Chapter - 23

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Manik and Cabir came out of the hospital.
"What's the plan bro?" Cabir said sitting on
the driving seat.
"Let's go to Mayank's flat..!!" Manik said
angrily and sat on passengers seat.
"Are you sure..?" Cabir said doubtly.
"Of course I am sure..!!! Because of him my
Nandini is in this state..!!" Manik shouted.
"I'll kill him..!!"
Cabir was sure that if he will not do as
Manik said then Manik will surely throw him
out of the car. So he quietly turned the car
towards Mayank's flat. They reached there
in no time and Manik almost jumped out of
the car,run towards Mayank's flat.
"Open up the door you moron..!!" Manik
shouted banging on the door.
"Manik relax..!!" Cabir said as he had doubts
that if Manik will keep shouting like this they
will be in trouble because there were also
more flats people must heard the noise.
"I don't have time to be relax..!!" Manik said
still banging the door but Mayank didn't
opened the door.
"Manik I think he is not at home..!!" Cabir
said in a serious tone.
"Then where is he?" Manik was very much
"Wait..!! I have his cell number..!! You know
I have my means to get info..!! So we can
trace his location..!!" Cabir excalimed.
"Do it fast..!!" Manik said hurriedly. After
sometime Cabir become successful in
detecting Mayank's location.
"Q-BAR..!!" Cabir told Manik and they
reached Q-Bar in no time. Manik rushed
towards the gate and Cabir called the police.
Mayank wanted to kill Manik but just
because of Nandini his plan became flop. He
was too much frustrated this time and he
was continuously drinking wine. He was too
much angry on Nandini, he wanted to take
revenge from Manik but because of
Nandini Manik was still alive.He was
thinking about another plan to kill Manik he
didn't even care whether Nandini was alive
or not.His cheeks were still paining because
of Manik's super punch and slaps.That pain
was the main reason which was provoking
Mayank to kill Manik. He was about to drink
another glass when someone grabbed him
with his shirt's collar. In spite of blur vision
he can clearly recognize the person in front
he was none other than "THE MANIK
MALHOTRA". He again laughed and Manik
was fuming with anger.
"Wohoo..!! Manik Malhotra..!! We meet
again..!! You must be coming from your
wife's funeral..!! I am very sorry that she is
dead..!! She was a pure..!!" Mayank said
mockingly but before he could complete his
sentence Manik again punched him hard.
"Mayank Sharma..!! I have a bad news for
you..!! In spite of your bloody acts me and
Nandini we are still together..!! She is
perfectly fine..!!" Manik shouted and slapped
him again.
"Ooo..!! That's sad..!! You are Nandini are
together again but soon you both will not
because I am gonna kill you..!!" Mayank
ended up shouting and punched Manik.
Manik wasn't ready for that punch so he fell
on the floor.
Mayank picked up a Wine bottle to break it
on Manik's head but before he could do
anything Manik got up from the floor and
held his hand. Manik snatched the bottle
from his hand and hit him hard on his head.
He screamed with pain. Manik throw
Mayank on the floor and kept
punching,slapping him while doing this he
was also scolding him. Cabir was watching
all this but he not even once tried to stop
Manik because he knew that if he will try to
stop him that will be a waste of time. Not
only Cabir no one over there tried to stop
them both. Manik made Mayank stand on
his feet and smashed his head again on the
glass window which shattered into pieces.
Now Mayank's head was bleeding Manik
again was about to smash Mayank's head
with another window when police came and
held Manik.
"Mr.Malhotra..!!! Get a grip of yourself..!!
You can't be killer..!!" Policeman shouted
when he saw Manik trying to get out of his
"Ohhh shut up..!! This man tried to kill me
and my wife..!!" Manik shouted.
"I promise you Mr.Malhotra I'll send him to
the gallows myself..!! Trust me..!!" Policeman
again shouted. Cabir came towards Manik
and dragged him out the Bar.
