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Basically last chapters part 2!

Stormer's Point of View:

I ran to the three after snapping out of my state of shock and pushed them behind the tree we were all hiding behind.

Bulk and Stringer started firing at them along with me, Ferno, Surge, and Breez.

I could tell they were confused as heck where they were.

I managed to head shot MeltDown knocking him to the ground but he got up as quickly as he fell.

I looked up at the sky seeing a swarm of black clouds into a blackhole spiral. Greaaaaaaaate, Von Nutcase is here.

Wait a minute.... I looked at Ferno "Kid. Look at the sky. Von Nutcase is here and I think he has Aurora and Steph." I told him, everyone looked up at the sky seeing what I saw.

Ferno looked at me with a scared expression on his face as the others continued to shoot "What do you might think he's doing with them?" He asked me.

I sighed looking back up at the sky worried for Aurora.

"Not sure Kid, but meaning him. It can't be anything good." I told him and we went back to shooting as we went from the cover of the tree to the battlefield as Chief stayed behind the tree.

20 minutes later................

Aurora's Point of View:

I opened my eyes still in Von Nutcase's lair and still chained to the ceiling and floor.

I looked at myself and my silver eyes widened with shock, I was in an outfit that looked completely made of metal.

I wore a light blue galaxy looking metal yet silk like jacket and high low skirt, metal ankle boots, white metal yet leather fingerless gloves like my boots, and I had white metal like angel wings on my back.

I fluttered metal angel wings on my back, and my hair went past my hips a bit as it was white with LightBlue highlights.


I looked at Steph and my eyes widened more seeing the same thing happened to her.

She looked like she was a flippin Power Ranger!!!!!

She had three guns each on her legs which I saw from Assassins Creed and her hair went to her knees as it was blood red.

She had a yellow Herocore that shimmered on her chest between her breasts.

Wait a minute......

I looked down at my chest seeing I had a Herocore too as it matched Stormer's but it had way more shimmer than his.

I looked at Steph seeing she was waking up from uncounsusness.

he looked at me and her emerald eyes widened with shock.

"Steph look at yourself." I said.

She looked down at herself and her eyes widened even more.

"WHY DO WE HAVE FLIPPIN HEROCORES?!?!?!?!!!!!" She yelled and asked me.

I rolled my silver eyes "Remember when Von Nutcase injected us with whatever that stuff was?" I asked her.

She nodded her now blood red hair.

"Well maybe whatever that stuff was turned us into...." I was saying till my eyes widened figuring it out.

"Half human, half bots." Me and Steph said at the same time looking at each other in shock.

We heard a dark laugh ring out making me and Steph look where ever we could. Von Nutcase(I'm gonna have that as his name cause let's be honest here. He's the biggest Nutcase of the whole show)appeared in front of us"Well aren't you two smart." He said.

I rolled my silver eyes which I'm pretty sure their glowing like Steph's are.

"Well if it isn't Von Nutcase." I said taking Stormer's line from the episode where they first introduced Von Nebula.

He glared darkly at me "No wonder your with Stormer..." He muttered making me flip him off which made Steph start giggling at my action.

He growled as he waved his hand over his staff "Let's see if I can make thing interesting for your friends..." He said with a dark smirk on his face.

I felt my eyes change to my powers color and I did the most bravest thing in Hero history since Stormer.

I shot an ice shard at the glass orb of his staff before he could do anything to the others.

Before the orb broke I saw Stormer, Ferno, Surge, Breez, Bulk, and Stringer fighting the group of villains as Chief hid behind a tree since he never fights. The room we were in started to crack like it was glass.

Von Nebula looked at me shocked and scared.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!?!?!!!!!!!" He yelled at me.

I just rolled my Silver eyes like he didn't see what I did.

"I broke your stupid staff. You blind or something?" I asked him smirking at the last sentence making Steph giggle.

The room kept cracking and cracking more like his staff, until it shattered and my vision faded into black.

Stormer's Point of View:

We kept fighting the group of villains dogging their attacks the best we could.

We heard thunder crackling making us all look to the sky seeing that the Black Hole was starting to disappear.


Before the black hole disappeared two figures fell from it then it disappeared from existence.

I looked at the villains seeing that they were on the ground.

