shivay shocked...!

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Ishaan(Tia's Son)is sitting in his room and is crying holding Tia's photo.
Ishaan – Mom where are you, Please come back soon, I really miss you, Dont you miss you, you havent even called once, Please come back, I promise to be a good a boy.
Dushyant who had come to Ishaan's room to see him heard everything and goes to hug his crying son.
Dushyant(Thinking) – Tia please dont do this with your child.


Shivay comes back from office and sees Anika, Sara, Prinku and Aman sitting in the living room. Prinku is reading some magazine while Sara and Aman are doing some drawing and Anika is helping them with it.
Shivay – Hello all.
Prinku – Hello bhaiya, you are really late today.
Shivay – Yeah Prinku, I had a lot of work today.
Prinku – Shall I ask the maid to set the table for dinner?

Shivay – Yeah, Im really hungry.
Prinku was about to get up..
Anika – Prinku you sit and talk, I will go and tell the maids to set the table.
Prinku smiles and nods at Anika. Anika leaves.
Shivay(Happily) – What is my superstar doing?
Sara(Going to Shivay with her drawing) – Look daddy what I have made.
Shivay(Seeing the drawing)- So waao darling, it is such a beautiful family that you have drawn. Whose family is it and who are these people?
Sara – Daddy you tell me, just guess.

Shivay – Okay let me guess. So I think this man over here(Pointing on a man in the drawing) is daddy and this little girl is daddy's princess Sara and this lady over here(Pointing on a lady in the drawing) is...(He looks at Sara and sees her smiling and waiting for his answer) your Anika aunty.
Sara gets delighted after Shivay recognizes/identified every character which she has drawn. Prinku too smiles and seems happy.
Sara – Good job daddy, you have correctly identified everyone in my drawing.
Shivay smiles at his daughter and picks up her and takes her for dinner. Prinku and Aman too goes with them.

Sara and Aman both have slept in Sara's room. Anika ask Prinku to go and sit with Shivay in the lounge while she gets coffee for all.

Shivay is talking on phone about his next day meetings when Prinku comes and sits next to him. Shivay seess Prinku and finishes the call quickly and keeps the phone.
Prinku – Bhaiya I wanted to talk to you about Sara.
Shivay – Yeah Prinku.
Prinku – Bhaiya have you noticed how much our Sara has changed ever since Anika has come in our lives. Im so glad to see Sara happy and cheerful. Dont you think its all because of Anika?
Shivay(Smiling) – Yeah Prinku I too have noticed the change in Sara, Im really thankful to Anika and happy that she has come in our lives.

Prinku – But bhaiya have you ever thought what will happen to Sara when Anika will go.
Shivay(Confused) – Go? Where is she is going? She is going nowhere.
Prinku – Bhaiya someday she has to go, every girl has to go, we cant stop her and keep her with us always.
Shivay(Unknowingly gets sad) – Did Anika say that she wants to marry and go?
Prinku – No bhaiya she didnt say anything but she has to get married and after that has to leave us.
Shivay(Sadly) – Yeah Prinku but what can we do, When Anika will leave again I have to handle Sara like before.

Prinku(Hesitantly) – Bhaiya why dont you marry Anika?
Shivay(Shocked to death) – What? Prinku what are you saying, Anika is my 'responsibility'.
Prinku – So bhaiya take this responsibility for your whole life, make Anika your responsibility and take care of her forever.
Shivay – Oh God Prinku what are you talking, have you seen me and Anika, we are of no match, im a father to a 7 years old.

Prinku – You are a father of a girl whom Anika considers her life and without whom Sara cant imagine to live. I think Anika is perfect for you and Sara both and there is nothing wrong in it.
Shivay turns to look away from Prinku and is shocked to see Anika standing at the door.
Screen freezes on Shivay's shocked face.

Precap – Shivay experiencing a new feeling, Sara demands something from Shivay which shocks him..

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