"Manik..!! Bus..!! The most important thing
is Nandini safe now..!! Control your anger
Bro..!! And tu nay suna na what policeman
said now you don't have to worry about
anything..!!" Cabir said assuringly and
Manik just nodded.
Nandini was sleeping and Nayonika was
sitting on a couch near her. Suddenly she
saw Nandini moving in sleep. Nayonika got
up and walked towards her. Nandini was
murmuring something in her sleep but
Nayonika heard it clearly she whispering
"Manik". Nayonika smiled and patted her
head. But slowly Nandini's peaceful
expressions turned to horrified one.
Nayonika became worried. Now Nandini
was shouting Manik's name and she opened
her eyes.
"Manik..!!" Nandini again shouted and got
"Nandu..!! What happened?" Nayonika asked
worriedly cupping her cheeks.
"Mama..!! Mama..!! Manik..? Where is he?"
Nandini again almost shouted.
"Nandini he has to do some important work
that's why he left..!! Bus aata he ho ga.!!"
Nayonika tried to calm her down.
"No..!! Something bad happened to him..!!
You are lieing..!! You are lieing..!! Mjy Manik
k pass jana hai..!!" Nandini again shouted
and tried to get down of the bad.
"Nandini..!! Manik in fine..!! You must have
seen a bad dream honey..!!" Nayonika again
tried to explain her but Nandini wasn't
listening to her. She pull the drip from her
hand which pained her a lot. She pushed
Nayonika aside and got down of the bed.
Nayonika again tried to stop her but Nandini
run towards the room door and was
continuously shouting "Mjy Manik k pass
jana ha..!!". Nayonika immediately called
"Hello Manik? Where are you beta?"
Nayonika asked worriedly.
"Mama I am just stepping in the hospital..!!
Why? Is Nandini ok?" Manik asked
"Wo beta I think she had a bad dream about
you and she had run from the room to find
you..!!" Nayonika was too much worried.
"What? Mama why didn't you stopped
her..!!"Manik shouted from the other side.
"Wo I tried but..!!" Nayonika fumbled but
Manik cut the call.
Nandini run from her room and now she
was in corridor. She was crying
continuously she really had seen a very bad
dream about Manik. In which Mayank had
shoot Manik. She can't lose Manik. Her
wound was paining a lot but in spite of pain
she was running in the corridor many
nurses tried to stop her but she pushed all of
them aside. Pain in wound was unbearable
that because it she was about to fall when
strong pair of arms held her tightly. The
touch was familiar Her Manik..!!
Manik was dumbstruck seeing Nandini
running like this. Her wound was again
bleeding. She hugged him. Manik hugged
her back. And rubbed her back,patted her
head to calm her down although she wasn't
crying now but she was shivering. Everyone
in the corridor was watching the couple.
"Manik..!! Are you ok?" Nandini said
broking the hug. "You know I saw Mayank
he was..!! He was aiming at you..!! And..!!"
Nandini fumbled.
"Shhh..!!" Manik putt his finger on her lips.
"I am ok..!! It was a bad dream honey..!!"
Manik again took her in his embrace. Slowly
he lifted Nandini in his arms and walked
towards her room. She clutched his collars
tightly and snuggled in his embrace,closing
her eyes. Soon he reached to her room and
saw Nayonika standing there worried. She
was about to say something but Manik
gestured her to keep quiet to which
Nayonika nodded. . Manik placed Nandini
carefully on the bed trying his best not to
hurt her but she hissed in pain. Her wound
was bleeding badly. Seeing it Manik
"Nandini..!! Your wound it's bleeding..!! You
wait here I'll call the doctor..!!"Manik was
about to leave but Nandini held his hand.
"Manik please don't go please..!!" Nandini
pleaded.Manik was about to object when
Nayonika interrupted.
"It's ok Manik you stay with Nandini I'll call
the doctor..!!"Nayonika said lovingly and
left shutting the door behind her.
