23- The Mansion

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“The day I changed was the day I quit trying to fit into a world that never really fit me.”


The car ride to the new house was filled with an eerie silence that sent chills down my spine. As we arrived, the sight of the huge, dark house took my breath away, yet a sense of foreboding lingered in the air, urging me to flee.

"New," Tay's whisper broke the silence, jolting me back to reality. I halted, feeling his presence uncomfortably close. Why was he standing so near?

"What?" I snapped, my voice sharp and defensive, masking my nervousness. His gaze lingered on me, making me acutely aware of his scrutiny, causing me to shiver.

"About earlier... I'm--" he began but stopped abruptly.

"You what?" I interjected, crossing my arms, a chill running through me. The night air added to the coolness, intensifying the unease Tay's gaze brought.

"Nothing... Good night, New," he rushed out the words, his gaze softening slightly, though I noticed.

I held my breath, resisting the urge to reciprocate the goodnight. "Since when are we saying goodnight to each other? Cut the crap, Tawan."

As I turned around, I caught a glimpse of something akin to hurt flickering across his lips, a subtle expression that didn't escape my notice. Without waiting for him, I strode through the grand twin metal doors. The servants, heads bowed in respect, awaited our acknowledgment. I reciprocated the gesture, bowing in return, and patiently waited for them to meet my gaze. When they did, I greeted them with a warm smile.

A woman in her thirties approached us, offering a brief welcome. "Welcome home, young master Tawan and young master Thitipoom. Allow me to show you to your room."

The title she used made me cringe inwardly. "Please, just call me New, Miss."

"Understood. I'm Malai, the head chef," she introduced herself.

As the bulky man in his mid-thirties stepped forward, he declared, "And I'm Sea, the butler." He proceeded to introduce the other staff, including several maids, a housekeeper, a gardener, a chauffeur, and security personnel.

Tay nodded in acknowledgment, and I smiled at each one of them, exchanging brief handshakes. They were going to be my temporary family, so I figured I might as well establish a connection with them while I could. Everyone appeared amicable except for the butler, who exuded a dark aura akin to Tay's.

I couldn't help but entertain the idea that they might have been siblings in a past life. The notion amused me.

"What's so funny, Trouble?" Tay caught on to my amusement, raising his eyebrows, which caused my cheeks to flush.

Shaking my head to dismiss his question, I redirected the conversation, "Where's my room? I need some rest," my gaze locked with Tay's.

"Your room is upstairs. Follow us," Sea responded.

Just then, two guards entered with our luggage. When I moved to assist them, a firm hand clasped mine, drawing me closer. The scent of wood sage enveloped me as I inhaled deeply, finding Tay's scent increasingly captivating.

Before I could comprehend the situation, his hands glided down to my hips, then settled on my curves. Startled, I gasped and spun around to confront him, attempting to push him away, but his hold only tightened.

"What do you think you're doing, Te?" I shot him a glare.

He smirked, and I clutched the white shirt he wore beneath his black suit. His hands wandered over my bare back. "I've hired them for a reason, New. Quit causing trouble and let them do their job, alright?"

"What—fine! Just release me, they're observing us!" I whisper-shouted, shooting him a stern look.

"Who's observing us?" Tay exclaimed loudly, prompting every worker to bow their heads in unison.

Tay finally let go of me with a stupid smirk on his face.

As Sea led us upstairs to our rooms, I couldn't help but notice the grandeur of the house's interior. The staircase was wide and adorned with intricate designs, and the walls were lined with little square mirrors that added a touch of elegance to the space. The soft glow of the chandeliers above us cast a warm light, creating a welcoming atmosphere.

As we reached the top of the stairs, Sea gestured towards a door and announced, "This will be your room."

I exchanged a glance with Tay, realizing that we were expected to share a room.

The room was darker in shade, with rich mahogany furniture, a grand four-poster bed, and heavy velvet drapes adorning the windows. The room exuded an air of sophistication and luxury, befitting a master's bedroom.

Tay quickly interjected, "Show him the other room. I'll take this one." It was clear he had no intention of sharing a room with me.

Sea hesitated but eventually complied with Tay's instructions, we prepared to leave his room. Tay's stern and cold voice filled the air as he emphasized, "What we discuss here, stays in this house. Am I clear, Sea?"

