Day 0: Meeting the Defendant

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I'm back, this is something I wanted to get done before I have to go back to school tomorrow. So here is the next chapter. 

Phoenix's POV

April 4th, 9:00 AM

Tokyo, Japan

Detention Center

So, didn't think that coming to Japan with Maya would end up with us working on another murder case. But being a defense attorney is a full time job I guess. Should I have even expected anything less? I really shouldn't expect anything else.

"Hey Nick, why are we covering a case here? Aren't we on vacation? Doesn't that mean we are supposed to not be working?" Maya asks as she walks along with me through the door of the detention center to visit our client.

"I would think that too Maya, but we got a request to defend a high school girl named Hayami Hinata from someone named Chisa Yukizome. Apparently Hayami was arrested for killing fourteen of her fellow students last night and then running away." I say as we waited at the front desk to be allowed to see Hayami.

Maya looked at me in confusion. "Wait, a teenager supposedly killed fourteen of her fellow classmates? Why would she do that? Do you believe that, Nick?" Maya asks and I shake my head.

"No of course not. And Chisa told us not to tell anyone that worked at Hayami's school about this. Mainly because she told me that the school has a thing for liking to cover these kinds of things up." I answer sadly.

A woman comes out to the desk. "Ms.Hinata is allowed to see you now Mr.Wright. Please follow me." "Thank you. Please lead the way." I say and the desk lady leads us back to Hayami's holding cell.

Eventually we reached the cell and saw a brunette teenager in a tan school uniform sitting in the chair, clearly upset with her current situation. Well to be fair, no one should be happy when they are accused of murdering people. Unless you were a masochist or a psychopath, I guess.

"I'll leave you two to speak with her. Come find me when you're done." The lady says as she walks out leaving us standing there. The girl who I assume is Hayami Hinata just sat there in confusion.

Maya and I walk over to the front of Hayami's line of sight. "Are you Hayami Hinata?" I ask politely. "Yes, I am. Who are you guys?" Hayami asks as she points back and forth between Maya and me. "I am Phoenix Wright, and this is my partner Maya Fey." I say and gesture towards Maya.

Hayami looked a little less confused now but not by much. "Well it's nice to meet you. But why did you come here? Did someone send you?" Hayami asks politely.

"Yes actually. What was her name again Nick?" Maya asks turning towards me. "The woman who called us was named Chisa Yukizome, I believe." I reply and Hayami eyes seem to light up in surprise.

"Wait, Ms.Yukizome contacted you guys?" Hayami asks in surprise. "Yeah she did, very nice lady. Do you know her?" Maya asks in response. "Hehe yeah, she's my homeroom teacher. She cares a lot about me and my classmates. But that leads to my other question, why did she contact you guys exactly?" Hayami adds curiously.

"She heard about Nick's work and wanted for him to defend you in court. He's a defense attorney and I like to help him." Maya responds. "That is correct, we want to help you out." I say and Hayami appears to look a little happier now.

"Really, you want to help me out?" Hayami asks. Maya and me nod. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will always accept help to prove to everyone I am innocent. If there wasn't this safety glass between us, I would hug you guys." Hayami responds as she claps her hands together in delight.

"That's great, now we should probably get to work with investigating what happened. So we will see you soon Hayami." I say as Maya begins to head to the door. "Wait! One more thing, once you get there just wanna let you know that some of the staff might try and stop you guys. So I would suggest asking for some help from Ms.Yukizome, since she trusts you guys." Hayami says cautiously. "I just wanted to let you know, but good luck." Hayami adds.

I turn back around to face Hayami with a pleasant smile. "Thank you, Hayami. We will do our best to prove your innocence. We'll see you tomorrow, so goodbye until." I reply and Maya sticks her head back through the door. "Come on, Nick. We should get to Hope's Peak quickly in order to get investigating as soon as possible. Especially since we might get interrupted while there." Maya says and I nod.

We walk back to the lobby together and see the lady who helped us earlier was now typing on her computer. "Let's just let her work." I say. "Ok, Nick. Let's go now." Maya says and so we head to the entrance then we leave and head towards Hope's Peak Academy to begin our investigation. 

And that is the end of the chapter. Next chapter will be the first investigation, which might take a good while for me to write. Mainly because I start my second semester of school tomorrow and will now be unable to write from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM on Monday to Friday. So yeah, see you all soon my lovelies. 

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