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I finally had the balls to ask Jungwoo out the last time we had tutor lessons.

*flashback coz who doesn't like to know how'd it go*

I was staring at the boring white piece of paper infront of me.

"Yukhei, what are you doing wasting time like that. Answer the questions." Jungwoo, being Jungwoo. Still gets my eyes refreshed everytime I look at him.

It's like spraying febreeze in my eyes. But don't do that, it's a metaphor.

"Hey, Jungwoo babes. If I answer this will you go out with me?" He gaped at me like I was a new specie in the wild.

"Who sells you drugs, Yukhei? I swear, is it Ten? Taeyong? Mr. Moon!?" I frowned, almost laughing when he mentioned the innocent Mr. Moon.

"You know I can't even take my tablets. And you're telling me I take drugs." I snickered when Jungwoo's eyes twitched.

"My point is, why are you asking me, a boy, out?" I shrugged, basically giving the because-I-can look.

"Coz, maybe this boy here infront of you is gay? I like like you Jungwoo. I've been showing so many signs, I could even jerk off just by looking at you right now." I know it was unnecessary to say the last part, but yeah....

"WONG YUKHEI, ARE YOU FOR REAL?" Jungwoo stood up from his sit. His hands covering his gaping mouth.

"Here let me show you." I also stood up, decided to unbuckle my belt when I heard a screech.

"CHEESEUS! STOP OK OK I'LL GO OUT WITH YOU DUMBASS!" Smirking I did my belt again before sitting down and did the worksheet I need to do.

"See? I'm an easy man, Jungwoo. What you see is what you get." I knew I won this day, just by getting his yes to our date.

*end of the horrifying scene for Jungwoo flashback*

I did pretty well.

Today's our date! I passed the exams last week. Now, we're getting ready for the last one.

"Mark man, do you think Jungwoo will notice my make up?" Haechan actually helped me with the eyeliner. I see many asian men out there looking hot with these things in their eyes.

"Man, you look slick as fck. Jungwoo would want to be in a relationship before this day ends." I highfived Mark as I pull him into a chest bump.

"Thanks man." Now it's time to fetch my Zeus.

Right now, it's been five minutes since I had a staring contest with the Kim's doorbell. I wiped my sweat that was probably produced by my nervousness.

"Oh Lucas, what are you doing infront of our house? You know you're always welcome here. Just come in." I was greeted by Jungwoo's noona, who looked like she went to the groceries judging by the plastic bags in her hands.

"Uhh, yeah. I was just about to do that." I opened the gate for her. Following Junghee noona inside.

"JUNGWOO! LUCAS IS HERE!" I feel like shtting my pants right now. I think I used all the balls I had to ask him out.

A heard a loud thud from the second floor, following by alot of footsteps.

Jungwoo was going down the stairs. Not only that, his soft hair was bouncing up and down. His lips agape while his eyes was looking at his steps.

Yes, I'm THIS whipped for this man infront of me.

"Yukhei, so you were really serious huh?" He was wearing a hoodie topped by a darker jacket, he's wearing those ripped jeans like it was made for him. Why is he this beautiful?

"You looks amazing." I blurted out. Jungwoo looked stunned for a second. His face reacting faster thsn his mind for the first time.

"Oh, are you two a thing already?" Junghee noona popped out of from the kitchen. Adding more to the awkward atmosphere.

"N-no!" "Not yet!" Jungwoo and I said in chorus. Now, we're both tomato faces here in the living room.

"Let's go, babe." He grimaced at the nickname.

"Don't call me that outside or I'm leaving you hanging in the middle of our date." He pointed at me while saying that. I just smirked at him before nodding.


Whoopsie daisy, look who's back! Next chapter is D-DATE!!! BLACK ON BLACK IS SLAYING! especially the live stages🔥😍💕😭🔥💖

hellonct thanks for inspiring me to do this chapter!

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