Chapter - 8

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It was 8 of night when Nandini heard

car's horn she rushed towards the main

door. She saw Manik getting down his

car. He look at her,again ignoring her he

walked towards him room when he heard

her calling him.

"Mr. Malhotra..!!" Nandini said in a low


"What..??" Manik said without turning.

"Dinner..??" Nandini asked.

"I am not hungry..!!" Manik said in a

sharp voice. And went to his bedroom.

Nandini was again dumbstruck at her

place. Again her eyes filled with tears.

"How could he be so mean..?? At least I

am trying to be nice with him..!! And

he..! He is shaking me away..!!" Nandini

thought "But yesterday when he was

trying to be nice when he praised my

food..!! I also did the same na..??"

Suddenly she felt repent on her words. "I

shouldn't have talked to him like this..!!

He is my savior..!! I think I should say

sorry..!! But wait a minute why am I

feeling bad on his ignorance..?? It's

hardly been two days since we have

married and I..!! Aiyappa..!!" Fighting

with her mind and heart Nandini rushed

towards the room.

When she entered she heard the noise of

shower so he was in bathroom. She sat on

the couch and started practicing how to

say sorry to him. After a lot of struggle

she prepared herself become courageous

suddenly Manik came out of bathroom

wearing a loose trouser with a black vest

seeing angry expressions on his face all

her courage flew away. Manik looked at

her and again ignoring her he sat on his

bed and turned on his laptop for work.

Nandini rushed to the bathroom to avoid

awkwardness.She was continuously

blabbering to her Aiyappa for making

everything so difficult for her. She tried

to pull her strings of her blouse to open

and get changed but again to her bad

luck don't know how but the knot

became untidy and despite of too much

effort she wasn't able to open it.

"Aiyappa..!! Why do I always land up in

trouble? Now what to do...??" She said in

an exhausted tone. Suddenly she thought

of Manik. "No no..!! I can't ask him for

help what would he think about me. But I

don't have any other choice Mama must

be sleeping."

She slowly peep in the room and saw

Manik busy in his work. Gathering all the

courage she called him.

"Mr. Malhotra..!!" She said a little

hesitant. Manik look at her and gave her

a what expression.

"Arrr..wo..!! My blouse strings are

st..stuck..!! So..I...I ne..need you..your

he.." Nandini was too much shy even to

complete her sentence.

Manik froze at his place and surprised by

her shyness. Unintentionally he slowly

walked towards her and noticed her face

which was flushed due to shyness. He

stepped in the bathroom and she moved

backward until her back hit the bathroom

mirror shelf. Manik held her shoulders

and gently pulled her towards him. She

bangged in his rock chest and blush crept

her cheeks. Manik extended his hands

towards the strings,his fingers lightly

brushed her bare back. To which Nandini

gasped and tried hard not to look in his

chocolate eyes but to her dismay the

charm of his eyes was so captive that she

couldn't help herself. Manik gently tried

to untangled the strings again brushing

her bare back with his experienced

fingers and Nandini closed her eyes in

anticipation. She unknowingly held the

strap of Manik's vest. Seeing his effect on

her he smirked and finally done with the

strings thing.

"Done..!!" He slowly whispered in

Nandini's ears in husky voice. Manik's

voice broke her trance and she

immediately left his vest strap and turned

and took a step away from him she was

looking like a red tomato. Manik smiled

at her reaction. And moved towards her.

Slowly he held her bare waist and she

again shut her eyes and dived in a pool

of pleasure. Manik nuzzled his nose in

her thick silky hair inhaling her

fragrance,closing his eyes.

"Manik..!!" She barely whispered unable

to held her moan. Manik's eyes shoot

open in surprise for the first time she

had called him by his name dear LORD..!!

Overwhelmed with joy he immediately

twirled her and again made her face him.

He slowly moved towards her lips and

cupped her face,she felt her legs melting

and for support she held his shoulders

tightly,leaned closer to him. Manik

noticed her lips shivering with desire

which made him get more crazy in his

intentions, he was about to claim her

dainty, fragile and inexperienced lips

with his rough,demanding and

experienced lips when his mobile rang.

Bringing MaNan out of their trance.

Manik immediately rushed out of the

bathroom leaving a hell flushed and shy

Nandini alone. She imagined what was

about to happen she touched her

cheeks,they were burning she quickly

opened the water tap and splashed water

on her face and tried to calm herself


Manik pick up the phone it was of his PA

after discussing things he sat down his

bed and remembered what happened few

minutes back. He don't know why but it

was very difficult for him always when

she is close to him. The urge of touching

her always drive him insane. He roughly

almost pull his hair when he saw her

coming out of the bathroom.She sat on

the couch,they both look at each other

and Nandini again lowered her gaze.

"Ummm Mr.Malhotra..!!" Nandini

hesitantly started the conversation.

Manik sighed hearing ""MR.MALHOTRA""


"I wanted to say sorry for the harsh

words of last night..!!" Nandini added and

without waiting for his answer she lay

down on the couch and pull the blanket

over her. Manik smiled at her and he also

lay down and turn off the lights.


Next morning again Nandini was the first

to got up. She again picked up clothes for

Manik in spite of knowing the fact that

he will not wear them but she did

that and went down to cook

breakfast. Manik got up took a shower he

again saw the clothes already placed for

him this time he smiled and got ready in

those clothes.

Manik came down stairs, Nandini saw

him in the clothes of her choice her heart

pounded out of her chest. MaNan looked

at each other but Nayonika's

presence distracted them both.

"Good Morning Mama..!!" Manik greeted

her and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Good Morning Honey..!!" Nyonika replied

in her ever charming voice.

"Good Morning Nandini..!!" Manik greeted

her too. And Nandini in reply just gave

him a sweet ever loving smile to which

Manik smiled too. Nandini served both of

them breakfast.

"Manik..!!You know yesterday Mr.Sexana

called me and invited me to his success

party. But I excused him and said that my

children will surely come. Party is tonight

you both are going..!!" Nayonika

announced. And MaNan looked at each

other in shock.

"But Mama..!!" Manik tried to protest.

"No if and but..!! Do as i say it's an order"

Nyonika cut him sharply. And Manik

lowered his head.

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