anika sara bonding

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Sara(coming to Anika)- Anika aunty I know you must be angry with me but will you please forgive me for everything I did today, Im really sorry for misbehaving with you and daddy.
Anika(Holding Sara by her shoulders)- Sara you dont need to apologize to me, I can never be angry with an angel like you. Now smile and go and play with Aman. I will bring tea for Bua(Prinku) and juice for you and Aman.
Sara(Feeling Relaxed) – Thank you aunty. Bua where is daddy, I have to apologize to him also.
Prinku – Beta daddy had gone to office, he had an important meeting, He will be back soon. You dont worry and go and play.
Meanwhile Anika goes to kitchen to bring tea and juice. Prinku with Sara goes to the garden.
Sara is happily playing football with Aman while at a distance Prinku is sitting on the garden chair under a shade. Just then Anika comes there with tea and juice. She call the kids for having juice and goes to Prinku and keeps the tray on the table and sits on the chair with Prinku. The kids also come and sits with them and starts having their juice, while Anika and Prinku are having tea. Just then Shivay comes from the office and joins them.
Shivay – Oh waao hello everyone, whats happening?
Prinku – Come and have tea with us.
Anika makes tea for Shivay and gives him. Shivay thanks her.
Sara – Daddy after what I did today, I know you will not talk to me and will not forgive me but daddy Im really sorry for hurting you, Anika aunty told me that after mumma, Im the only girl you loved and cared for but see what I did, I made you hate me, Im sorry daddy, please forgive me. (Saying this she started crying)
Shivay(With tears in his eyes and making Sara sit on his lap)- My baby please dont cry, daddy hates seeing tears in your eyes, see even daddy is having tears in his eyes after seeing your tears. Please stop crying and Sara how can you even think that daddy can hate you, Im living only because you are there with me, you are the reason of my life so how can I hate the one who makes me feel alive, daddy loves you the most, for me nothing can ever be more precious than my darling daughter.
Saying this he kisses Sara on her forehead and tears are now flowing out of his eyes and coming down his cheeks.. Sara too is crying by hugging her daddy tightly. Anika and Prinku are also having tears in their eyes after listening to both Sara and Shivay and seeing their bond.
Sara(Calming herself) – Daddy look Im not crying, you also please dont cry(She wipes Shivay's tears with her little fingers). Daddy please stop crying, brave people dont cry and you are the bravest so how can you cry, see everyone(Prinku, Anika and Aman) is looking at you and they will make fun of you, so now dont cry.
Shivay after listening to his Princess's innocent talks smiles and hugs her tight and then ask her to happily go and play with Aman. Sara goes to play.
Shivay(after having water)- Anika Im sorry again, Look Sara is not like the way she behaved with you today in the afternoon, she is really friendly but takes time to accept someone new. Im sure she will be comfortable with you soon and thank you for making Sara understand her mistake.
Anika – Mr Oberoi you dont have to apologize or thank me, she is a child and I can totally understand Sara's condition. She is an angel and I can never mind or be annoyed with her, you please dont worry.

Shivay smiles listening to Anika. Prinku after listening to Shivay and Anika's conversation smiles thinking about something.
Shivay – Acha Prinku I have to go for a dinner with my clients so is it possible for you to do a night stay today in OM?
Prinku – Sorry Bhaiya I wont be able to stay at OM, Ranveer's mom(Guys in my FF Kamini is really sweet and loving) has invited us for dinner tonight. But if you allow then I can take Sara with me, I will drop her tomorrow.
Shivay – Nahi Prinku thanks but there is no need to take Sara, you go and enjoy.
Anika(after listening to their conversation)- Mr Oberoi you can trust on me, dont worry, you go, I will look after Sara.
Shivay – Anika its not that I cant trust you or I dont trust you but Im little scared of Sara's mood and behaviour towards you after the afternoon's incident.
Anika – Mr Oberoi you please dont worry, Me and Sara will enjoy and you wont get any complain.
Shivay(after thinking)- Okay Anika if you say then I will leave Sara with you but if at all she misbehaves then please call me without any hesitation. Maid will be there with you so you dont have to do any work, just relax.
Anika – Sure Mr Oberoi.
Prinku – Oh thaats good, problem solved, thank you Anika. Bhaiya now I should leave otherwise I will get late, Bye Bhaiya, Bye Anika. Please take care of Sara.
Prinku calls Aman and after giving Sara a good bye kiss she leaves with Aman.
Shivay leaves for dinner.
After Shivay leaves for dinner, Sara comes to her room and starts playing with a doll. She is thinking herself as a mother and the doll as her daughter.
(A.N. – Guys I too have played such games with my dolls a lot, Im sure many of you would have, If yes then do share ur experience and feelings in the comment)
Sara(while holding the doll like a baby in her arms)- No beta, why are you crying, see mumma is here with you.
While Sara is busy playing, Anika enters in the room(Sara didnt notice Anika) and starts looking at the little Sara in her" mumma avatar".
Sara(still playing and holding the doll in her arms)- Tell me why are you crying, are you hungry, beta even Im hungry, wait I will see why didnt aunty(the maid) brought the dinner for us.
Anika who was continuously watching Sara playing with her doll, now starts laughing at her antics and innocence. Sara listening to the laughter looks at her back and sees Anika looking her her.
Sara – What are you doing here, do you want something?
Anika(No longer laughing) – Beta I just came to check on you, I asked the maid to bring your dinner, I will make you eat the food.
before Sara could reply or say something, a maid brings dinner for Sara.
Anika – Yeah give the plate to me, I will make Sara have her dinner.
Before the maid could give the plate to Anika, Sara speaks
Sara – Shanti aunty(Maid) will you make me have my dinner, Im really hungry.
Anika didnt want Sara to spoil her mood so she didnt argue and ask Shanti to make Sara eat the dinner, Shanti goes and sits near Sara(she is sitting on the carpet and playing) and starts making Sara eat her food. Anika takes a chair and sits near them and sees Sara having her food.
Sara(In a low voice to Shanti while having dinner) – Aunty when will Anika aunty leave my room
Shanti – Beta she will leave as soon as you finish your food.
Anika smiles at Sara