Sea nodded in agreement, "I promise, sir."

Tay then mentioned, his eyes locked on mine, "Once you freshen up, Malai will give both of us a house tour."

I nodded and followed Sea to the other room, feeling a mix of relief and curiosity. The room was spacious, with a large canopy bed draped in luxurious fabrics, a cozy sitting area by the window, and a beautifully crafted wooden wardrobe. The walls were painted in soothing pastel colors, and the room exuded a sense of tranquility.

As I settled into the room, I couldn't help but wonder about Tay's preference for a darker, more regal ambiance.

The luxurious bathroom beckoned me with its promise of relaxation. The bubble bath set up for me looked inviting, and I decided to indulge in a long shower to wash away the weariness of the day.

After the refreshing shower, I changed into my worn-out t-shirt and black shorts, a stark contrast to the grandeur of the house. The thought briefly crossed my mind, but I shrugged it off; after all, my attire had never bothered me before.

Feeling a wave of sleepiness washing over me, I contemplated resting for a while. However, Malai's offer of a house tour lingered in my mind, prompting me to head downstairs.

Approaching Tay's room, I noticed the door slightly ajar. Curiosity getting the better of me, I couldn't resist peeking inside. To my surprise, I caught a glimpse of Tay standing naked, his back facing me. Flustered and embarrassed, I quickly averted my gaze and hurried downstairs, resolving never to intrude on Tay's privacy again.

Tay's muscular body was a sight to behold, his defined muscles rippling as he moved with purpose. The strength and power exuded from his physique, commanding attention and respect. It was clear that he took great care of his body.

With heavy steps, I descended the staircase, the grandeur of the house surrounding me.

Tay descended the stairs, his black trousers hugging his muscular legs and the fitted T-shirt emphasizing his chiseled chest, I felt a mix of admiration and unease. Our eyes locked, and a mischievous smirk tugged at his lips. "Like what you see?" Tay's voice was teasing, challenging.

I tried to maintain my composure, replying with a hint of sarcasm, "I've seen better."

His smirk widened, a silent acknowledgment passing between us as Malai led us through the house, the air thick with unspoken tension. 

It was hard not to notice the way his muscles flexed with each movement. I had seen Earth naked thousands of times... Why did I suddenly feel the urge to touch Tay? What was causing this strong reaction in me? I took a deep breath.

We walked through the dimly lit corridors of the house, the walls loomed over us, painted in a somber mix of black and grey hues, giving the place an eerie and intimidating vibe. The grandeur of the mansion was suffocating, with its vast rooms and high ceilings that seemed to swallow us whole. Each step echoed through the empty halls, emphasizing the emptiness and solitude of the place.

"This house is too much for just the two of us. It feels like a prison," I muttered under my breath, unable to contain my frustration. I was met with complete silence.

"Te, do we really have to stay here? It feels so... empty," I murmured again, my voice barely above a whisper, trying to mask my unease.

Tay's response was curt, "Stop whining, New. Well, it's not like you had a choice in the matter. This is where we're supposed to live now. Deal with it."

I clenched my fists, feeling the tension rise between us. "I know, but couldn't we have at least stayed in the main mansion? Why exile us to this dark, gloomy place?"

I felt a sinking feeling as I realized I was stuck in this mansion with Tay.

Malai led us through the maze of rooms, each one seemingly larger and more extravagant than the last. The furniture was opulent yet cold, adding to the sense of foreboding that hung in the air.

Tay's words cut through the tension like a knife, his tone icy and unforgiving. "And New, just because I let you do whatever you wanted these past days doesn't mean it's gonna be the same from now," he stated, his gaze unwavering.

I felt a chill run down my spine, a sense of unease settling in the pit of my stomach. The casual facade we had maintained shattered in that moment, revealing the underlying power dynamics at play.

I met Tay's gaze, the challenge in his eyes sparking a defiant fire within me. "I never expected it to be easy," I replied, my voice steady despite the turmoil brewing inside me.

Tay's expression softened slightly, a flicker of something unreadable passing through his eyes. "Good," he said simply, his words hanging heavily in the air between us.

"This way, please," Malai gestured towards a massive door, her voice barely above a whisper.

I couldn't help but snap, "I can find my way around this place just fine, thank you very much."

Tay interjected, "New, let's not make this any harder than it already is."

