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He left me. It's been a whole month since he left.

It hurts like hell inside me. My friends came everyday to comfort me. But none of them was my baby, Jungwoo. Why'd he have to leave me? Why did he chose his dreams over me? Is our relationship to shallow for him?

What if he finds someone better than me there? What if he won't ever come back? What if he didn't really loved me?

"Lucas, please eat your meals. You can't keep this up for too long or you'll die." Well, I'm sorry mom if I'd rather die than eat my meals. The tears in my eyes won't stop streaming.

"I'll leave it here. Please, please eat. I can't handle it seeing you like this." After hearing my mom's footsteps getting farther, I cried again. Is this how my vacation should end? Heartbroken and pitiful.

The next day I said to myself, 'You can't be heartbroken forever.' So I sat up from my bed and decided to take a shower. Atleast it'll help me a little.

"Lucas! You finally came down from your cave." My mom ran towards me and gave me a warm hug. Just what I needed.

"Thanks mom, for keeping up with me and my broken ass." She patted my back and laughed, "Son, that's what mothers do.", I hugged her back.

I ate breakfast, my eyes was probably still puffy. I know I look horrible, but everything is not the same without him.

"Ding dong!" A loud voice said outside. It's probably Chenle.

"Oh, boys come in! Have some breakfast." Mark and Hyuck entered first bowing to my mom, followed by the rest of Dream.

"Oh my God." That was Chenle. They were shocked to see how miserable I look.

"So you finally came out huh?" Mark pulled a chair beside me. I shrugged and shoved a spoonful of egg and rice.

"Dear, help yourselves and eat! We have alot for the rest." Jisung went to get a plate before he started picking every food on our table.

"Hey! Why are you getting all the bacons? I thought you're on diet bro!" Jeno snarled at Donghyuck, who rolled his eyes.

"Who says I'm on diet?" And then he licked the whole bacon on his fork.

"Damn bro, no need to be gross." Jeno had his disgusted face on, while Hyuck was smirking. I wouldn't be so proud of licking my food before eating it, except if it's an ice cream.

Ice cream. That reminds me of Jungwoo.

"Uhhh, guys. Lucas is crying." I hid my face using my hands. I don't want to embarrass myself infront of these kids.

"Why does everything have to remind me of him?" I said sobbing. I know I'm such a crybaby and I hate it.

"Hyung, don't cry that's gay." I heard Jisung said. "Jisung he IS gay." Hyuck loudly whispered. I don't know if he's stupid or he did that on purpose.

"Donghyuck, get your ass outta here. You're not helping." It was Jaemin who said that.

"Yeah and you did alot." After that they started bickering. I felt a hand rub my back.

"Lucas, please stop crying. You should just move on and be happy." Chenle spoke in Chinese.

"But how? It's like you're telling me to stop breathing and die." I answered in Chinese, sobbing some more.

"We're not asking you to do that. We're here for you, Lucas. You don't have to sulk for the rest of your life." Renjun gave me an encouraging smile. I wiped my tears and smiled.

"What would I do without you guys?" I laughed. I probably look crazy crying and then laughing the next second.

"Oh I don't know, maybe you'll die?" I glared at Donghyuck. Mark hit him as revenge.

"Come here and give me a hug."

"Ew no." Jaemin said looking disgusted, making me pout.

"I was kidding."

"Group hug! For Lucas hyung's fast recovery!" Jisung cheered.

"For Lucas' fast recovery!" And they gave me the most healing hug, I've received.


;_______; last chapter is next guise. Who's ready? CoZ i'M nOt.

Please don't kill me with our lightstick, this story is really planned to only have Kim Jungwoo and Wong Yukhei's name as maximum chapter count📖

I love you guys, thank you for the amazing support from all the NCTzen out there💚

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