(Guys Anika can clearly hear their conversation)
sara – Shanti aunty will you tell me a story after I finish my food.
Shanti – Beta I dont know any story.
Sara(Sadly) – Oh but without listening to any story I wont be able to sleep, Daddy might get late and even Bua is not here, how will I sleep, who will tell me the story.
Anika(After listening to Sara) – If you want then I can tell you the story, I know many of them.
Sara(Getting excited and coming to Anika) – Really Anika aunty, will you tell me the stories
Anika(Happily)- Yeah angel I will surely tell you a story but only after you finish your food.
Sara after listening to anika's condition, ran towards Shanti and asked her to make her eat the dinner fast as she cant wait to listen the stories.
Shanti after making Sara finish the food left the room, leaving Sara with Anika.
Sara – Anika aunty look I had my dinner, now please start telling me the stories.
Anika – Sara dear before I start the story, you go and change your clothes and put on your night suit.
Sara(Impatient to listen the stories)- Aunty I will change after listening the story, Please I want you to start telling me the story.
Anika(Smiling at Sara) – Okay darling, hop on the bed.
Sara jumped on the bed and lied down, Anika covered Sara with the blanket and started telling her the story.

Shivay comes back from the dinner and called Shanti.
Shivay – Shanti did Sara and Anika had their dinner?
Shanti – Yes Sir, They both had their dinner.
Shivay – Thats good, so where are they and did Sara slept?
Shanti – Sir I asked and tried making Sara sleep after dinner only but she didnt slept and she asked me to tell her stories but I dont know any stories.

Anika is still telling stories to Sara and Sara is happily listening the stories.
Anika(after finishing the current story)- Sara thats all for today, see its late now and you should sleep before your daddy comes, go and put on your night suit, I will make you sleep.
Sara(Who wanted Anika to tell more stories, said unwillingly)- Okay Anika aunty, thank you for telling me so many stories, you sit, I will change and come
Saying this Sara went, After a minute she comes back and looks at Anika whose back is on Sara's side. Sara silently goes near Anika and throws a plastic lizard(a toy) on Anika. Anika saw the plastic lizard on her lap and thought it to be a real lizard and without realizing that its fake, she panicked and shouted on top of her voice.
Shivay who was on the stairs, coming to check on Sara heard Anika's shout and got tensed and ran to Sara's room. While in Sara's room, Anika realized that it was a fake/plastic/toy lizard and saw Sara laughing at her and understood that Sara has done a prank on her. Before Anika or Sara could say anything, Shivay entered in the room.
Shivay(Worried and Tensed)- What happened, Is everything alright?
Sara got tensed, fearing that Anika will complain to Shivay about her prank and Shivay will scold Sara again. Anika looked at Sara and understood her fear.
Anika(To Shivay)- Nothing Mr Oberoi everything is alright.
Shivay – Really? Then why did you shout?
Anika – Actually Mr Oberoi I was telling a horror story to Sara and we both got scared and because of the fear I shouted.
Listening to Anika, Sara looked at Anika and was feeling bad and guilty for doing such pranks on her .
Shivay – What, you were telling Sara horror stories? How can you do this Anika, you look sensible then how can you do such things, dont you see that Sara is a child and such stories may impact her badly. From now on please keep this in mind and Im taking Sara to sleep with me in my room, you too go and take rest.
Shivay picks up Sara in her arms and is about to leave the room when suddenly Shivay saw the plastic lizard on the bed and gets to know the reality, he realized that how beautifully and smartly Anika saved Sara. Shivay felt bad for scolding Anika for a thing which she never did and now he couldnt face Anika after knowing the reality and left the room after saying good night to Anika. Sara while leaving sadly looked at Anika because today Anika saved her and got Sara's share of scolding from Shivay.
Screen freezes on Anika's sad face.

Precap – In morning Prinku gives Anika some clothes from Amber's wardrobe and ask her to wear them, Anika wears them and comes to the dinning area for breakfast where Sara sees Anika in her mother's clothes and behaves rudely with Anika, asking her to give her mother's clothes back. Shivay and Prinku try to handle Sara.

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