddy and Tia aunty?
Sara – Bua daddy went to his room to change leaving Tia aunty here with me but she too went to daddy's room after he went.
Prinku – Okay beta you go and wash your hands and come for lunch.
Sara leaves with her doll.
Prinku(Annoyed) – Oh God what is happening in this house, Anika I really dont like Tia getting so free in this house. Yaar will you do me a favour?
Anika – Prinku you dont have to ask me, tell me what do I have to do?
Prinku – Anika just go to bhaiya's room and tell him that the lunch is served and that Im calling him for lunch.
Anika(Hesitantly )- Prinku how can I go in his room?
Prinku – Anika just go and tell him what I have told you. I will go and see whether Sara has washed her hands or not.
Saying this Prinku leaves and Anika starts moving slowly towards the stairs to go to Shivay's room.
@SHIVAY'S ROOM(Guys imagine Shivay's room in the serial)
Tia is sitting on an arm chair near the window while Shivay is standing nearby and looking outside at the pool area while listening to some old song. Tia is sitting and seemed bored.
Tia(Totally bored) – Shivay baby do you even understand such songs?
Shivay – Tia if Im listening to them then isn't it obvious that I also understands them and as far as I remember I had sent you a mix of these evergreen songs in a CD. I believe by now you must have thrown it.
Tia(Getting up from the chair and coming near Shivay)- Shivay baby how can you think that I will throw something which you have given to me, you know I still have all the gifts which you have given me since our college days.
Shivay listening to Tia gives her a fake smile(Dar gaya mera SSO after listening to this pagal Tia)
Tia(continue speaking)- Shivay baby the place which you have in my heart and life cant be given to anyone, even Dushyant cant take that place. Dont know when will you understand my feelings.
Shivay is speechless and is blankly looking at Tia.
Tia holds Shivay's arm and says – Shivay baby was I so bad that u couldnt give me a place in your life?
Shivay(Holding Tia by her arm)- Tia its not like.....
Just then Anika enters the room and sees Shivay and Tia holding each other(by their arms) and feels awkward. Shivay and Tia also looks at Anika. Shivay realizes Anika's awkwardness and removes his hand from Tia's arm.

Shivay(Embarrassed and trying to explain himself)- Anika look...
Anika(cutting Shivay)- Mr Oberoi the lunch is served, Prinku is calling both of you for lunch.
Shivay – Okay Anika, Lets go Tia.
Tia(Annoyed) – Dont you have manners to knock before entering in someone's room?
Anika(Politely) – I did knock but you both were busy.
Shivay looked at Anika after what she said.
Tia – Oh really you knocked and didnt get a response from inside so dont you think that you should not have entered and gone back.
Shivay – Tia its okay, stop it now.
Tia – Shivay you dont know these 'maids'.
Anika feels sad and get tears in her eyes after Tia called her a maid. Shivay looks at Anika and feels sorry for her. Anika runs out from the room.
Tia(after Anika went off)- Oh God what wrong with this maid, Why did she run like this
Shivay(Annoyed at Tia for calling Anika a maid and making her sad)- Tia she is not our maid, She is Anika, my late accountant's daughter.
Tia(Feeling no remorse for calling Anika a maid)- So what is she doing here?
Shivay – I will tell you about her later, now lets go and have lunch, everyone must be 

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