what is shivika relationship??

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Prayers of last rites of Mr mehta isgoing on, Ani is lifelessly sitting near her father's body.There are many other people present. Just then vivekhis son,entersthe house and goes near Mm's body and starts shedding crocodile tears. Anika sees them and gets angry but politely ask them to leave. They both tell Anika that they are her family and she should not ask them to leave like this. Anika calls them as her father's murderers, listening to which vivekses his hand to slap Anika but suddenly he feels a strong hold on his hand and sees Shivay holding his hand and standing in front of Anika like a wall, protecting her and angrily looking at him.
Shivay- How dare you? Dont you try to harm Anika thinking that she has no one in the world.
Amit(listening to Shivay)- Well we can see that she is not alone and has got "Someone Special" to take care of her(He said this taunting Anika about her relation with Shivay)
Anika was continuously looking at Shivay with tears in her eyes.
vivek - Who the hell are you?, I will never allow a third person to speak in our matter, Do you understand?
Anika(Shouting at vivek n you  leave right now, I have no relation with you both and so I dont want you to stay in my house and insult my guest(Shivay).
Shivay(To vivekid you hear what Anika said, Its better for you both to leave now.
Amit and vivekes the place, giving an angry look to both Shivay and Anika. Anika and Shivay looks at each other and then Anika goes back to sit with her friends and relatives(females) while Shivay goes near to the males. After sometime her father's body is being carried out of the house for the last rites and Shivay too helps in carrying the body out(Guys I hope you understand what I meant to say). Outside at some place, Anika was asked by one of her family friend to come forward and do the final rites(that is to put fire on the body). Anika comes forward and goes near Shivay who was standing at a side and ask him to accompany her in doing the last rites as her father considered Shivay as his son and even Shivay treated m as his father. Shivay at first ask her to do it alone as she is m's only child and has full rights to do the last rites but on Anika's insistence he agreed and they both together did the last rites. Later in the afternoon the guests went back after blessing Anika. Only Anika, Anika's best friend(Riya) and Shivay is there in the house. Shivay is outside the house bidding goodbye to the guests, Riya is in the living area doing some household work while Anika is resting in her room after crying for so long. Shivay finally comes inside the house and sees Riya working and asks Riya
Shivay(out of concern)- Listen how is Anika now, Did she eat anything?
Riya -Mr Oberoi she is taking rest in her room and have not eaten anything.
Shivay- oh !! You pls bring some fruits for her, I will go and see how she will not eat.
Saying this Shivay goes towards Anika's room while Riya goes to bring fruits for Ani as Shivay asked her. Shivay goes to Ani's room and sees her crying, sitting on her bed and enters in her room.
Shivay – Anika please stop crying, you have been crying since so long, its not good for your health to cry so much and maid told me that you havent had anything, Please have something.
Anika(While crying) – Mr Oberoi how can I stop crying and how can I eat, My world has ended, Papa left me, he didnt even thought how will I live without him(Saying this she started crying loudly)

Listening to Anika, Riya came running into her room and consoled her. Shivay was sad to see Anika crying and missing her father. He went out and sat in the living area while Anika and Riya were in the room. While sitting, Shivay thought to call and check on Sara. He called Prinku
Shivay – Hello Prinku how is everything, How is Sara?
Prinku – Bhaiya all is well, Sara is playing with Aman, you dont worry about her. How are you, How is Anika, Hope her father's last rites was properly done.
Shivay – Prinku Im okay but Anika is crying non stop and im really feeling bad for her, just worried seeing her like this. Im still at her place.
Prinku – Bhaiya pls take care of her, she has no one in this world, we have to stand by her. Pls tell her to come to Oberoi Mansion, she will like being there.
Shivay – Yeah I will ask her again to come with me and will let you know. Prinku can you call Sara, I want to talk.
Prinku – okay bhaiya(Saying this she calls Sara and gives her the phone)
Sara – Hello Daddy
Shivay – Oh Hello, Daddy's girl, How are you, hope you are enjoying with Aman and all.
Sara – Daddy Im fine and Im enjoying but I miss you so much, Please take me back with you.
Shivay – Princess even daddy misses you very much and I promise that I will soon come and bring you back to OM. Till then beta be a good girl and enjoy yourself. Love you beta.
Sara – Okay daddy, I will be waiting for you, Bye and I love you the most.
Shivay – I love you the most, Bye and Take care.
Shivay keeps the phone and goes to check Anika and sees Anika sitting quitely with Riya.
Shivay – Anika I think you should listen to me and come with me to OM. Its not safe for you to stay alone in this house and you might not be knowing but my relation with your father was much more than just of an employer and an employee. He was like my father and has always supported and cared for me and my family. I could never be helpful to him in his lifetime but now i want to fulfill the "responsibility" which he gave to me while dying.
Anika – Mr Oberoi I know what relation you and papa had and also Im thankful to you for whatever you have done for me in the last 2 days but Im not your "responsibility" and please you dont be worried about me. I know papa was close to you and so he gave my responsibility to you and at that time even you couldnt have said no to him.
Shivay- Anika its not like that. Even if in his lifetime he would have asked me to do something for him, I would have happily agreed. Look you are not in a condition to understand all this so please listen to me and do as I say, come with me to OM.
Anika – Mr Oberoi Im really thankful to you but I wont go anywhere leaving this house, This house has papa's fragrance and essence, Here I feel that he is always around me.
Riya – Mr Oberoi you do worry, I will take care of her and will make her understand. Its really late now, u should go to your house and rest. (Its almost night and Shivay was there since morning)
Shivay – Okay fine I wont insist and this is my card(Taking his card from the wallet and giving it to Anika), call me without any hesitation whenever you need anything.
Anika – Thank you again Mr Oberoi.
Shivay looks at Anika and ask Riya to take complete care of Anika and leaves for OM bidding good bye to both the girls.

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