Chapter 50

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Chapter 50


       After reaching Shaw's voicemail for the fourth time, I hung up with a sigh and placed my cell phone on the table beside the hospital bed before looking at Josh. "He's not answering," I said. "And I have no idea where he is since I'm, you know, stuck in a hospital bed."

       "Do you want me to give you the news now or wait for Shaw?" Josh asked.

       "Honestly, I do want to wait for Shaw but I just don't know if he's going to come," I said. "I keep calling him and there's no answer, so can I just have the news now and get it done and over with?"

       Josh nodded and sat down beside me. "Okay, so we're going to have to keep you in the hospital longer than we thought for observation."

       I didn't reply for a while and when I did, I said, "There's something wrong with me, isn't there?"

       "We don't know one-hundred percent yet," Josh said. "That's why we need to keep you here for observation. Drugs, alcohol, and head injuries can damage your brain a lot more than it already is and the amount of dosage that was in your drink... I could have killed you. It probably would have if Calvin wasn't with you and able to get you to the hospital."

       "So... Someone tried... Someone tried killing me?" I asked.

       "I can't say for sure," Josh said. "Only because I don't know the intention of whoever did it."

       "What's going to happen now?" I asked. "With my brain damage?"

       "That's what we need to find out," Josh said. "It could be nothing. It could be the same as before. We just have to do more testing first."

       I had a feeling it wasn't nothing. My brain probably got more damaged than it already was considering I didn't have the best of luck with my brain. There was the very first car crash that started all of this, then there was the explosion at the city hall, then another car crash, and then Roman hitting the back of my head.

       And now me being drugged. I wasn't going to be surprised if there was something wrong with it.

       Josh had to get back to work and once he left, I reached for my cell phone to attempt to call Shaw once again. As I listened to it ring, I was really hoping he would pick it up this time but the more the phone rang, the less hope I had.

       Shaw's answering machine finally came but instead of me just hanging up, I decided to leave him a message. "Shaw?" I asked and I could already feel the tears staining my eyes. "I don't know where you or what you're doing but I really need you to come to the hospital. I have to stay longer than just the weekend for observation because something might be wrong. The dosage used in my drink was way too high and I could have died. I probably would have if Calvin wasn't with me and I just..." I wiped my tears away. "I need you by my side. Please."

       I hung up and placed the cell phone back on the table, still feeling the tears in my eyes. I just needed Shaw here but he wasn't answering his phone and I didn't know what else to do.

       I was also really scared. Shaw looked really mad when he left the hospital yesterday and if he was going to go back to the dark part of his life...

       I looked back at my cell phone, an idea sparking in my mind. I didn't know if this was going to get my parents to turn on Shaw yet again, but I was desperate so I grabbed my cell phone yet again but this time, I called my dad and thankfully, he answered right away.

       "Holden?" he asked. "Hey, how are you?"

       "A complete mess," I said honestly. "I have to stay here longer than I thought because my brain could be even more damaged and I can't get a hold of Shaw. At all. I keep calling him but his phone just goes to voicemail and I'm really worried he's doing something."

       "I'm sure he's fine," Dad said. "He has come a long way."

       "No, Dad, you don't understand," I said. "Someone did this to me on purpose. I was drugged at the nightclub and when Shaw found out, he had this darkness in his eyes that I haven't seen before and he said he's going to find out who did this and make them pay. Can you find him for me? Please? I really need him here and I need to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

       "Yeah, of course," Dad said. "I'll go looking for him now."

       "Thank you," I said. "And... You're not going to turn your back on him, are you? You and Mom tend to do that when he slightly goes back to his past life."

       "No, I promise that's not going to happen again," Dad said. "He's our son-in-law. We have to be there for both you and Shaw, not just you. Okay, I'm going out to find him and I promise I'll be as fast as I can."

       After Dad hung up, I was back to feeling both bored and worried. I didn't want Shaw to do anything bad but after seeing that dark look in his eyes, I couldn't be too sure.

       Josh actually came back into the hospital room and I immediately felt even worse. Unless he was on his break and decided to visit me, this couldn't be good news.

       "Any luck getting in contact with Shaw?" he asked.

       I shook my head. "Dad's out looking for him now, though. Why? Do you have more bad news?"

       Josh sighed. "Yeah, I do. If you want, I could wait until Shaw actually shows up this time. You might want him with you to hear the news."

       "I do want him here but I don't know if that's going to be any time soon," I said. "Just break it to me."

       Josh hesitated for a bit before talking. "We're still examining the scan but right now... We did find something on there. We'll have to do more tests to make sure we know exactly what it is but as of right now... There's a shadow."


noooooo my baby holden ily so much. (i like torturing the ones i love the most oops)(just ask nolan)

but on the bright side HARRY IS EVEN CLOSER TO GETTING OUT OF PRISON. there's now proof he didn't do it so woooooooo.

lol most of my author notes from now on will probably be about hollyoaks because we're getting to the dramatic parts (even though the whole show is dramatic ahahaha)

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