"I can't do this, Te. I won't," I whispered, my voice barely audible in the vast emptiness of the mansion.

Tay's gaze darkened. "The heck do you mean? This is your reality now. Once you enter the fucking cage... There is no going back, Trouble." He smirked, his confidence unwavering.

I felt a surge of defiance rise within me, a stubborn determination to resist the path he was trying to force me down. "I refuse to be trapped in a cage of your making, Te. I'll find a way out, no matter what it takes," I declared, my voice firm despite the fear gnawing at the edges of my resolve.

Tay's smirk faltered for a brief moment, a glimmer of surprise flashing across his face before being replaced by a steely resolve. "We'll see about that, Trouble," he replied cryptically, his eyes gleaming with a mix of challenge and something else I couldn't quite decipher.

I knew that the battle ahead would be fierce and unpredictable. But I was determined to stand my ground, to carve out my own path in this twisted game of power and control.

In the vast expanse of the mansion, I felt more alone than ever, torn between the harsh reality of my new life with Tay. The walls seemed to close in on me, trapping me in a cage of my own making.

When we finished exploring all the rooms upstairs, we made our way back downstairs to check the kitchen. Malai, informed us about the meal schedule, "The breakfast would be ready at 6 in the morning, lunch at 1, snacks in your rooms at 4, and dinner sharp at 8 in the evening," she said, leading us to the eight-seater dining table.

Feeling a sense of empathy for Malai, I asked, "Do you prepare all that alone?" She nodded, and I offered, "I'll help you from tomorrow. I know how to cook. I can also assist with the cleaning... I can imagine it must take a lot of time to clean this huge house."

Malai shook her head, "That is not necessary, Sir. We have enough workers to take care of that."

I decided not to correct her or ask her to address me as just New. Niran's words from the morning echoed in my mind - I would have to get accustomed to the immense respect shown towards me.

Just then, Tay cleared his throat beside me, "I brought home a husband, New. Not a slave. Just sit there and look pretty... That's all you have to do." His words stung, a sharp reminder of the expectations placed upon me.

I shot him a defiant glare, "You brought home a husband, not a wife. I won't sit there and look pretty," I snapped back, my resolve firm. The tension in the room was palpable, a silent battle of wills playing out between us.

I stood my ground and Tay's expression shifted from surprise to a mix of annoyance and amusement. "Oh, we have a feisty one, don't we?" he remarked, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips.

Ignoring his attempt to belittle me, I turned to Malai and said, "I appreciate your sincerity, but I'm willing to assist in any way I can. It's important to me to be involved and contribute." Malai's eyes softened, a glimmer of appreciation shining through as she nodded in acknowledgment.

As we parted ways, each lost in own own thoughts, I made my way to the room assigned to me for the night. The grandeur of the house was a stark contrast to the internal turmoil I felt. Tay's words lingered in my mind.

Entering the room, I found solace in the quiet surroundings, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting a comforting light. The events of the day replayed in my mind, the interactions and tensions swirling in a tumultuous dance.

"God, I got married today! What in the holy mackerel is happening with my life.." I blurted out, the sheer magnitude of the moment hitting me all at once.

Sighing deeply, I settled onto the plush bed. As I closed my eyes, the gentle hum of the night enveloped me.

I realized that this was just the beginning. Our paths had crossed for a reason, and the journey ahead was filled with uncertainties and dangers I couldn't yet comprehend. I knew that my life would never be the same again.


I woke up early in the morning, the sun just beginning to peek through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. I felt a sense of calm as I made my way to the wardrobe, drawn to the large mirror that stood tall in the corner.

As I looked at my reflection, a small smile played on my lips, and I whispered softly, "Good morning," the words a quiet greeting to start the day. But then, my eyes fell upon something unexpected – a dark bruise on my neck. Confusion clouded my thoughts as I gently touched the tender spot, tracing its edges with a mix of surprise and concern.

"How did I get this?" I wondered aloud, the question lingering in the air unanswered. It puzzled me because I knew I would have noticed it yesterday, especially during my morning routine.

A slight pain shot through me as I probed the bruise, a sharp reminder of the mystery that now confronted me. With a furrowed brow and a growing sense of unease, my mind raced with questions, each one adding to the uncertainty that hung in the air around me.

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