Chapter Nine

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Here was the day Melange and her friends were waiting for. The day of the carnival. The entire Tokyo will be gathering in the carnival for the festival. The grand fire works will be put up too. "Melange"! Rachel called out from her window. She was very excited with the fact that after so many years finally there will be a huge number of people who will be there to hear her and her friends. None of them had ever played in a group before so it is obvious that they were nervous. "Today at midnight". Melange started "is our big event at the carnival". Rachel completed her sentence.

Both of them headed towards their school. Taya was waiting for them near the gate. She was talking to Teiki. "Hello Taya". Rachel waved at her. "Hello Teiki". Melange broke in from behind. "Where is katari-san"? Rachel asked. "Well, as you know he was selected for the piano competition so he told me that he'll not be able to attend school". Teiki said. "Well, I hope all that is over by midnight". Rachel said. "Maybe not. I am guessing it's going to be longer than expected because the starting was delayed". Teiki said and slipped his hand in his pocket to grab his phone. "Katari told me". He added while scrolling the screen up. He turned his phone towards them and said, "here".

"So he won't come"? Taya asked. "Yes. Probably". Teiki said. "Anyways we can record it for him". Rachel said. "For him to hear". She added. "True. Annanse will be there too". Taya said. "Right. The last time he saw your play was during your violin concert, right"? Rachel asked. "Right"! Taya said. Time passed by. When it's something special you're waiting for time never helps or is it your mind. Either of them, it goes slowly. Somehow those hours passed.

Usually people prefer wearing a Yukata during festivals or carnivals but being the stars of the day the girls decided wear a kimono. A winged arm kimono. Melange rehearsed her piano notes, Rachel rehearsed her guitar notes and Taya was busy with her violin. It was exactly twelve at midnight when the host of the carnival called out their names. "Why? My heart beats faster than ever"... Taya said. "It's called being nervous you clown". Rachel said. Finally. The time for me to shine under the spotlight again. Rachel thought.

"Thank you so much everyone". Taya said entering the stage. "We are very touched by your love for us". Rachel said and sat on her cushioned seat which was placed right next to the grand piano. Melange sat in front of the piano. After a short silence the play began. Colours filled the air. Yellow, red and white. Loneliness, anger and freedom. Each of them played their part pretty well. Taya was rough with her tune, she depicted anger. Rachel pinned her guitar slowly as the winds crossed, she depicted loneliness. Melange played smoothly with no world of her own, expecting the people see through their own view, make their own world. She depicted freedom.

Annanse watched from a distance. He preferred the back seat. Don't lose focus, Taya, he thought. The play did come out beautifully. The people gathered sure did like it. In their heads they all had their brains revising their dreams. A car stopped by the gates. "Thank you so much". Someone said and got out. In a hood, it was katari. "What his concert is over"? Teiki turned towards him. Katari sat on the seat besides his friend. I didn't come because I promised you, Melange but because I want to hear how far have you gone in playing. Katari thought.

The playing continued. It was really something. Teiki was surprised too seeing a singer play the guitar with such perfection. Though, Annanse was not looking very satisfied. Maybe he did not like the playing. "What's wrong"? Teiki asked. "It's nothing". Annanse replied. He is a professional. Like me he too has some complaining. But it seems the playing is fine. Only the violin is not that clearly audible.....the violin....Taya...he is not pleased with Taya? Katari thought. Other than the three friends and their judgements, the entire place was pleased.

White, yellow and red. Though playing the anger part of the tune, Taya's violin was starting to fade. It was slowly losing it's tune. Melange looked tired too. The voice of the piano was fading as well. Was it the end of the play? Only tune that continued was the guitar. So was it going to be  Rachel's solo performance now? The crowd didn't deal with the details but Annanse and katari went in deep. Teiki didn't mind much either. He didn't realise the tune was fading away because he was engulfed by the feelings.

That was a powerful way of avoiding your fault in the world's eyes. The power of feelings. But being an experienced musician you cannot ignore all the technicalities. This was just a normal crowd which could be immersed even in a non thought performance. Though with all the difficulties and the happenings the playing was just fine. The tune kept fading till the end but didn't vanish from the air. It was truly messed up. Katari thought. Well it surely was. But it wasn't worth laughing at. It wasn't worth cursing but it wasn't worth being proud of as well.

It wasn't great but the crowd was happy and that is what a festival is. They clapped after the play was over. They played better in the practice room. Katari thought. "Nice". Teiki clapped. Rachel and Taya beamed. Melange walked up to katari. "You slipped others play, right"? She asked him. "Yeah". He replied. "This wasn't worth it. Was it"? She asked him. "Well it was fine". He replied. "Katari. Want to play again"? Melange asked him with a smile off course. You are such a pain Melange. He thought. "Yes sure". As it went always he lost. 
"Let's take a group picture. Melange, me, Rachel, Teiki-kun, katari-san and Annanse".

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