"Tum theek ho na?"Manik asked caressing
her hair to which Nandini just nodded. But
in reality it was paining a lot. She sealed her
lips to stop involuntary screams and turned
her head to hide her tears. But Manik can
sense everything. He himself felt like crying
on her pain.
"Nandu..!! You don't have to hide your pain
from me..!! Share it jaan..!!" Manik said. He
cupped her cheeks and made her face him.
They both look in each others eyes. Manik
slowly bend over her "Let your tears flow..!!
I am here to engulf your pain..!!" Saying that
Manik gently kissed her eyes. Then slowly
and carefully he took her lips in his.Nandini
hands traveled in his hair. Tears of pain
were trickling down from eyes of both of
them. He tasted each corner of the mouth.
Although Manik wasn't hurt physically but
his angel was in pain and it was hurting a
lot more than that. After sometime Manik
felt Nandini breathless because she was too
much weak now to even handle a kiss.
Manik broke the kiss and hide his face in
her hair Nandini arched her neck to give
him more access.
"I love you Nandini..!! I love you so
much..!!" Manik whispered in her ear.
"I know..!! And I love you too...!!" Nandini
also whispered and wrapped her arms
around him. They stayed like this for
"Manik..!!" Nandini said lovingly.
"Hmm..!!" Manik said still inhaling her hair
"Is there any option that we stay like this
forever?" Nandini asked innocently and
Manik chuckled.
"Why..?" Manik asked amusingly.
"Because I want to die in your arms..!!"
Nandini said lovingly. Manik who had his
eyes closed shoot open. He came out of her
hair and look at her in disbelief.
"What nonsense are you talking Nandini..?"
Manik asked angrily.
"It's not nonsense Manik..!! It's reality na..!!
Someday I have to die right? Then at that
time I want to die in your arms..!!" Nandini
said sadly.
"Shut up..!! Don't you dare to say stuff like
that..!! Nothing will happen to you...!! I will
never ever let anything happen to you..!!"
Manik said possessively and now he
had tears in his eyes which were threaten to
fall down.
"Acha..!! Sorry..!! I am sorry..!! Please don't
cry please..!!" Nandini said cupping his
cheeks and again made him hide his face in
her hair. Manik held her tightly he was
again sobbing Nandini shushed him by
ruffling his hair and by saying sorry
countless times. Suddenly they heard knock
on the door and Manik sit straightly,wiping
his tears. Nayonika came with the Nurse and
the doctor. Manik got up from Nandini's bed
and stood beside her. Nandini was still
holding his hand.
"So Mrs.Malhotra..!! Your wound is bleeding
again...!! We have to change the bandage..!!"
Doctor said smilingly. "Nurse will do this for
you..!! Till then
Mr.Malhotra let's go outside..!! I think we
need to talk..!!" To which Manik nodded.
"No..!! Manik will not go anywhere..!!"
Nandini almost shouted and doctor again
became scared first Manik shouted on him
and now his wife "Oh God save me..!!" He
mentally thought. Nandini's grip on his
hand became more tight. Manik smiled
on her childish acts.
"Nandini..!! Honey I am not going far
away..!! I'll be outside the room..!!
Whenever you feel like just shout my
name..!!" Manik bent down on her and
whispered in her ear.
"I don't like this doctor..!!" Nandini too
whispered in his ear cutely and
Manik suppressed a smile.
"Ok doctor..!! My Nandini is a very strong
girl..!!She will cooperate with the nurse..!!
Right Nandini..?" Manik said loudly this
time. Because he knew after hearing "My
Nandini is a strong girl" she will surely
behave properly with the nurse. And he was
right Nandini bobbed her head in yes and
slowly let Manik's hand go. Manik and
doctor walked outside and Nayonika and
Nurse started helping Nandini.
"Doctor Nandini is fine right..??"
Manik asked doubtly when they came out of
the room.
"I guess Mr.Malhotra..!! But she is too much
weak..!! She has lost a lot of blood although
we had tried to compensate it by giving her
drips but in spite of all this that loss will take
time to heal..!! Moreover the bullet was
stuck in her ribs. She had a fracture in her
ribs..!! Whenever she will laugh loud or will
cough it will be difficult for her to handle..!!
