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The sound of wing beats filled the air, several fae carrying nets flew across the ocean. "What's that?"Shrike asks pointing to a dot on the ocean. Udo and Connal flew down, finding a human woman laying unconscious in a boat bound and gagged. "It's a human! Female! She's out cold!"Connal calls looking up. "Well leave her there"Borra scowled. Connal stared at woman, Udo picking her up. "I'll take responsibility for her"Udo promised. He lifted into the air again, carrying the unconscious woman inside their home. "Udo!"Borra yells chasing after him, looking livid. "His temper"Shrike sighed shaking her head as she flew inside with Connal behind her. "Udo will be in trouble if the human is hostile, I hope he knows what he's doing right now"Connal mutters landing then diving down a hole with Shrike.

Udo wrapped a vine around the woman's leg, tying it securely. The woman groaned, making him freeze. She sat up, her hair messy and all over the place. She stared at him, then screamed, Connal peeking in alarmed. He hurried over, landing beside Udo. "We mean you no harm, I am Connal, he's Udo"Connal says hurriedly. "R-Rosebel, that's my name..." She stared at them, her hand reaching towards Udo. She gently touched his cheek, her eyes widening. "You're real, and you're so beautiful, your horns and wings are gorgeous"Rosebel smiled. She looked at the vine and lifted her leg up. "Can you take this off, please?"Rosebel asks. "She means no harm..."Connal mutters. Udo untied the vine, Rosebel standing up. She walked past them, her eyes sparkling in amazement. "Your home is beautiful, absolutely stunningly beautiful!"Rosebel grinned.

"Feels like I'm in a fairytale"Rosebel goes on looking at the two. She sat back down, patting her hands on her legs. "What are you doing?"Udo asks. "I'm your prisoner, aren't I? Shouldn't I be obedient and stay here"Rosebel responds. The two Faes looked at each other, both at a loss for words. "If I may ask, can I have a bite to eat, and some water...."Rosebel says raising her hand. Udo handed her raw fish, alarming the woman. "It should be cooked"Connal says. "It's still food"Udo mutters. Rosebel took a bite out of it, and gagged, forcing herself to swallow. "So good, thank you"Rosebel smiled. "I'll cook that for you"Connal insists taking the fish. Rosebel smiled gratefully, Udo blinking at her. She got to her feet, looking out of the den as Connal flew away. "Your home really is beautiful"Rosebel smiled.

"Thank you"Udo says walking over to stand beside her. She smiled at him, before turning her attention back to the view. "Do you wanna see the rest?"Udo asks. "No thanks, I'm pretty sure the rest of your friends won't like me wondering about freely..also I'm scared of heights, so flying isn't for me"Rosebel responds. Connal swooped in, landing. "Fish"Connal says holding a stick with three fish on it. "Thanks, this is actually the nicest anyone has ever been towards me"Rosebel smiled. "My father wanted son's, he only got one, my mother died when I was eight and my brother left home when I was twelve"Rosebel mutters. "It must've been rough"Connal comments. "Yeah, my Dad wasn't the best but he was my Dad, and you only get one"Rosebel sighed. He patted her head, Udo watching the two silently.

Rosebel leaned back and yawned once she had finished her fish, Connal watching as she laid down. "I'll go talk to Borra, we should set up vine bridges, ropes and nets for her, so she doesn't get hurt"Connal says. "She's staying?"Udo asks his eyes on the sleeping human. "She's got nowhere else to go, so yes, she's staying"Connal responds turning away. Udo nodded, Connal taking off into the air. He looked towards the den entrance, then tented his wing over Rosebel when she started shivering. "Can't get too attached to her"Udo mutters his back facing the sleeping woman.

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