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I opened the door to my room only to reveal Yukhei sitting on my bed. I thought he was gone?

"What are you still doing here, Yukhei?" My voice came out uneasy. Yukhei stood up and trapped me with his arms in my wall.

"I like you, Jungwoo." Yukhei's face was almost 0 mile closer to mine. I tightly shut my eyes, I wasn't ready for any of his sheet now.

"You look so beautiful in that dress of yours." I heard him whisper. But wait...

Didn't I already changed to my own clothes and remove the unicorn powder off my face?

My eyes flew open, wide. Yukhei was smirking evily at me.

"Jungwoo, or should I say Jingwee?"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I grabbed my hair with both of my hands, shaking my head no.

"KIM JUNG WOO WAKE THE FCK UP!" I sat up too abruptly from my bed, making me dizzy. Noona was beside my bed her eyes states I'm late.

"What time is it?" I asked, scrunching my nose up from the morning sneezes coming up.

"It's actually time for me to work and time for you to go to school! Now, get up you lazy bum!" I glared at Noona with eyes still half closed.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier then?" I grumbled, she stomped off my room.

"It's because you were calling Lucas in your dream! I wouldn't bother my ship sail in your dream of course!" In this world, it's better to let your ship sail than have a lovelife.

"Whatever noona! Get the frappe out of my room!" Noona slammed the door shut, leaving me half awake in my bed.

"That was the worst dream I've ever had in my entire life!" I sighed. I quickly got down from my bed to go to the bathroom.

"What the shell is this panda eyes of mine!?" There was a big black spot to the both of my eyes. It looks like someone OCD punched me and wanted it to be still equal.

I suddenly don't want to go to school right now.

"Yo, Jungwoo!" Haechan greeted me with a fist bump. A trailing dark Jeno behind him.

"Ey Jungwoo man, we're both punks I see!" My face turned straight again. He raised a hand for highfives now.

"Shut down, you fish. Did someone forgot to bring tapes so you taped yourself instead, to have a better use." My honest opinion though. Jeno just stared blankly at me.

"He didn't seem to catch up on what you said." Haechan stated, shrugging. I rolled my eyes before pointing out Jeno's taped pants and jacket.(refer to GO wardrobe lmao)

"It's fashion bro. Calm your tits." Jeno smirked. I'm not very sure about his fashion sense, it's kinda weird but its cool.

"Hey guys!" Jaemin came greeted us, my eyes averted to the now nervous Jeno.

"Hey Jaemin." Haechan and I both greeted back, leaving Jeno left to say something.

"H-hi Jaemin, omg look at the time. Bye guys, I'm quite busy this day." The nervous boy waved a hand to the three of us.

"Why does he always leave when I'm around?" Sadness laced Jaemin's deep voice. They're my ship too, but Jeno isn't so brave enough like Jaemin.

"Dude, it's fine. Jeno's always like that to someone he likes. He's a shy boy." Haechan sling his arm on Jaemin's shoulder, comforting the younger.

"I'm sure he likes you too." I smiled at Jaemin. His lips curved up a little before shrugging.

"He's pretty close with Renjun now. I guess it's not my place, it never was though." My JaeNo heart hurts for them. Let me just cry in the corner.

"What's all this sad aura around here?" Johnny came, fanning his hands through the air like he was seeing smoke.

"Nothing important." Jaemin smiled, before proceeding to go to his class.

"I swear, that child had the sad aura around him." I patted Johnny's back, trying to assure him Jaemin's fine.

"They're all grown up now. Let them handle their own problems Johnny hyung." I remarked. He just nodded and decided to put his things in his locker. I did the same as Johnny hyung did.

The bell rung, indicating a horrifying hour with Yukhei. I won't ever move on from the past, especially a dark one.

To my surprise Yukhei never showed up. What happened to that witch? I'm supposed to be worried about myself, but now he's making me worry.

Time passed by so fast it was already lunch. I got my tray as I sat down with the dreams and other senior.

"Have you guys seen Yukhei?" They either shrugged or shook their heads.

"Who's Yukhei again?" Yuta asked. Winwin deadpanned laughed at Yuta.

"That's suppose to be a joke right, Yuta-san?" He called Yuta, Yuta-san... Someone collect this nimon here, before he turns into a pulp.

"No... Why the hell would I joke around?" Mr. Moon came by and replied. "Maybe, because that's all you do. Joke around." The whole table stared at Mr. Moon shocked.

"Eat lunch guys or else knowledge won't flow in your tiny brains later." I heard Doyoung huffed.

"Like your brain isn't tiny." Someone grab your salt. This table is turning into a mess.

"In my office, after classes Mr. Kim." There's something going on between this two and I'm gonna find out, of course after I find out why Yukhei is absent.

"Mr. Moon, did Yukhei leave an absent letter?" He smiled at me before shaking his head.

"Everyone should be like Jungwoo, refreshing to look at." I just laughed at his comment.

Lunch ended a little bit slower than expected, maybe because I enjoyed all their bickering. I contemplated on texting Yukhei or not, I chose no to because I was still caught up.

I got home after school, feeling a wee bit lonely no one bugged me or polluted the air.

"Jungwoo, Mrs. Wong is asking if you can give Lucas today's school activities." This is how you welcome your brother.

"Sure, sure. If he wasn't so tardy and all." I rolled my eyes. Noona slapped my shoulders making me wince.

"What?" I innocently asked.

"He's sick, I swear I couldn't believe it too when his mother said he caught the flu. I mean look at Lucas, such a fine looking man." I raised a brow at my Noona, not sure what she's trying to say.

"It doesn't connect on how he caught the flu and how he's a fine polluting man." I stated.

"Know what? Change your clothes first then bring Lucas the homeworks he needs." I sighed, geez that boy really.

"Mrs. Wong? Anyone home? Great, I'll just leave this here then leave." But my conscience says no.

"Aish!!! Why do I have to take care of him now?" I bit my nails as I read Mrs. Wong's note.

"Jungwoo pretty boy,
take care of my pitiful son, he don't usually get flu's like this. I left some porridge inside the big pot. His medicines are fluid and for childrens because he isn't as manly as you thought. Try not to get the flu too! Sincerely, Mrs. Wong :)"

Great, now I have to take care of that sick giant.


Long time no jungcas😭😂, my bad for not updating for idk how many days! Sorry for always leaving off w/ a cliffhanger, but that's what makes the story interesting isn't it?😅

Next chapter should be fulfilled with Jungcas😍💕

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