I hope you are getting what I am saying..!!"
Doctor explained professionally and Manik
nodded his head worriedly.
"Ok doctor..!! Now what should I do?" Manik
"Hmmm..!! Extra love and care will help her
heal soon..!! And yeah healthy food..!!"
Saying that doctor smiled and patted his
shoulder. "Relax she will be fine..!! She is
very lucky to have a husband like you..!!
You know who was ready to set my hospital
on fire..!!" Doctor said naughtily and Manik
lowered his head in embarrassment.
"Yeah I am sorry for that misbehave but I
was really very worried that time..!!"Manik
said in a low tone.
"It's ok son..!! I can understand your love
for her..!! Stay blessed..!!" Saying that Doctor
patted his head and went off. Manik smiled
and knocked at Nandini's room door. Nurse
opened the door for him and he saw
Nandini with a new hospital dress and
bandage. He walked towards her and held
her hands. Nayonika sat on the couch and
Manik sat with Nandini. Nurse was
collecting the discarded dress and bandage
in a waste bin.
"So..!! Nurse did my
Nandini cooperated with you..!!" Manik
asked Nurse to lighten up the mood. To
which Nandini made a angry pout and
Nurse smiled.
"Yes Mr.Malhotra your wife was
very cooperative..!!" Nurse smilingly left.
"See..!! You have doubt on me..!!" Nandini
said angrily and Manik laughed on her
"No I have no doubt me just confirm kar
raha tha..!!"Manik said naughtily and
Nandini hide her face in his arms. Nayonika
was watching all this and continuously
praying to God to always bless her children.
"Nandini..!! I have informed your Bhaiya
and Bhabhi about all this..!!" Nayonika said
and Nandini looked towards her.
"But Mama..!!" Nandini objected.
"No buts..!! It's their right to know..!! They
will be here by tomorrow..!!" Nayonika said
in an assuring tone.Nandini just nodded and
again hide her face in Manik's arms.
"Ma..!! I think you should go home..!! I'll
stay with Nandini..!!" Manik said in a low
tone to Nayonika as Nandini was again
falling asleep in his arms.
"Ok I'll come in the morning..!! Till than
take care of her..!!" Nayonika said and
before leaving she kissed Nandini's forehead
and also pecked Manik's and left.
Manik himself rested his back with the bed
board and his angel was lying snuggled to
him. Those few hours were like a movie.
How much he was afraid when he saw
Nandini in blood..!! He thought that he will
lose her but God give him his life back..! He
was thinking all this when Nurse again
knocked at the door.
"Come in..!!" Manik said in loud tone yet not
that loud which wake up Nandini. Nurse
came inside with a soup bowl and some
medicines. She kept them on the side table.
She saw Nandini sleeping.
"Mr.Malhotra wake her up she must have to
drink that soup and take these medicines..!!"
Nurse said obediently.
"Ok..!! I will give it to her you..!! You
leave..!!" Manik said assuringly and Nurse
left. Now it was a difficult task for Manik to
wake Nandini up from her sound sleep. He
didn't want to disturb her but that soup and
medicines were very important for her. He
saw her face she was smiling in her sleep.
He also smiled seeing her like this.
"Nandini..!! Get up..!!" Manik said slowly
waking her up. She moved in sleep and
turned her side to snuggle more in Manik.
Manik again smiled.
"Nandu..!! Come on..!! Open your eyes..!!"
Manik again tried to wake her up and this
time she irritadely opened her eyes. Manik
made her sit properly adjusting pillow
behind her back.
"Not fair Manik..!! I was in a beautiful
dream..!!" Nandini was too much angry and
she made a pout. Manik laughed and picked
up the soup bowl from the table to make her
"Acha what was your dream?" Manik asked
lovingly and made her eat the soup with the
spoon. Nandini gulped it and mad bad face
it wasn't that much tasty or may be because
of her bad condition she was feeling like it
but she didn't complained and kept eating it
as Manik was feeding her she can happily
eat poison with his hands and it was just a
tasteless soup.
