"Turn Back Time, Natalie"

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Tic, Tic, Tic.

When the sunset is consumed by the night sky, and the city lights are the only source of illumination, the monsters come out to hunt, as usually, the world was messed up, as they say "i see humans, but no humanity" was this even the case? Where did everything go wrong in the first place? It was no other than society's fault, they raised the monsters that haunt them today.

Again, it was supposed to be hunting time, but not for her, not tonight.

Her slim body layed on the old matress, the blankets scatered all around as a result of the insomnia that made her move all over the bed, her back was relaxed against the wall, one of her legs going up to her chest half way, as her arm was laid on it, the other leg stretched through the blankets.
Her toxic green eye scanning the landscape outside of the window on the fourth floor she lived, nothing more than darkness and stars, and the sudden water drops falling against the glass.

Tic, Tic, Tic.

Ah, yes, and how could anyone forget... that old pocket watch inserted in her left eye socket, replacing the sensitive organ that once "lived" in there before. That goddamn thing she always regretted to have, only because of the annoying ticking that echoed in her head, it made her blood boil in anger, the source of her bloodlust and her name of course.

A thunder interrupted her thoughts, she jumped slightly at the noise, she hated those things, going all loud and strong, it reminded her of how weak she was compared to nature.
Flashbacks came to her mind.... "not again" she complained helpless. Her past always caught her off-guard, it wasn't nice.

Fuck her father, fuck her mother, fuck her brother, even after death, they were still shitting her life.

Tic, Tic, Tic.


"Bam! Bam!"
Someone knocked on the bathroom door carelessly "Natalie, for god's sake! Hurry up, you're gonna be late again!" her mother screamed at the other side of it, the brunette teenager looked at herself in the mirror one more time before giving a lazy sigh and walking out.

"That old shirt again? Don't you have anything else to wear? Can you at least care about your looks for a second, it's not that hard!" the middle aged woman complained while serving some cereal.

Looks? That stopped being a need a long time ago, no matter what she wore or how she 'looked' everyone in school still saw her as a slut, such a shame considering she had some natural beauty.
Who could blame her blessed genes, half French and half Canadian.
"The fucking economy rates are shit again" Natalie's thoughts were interrupted by her obese father complaining about the shitty newspaper, she couldn't care less, anything that came out of his mouth was bullshit to her ears.
Ignoring the trash of parents she had, the teenager walked to the glass dinning table waiting for a plate, just as she sat down, her brother came out of his room towards the table "speaking of the goddamn devil" she mumbled under her breath, they only shared a few numb glances before minding their own businesses.

When night came, she layed on her bed looking sheepishly at the ceiling, she raised her hand falsely trying to touch it, it slowly landed back to her right cheek, where a new scar dwelt from a few hours ago, the pig she had as father punched her for accidentally breaking a cup, a tear ran down the wounded cheek, she just wanted everything to be over.
The abuse at home
The realtionship with her brother,
The harassment at school, that was the worst.
She was raped by her own brother, he finally stopped a year before, but still, everyone at her school bitched about it, apparently being incest made every guy think they had the right to hit on her 24 fucking 7.

So why didn't she seek for help? The last time she did she ended up like that, and it's not that she was scared, it was more her way of being; she was stubborn, and tough, her parents raised her in such a way that everything that happened to her was her problem, no one else's business, why would anyone want to help someone like her anyway?


Tic, Tic, Tic.

Two lights outside the window made her snap out of her memories, blue and red, her eyes widened as she saw 'em a few streets away.


She immediately stood up from the bed towards the door, her feet barefoot thumping in the wooden floor, she went to her kitchen and turned on the radio on one of the counters, she quickly tuned the police report. As the suspect was described her heart slowed down, it wasn't about her thankfully.

Tic, Tic, Tic.

It's about that guy again, what was his name?
Something like...


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