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"They are to be married!" Elena Petrova ran into the room with her friends, Katherine (also her twin sister), Caroline Forbes and Bonnie Bennett. "Who are?" Caroline asked. "The lady Rebekah and the gentleman Stefan" Elena held up the newspaper, on the front cover was a black and white picture of a pretty young woman with a dashing gentleman, Rebekah and Stefan. "So the bastards Giussupe and Mikael did not listen" Bonnie spat angrily. "I should have known". "Bonnie, you mustn't think that way. There is always hope" Elena urged her friend with big doe eyes. "Hope? Pfft, hope does not exist!" Katherine scoffed angrily. Caroline sighed. "We are in poverty and the government refuses to listen. What is to become of us?" Matthew walked into the room. "Ladies, ladies, do not quake! I have jobs for us, at the castle! You girls are to be ladies in waiting and I am to work in the stables with mr. Gilbert and mr. Lockwood" Elena let out a squeal of excitement and flung her arms around Matthew's neck. "Oh, Matty, thank you!" Katherine grinned, tears falling from dark brown eyes. "Yes, how can we ever repay you?" Bonnie asked. "Let us hope that they accept us" Caroline said happily.
"So I am to move to the Salvatore castle?" Rebekah questioned unhappily. "Rebekah, do not fuss" Esther said angrily. "You are lucky that mr. Salvatore saw past your boorish ways and decided to have you as a wife". Klaus blinked back tears, listening in. His baby sister was to belong to another man. How could it be possible? He clenched his teeth. For no one could break his sister like a male. He would have to make sure this Stefan did not get the chance to.

Salvatore Castle
Stefan sighed, eyeing the ground. "Damon, Nicola, may I talk to you?" he asked. "Of course" Nicola said with a slight dip. "Stefan, of course. Nicola, no need to curtsey, for all his bravado he is still the boy that got scared on the first branch of the tree" Damon said in amusement. "You are most funny, brother" Stefan said sarcastically. "Thank you for stating what was apparently obvious to everyone apart from yourself" Nicola giggled. The siblings talked. "I do not love the lady mikaelson. I am sure that she is a very nice girl but I do not know anything about her!" Stefan complained. "All I know is that she has blonde hair and blue eyes and is soft spoken". He could not help but redeem at the intimate thought of Rebekah opening up once they had gotten...intimate. "Perhaps your love will grow in time" Nicola said, wise beyond her years. "Perhaps you'll grow to love her and she you. Or perhaps you might not but she may be a good companion. Stefan, do not lose hope. I talked to Rebekah myself and I must assure you she is a lovely girl. You will be pleased, I think" Damon and Stefan looked at her in surprise. "There is more" Damon said. "The Petrova rebellion will be joining us. The ladies will be ladies in waiting to Rebekah and Nicola and the three gentlemen will be in the stables". "Can they do that?" Stefan questioned in surprise. "Apparently so, you know father doesn't give up" Nicola said wryly.

"They're here! Make way for the Mikaelsons!" A footman yelled. The brunettes looked at each other and descended down the stairs

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