"Haan you know that dream was so
beautiful...!!" Nandini again said excitedly
and Manik smiled on her excitement.
"Acha? Phr us dream main me tha?" Manik
asked wiping her lips with Napkin.
"Yes..!! You and me we both were in
Disneyland..!!" Nandini said again with too
much excitement and clapped her hands.
Manik wanted to laugh again but he
controlled himself because he knew Nandini
will surely mind this.
"So what were we doing?" Manik asked
casually and making her eat soup. If
someone else would have heard their
conversation he will surely think of Manik a
fool. But for Manik Nandini's each and every
word was worth listening. He was treating
her like a baby. He knew losing parents in a
young age was very difficult.
"Yup..!! We both were riding on roller
coaster..!!" Nandini again said and her eyes
were shining now. "And you know what?"
Nandini said laughingly.
"What..?" Manik asked placing the bowl on
the table as it was finished. Now he was
picking up the medicines from the table.
"You were screaming with fear..!!
Hahahaha..!!" Nandini again laughed but
this time her rib fracture didn't allow her to
do so and she choked up with pain. Manik
become worried and kept his hand on her
"Are you ok?" Manik asked worriedly.
"I am ok..!!" Nandini said and smiled. Manik
become relax and gave her the medicines.
"Is it paining a lot?" Manik was still
"Not much a little..!!" Nandini said and
smiled. Manik bent ,gently lifted her shirt's
fabric and kissed her ribs to reduce the pain.
Nandini closed her eyes in intimacy.
"And now..!!" Manik asked lovingly looking
in her eyes.
"Ab bilkul bhi ni..!!" Nandini smiled.
Suddenly a wicked idea came in her mind.
"Manik..!!"Nandini said naughtily.
"Haan..!!" Said Manik adjusting himself
again with the bed board.
"My eyes these are too paining..!!" She said
faking a sadness on her face. Manik smiled
and kissed her eyes too.
"And these cheeks..!! Don't know why but
they are also paining..!!" She again said but
this time Manik understood her intentions
"Ok no problem..!!"Manik said smilingly and
kissed her cheeks too.
"And now your lips these are paining too?"
Manik asked naughtily and Nandini
innocently nodded. Manik again smiled and
pecked her lips. Nandini wanted to deepen
the kiss but Manik pulled back early.
Nandini looked at him confusingly.
"Not now Nandini..!! You are too much weak
to even handle a kiss..!!" Manik said lovingly
and Nandini lowered her head. How much he
care about her .She again snuggled herself with
Manik and Manik wrapped his arms around
her. Suddenly she remembered her dream.
"Manik..!! My dream..!! Abhi complete ni
sunaya myny..!" She said angrily.
"Ohhh yeah I was screaming with fear on
the roller coaster then??" Manik asked
"Yeah..!! Then na after getting down of that
ride we saw Mickey mouse he was waving
us..!! I was running to towards him to shake
hand but..!!" Nandini stopped.
"But?" Manik inquired.
"But you woke me up..!!" Nandini said
angrily and Manik again laughed.
"Ok I am sorry..!! I promise when you will
recover I'll take you to the Disneyland..!!
Then you will shake hand with Mickey
mouse..!! OK" Manik said lovingly tucking
her hair behind her ear. And Nandini's eyes
started twinkling.
"You will take me to the Disneyland?" She
asked in disbelief.
"I just said na I promise then what's the big
deal?" Manik asked surprisingly.
"You know Manik that year when Mama
papa died Papa had promised me to take me
to the Disneyland..!! It's my dream to be
there..!!" Nandini said with teary eyes.
"Ooo Nandini I promise I'll make your every
dream come true..!!" Saying that Manik
hugged her.
"I love you Manik..!!" She whispered in his
ears and soon she was fast asleep. Manik
kissed her forehead and he also drifted to

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