I ran to one that was in a baby blue metal jacket and skirt, with white hair that had LightBlue streaks that went past her hips, a Herocore on her chest that looked like mine that had more shimmer to it, and metal wings. I looked at the figure recognizing instantly......

It was Aurora..... I saw her starting to wake up as Ferno was with the other person which must have been Steph, her outfit was made of metal too, a yellow Herocore on her chest, and her hair was blood red that went to her knees. Aurora opened her silver eyes seeing me.

Aurora's Point of View:

I opened my eyes seeing I was back in the park and Stormer was standing in front of me, I got up off the ground a bit wobbly which Stormer helped me, I hugged him tightly around his waist. We heard a groan making us look to see Steph was waking up.

She got up wobbly too which Ferno helped her up.

We heard blasters charging up making us look to see the group of villains had their guns pointed at all of us, I did the fuckin unthinkable.

I pointed my arm at them in a fist and a built in arm blaster came out from the top of my arm.


Steph pulled out her Assassins Creed guns of two of the three and pointed them at the group of villains as well as they charged up.

Time to be a Hero finally and not a damsel in destress.

We all started shooting at the villains dodging all their attacks.

I did a barrel roll dogging MeltDown's whip which we're lucky it doesn't have its radiation on it this time:

I headshot him making him fall to the ground out cold.

I smirked in sadisfacion then continued to fight. I created a row of ice almost trapping the villains in ice if they didn't dodge.

Steph put her blasters away and started breathing fire at them making them back away from the fire as fast as they could.

The group of villains ran away like the cowards they were.

I put my blaster away and looked at the others, we started running with Bulk, Stringer, and Chief behind us to Steph's house.

Me and Steph were in the kitchen looking at our now Half Human Half Bot selves as Stormer and the others explained to Bulk, Stringer, and Chief of........ Well everything they needed to know.

We were still in shock of this, we're HYBRID'S NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

How the hell are we supposed to be used to this?!?!?!!!!!!!!!

After two minutes the others came in with Bulk, Stringer, and Chief behind them.

"Sorry we had to meet like this Aurora and Steph." Bulk said to us.

I smiled warmly.

"It's alright. Blame the nutcase himself." I said making the others laugh.

"I'm still a bit skeptical about all of this." Chief said.

I sighed.

"Good to know. Now, DOES ANYONE KNOW IF WE CAN TURN BACK TO OURSELVES OR NOT?!?!!!!!!" Steph yelled making Ferno who was standing next to her wince at her loudness along with me.

I thought for a moment, I started to imagine myself human again.

I felt myself changing and the others looking at me. I opened my eyes seeing I was back to myself.

"How the hell did you do dat?!" Steph yelled at me.

I looked at her "All I just did was imagine myself human again." I told her.

She nodded and closed her eyes doing so.

I saw her changing back to normal.

She opened her eyes once she was completely back to normal and looked at herself with a smile on her face.

"YES!!!!!!! IM BACK TO MY HOT AND SEXY SELF AGAIN!!!!!!!!" She yelled making me giggle as I rolled my eyes at her while Ferno just chucked at his girlfriend.

I looked at the my hand seeing a baby blue Hero Factory symbol.

My eyes widened slightly.

"Ummm, why do I have THIS on my hand!" I yelled showing the others.

Steph checked her hand seeing she had one too but it was yellow.

"This is fucking freaky...." She said.

"Naw duh..." I told her.

Me, Stormer, Breez, and Surge were walking back to my house as they were wearing disguises to hide their real selves.

I walked leading the way as usual since I know my way around here more than anyone else does.

After about 20 minutes of walking and talking we made it back to my apartment as it was dark.

Once we went inside my apartment Breez and Surge went to my brother Kin's room.

I closed the front door and went into my room to get ready for bed.

I came out of my bathroom in a white long sleeve Pj shirt, baby blue sweat pants, and some white socks.

I plopped on my bed face first feeling exhausted.


Now I know how the others feel after fighting villains.

I felt the bed dip and myself flip over into someone's chest making me open my eyes looking at the persons face seeing Stormer holding me in his chest with his arms around me.

I smiled tiredly and kissed his cheek, he smiled a bit and held me closer.

"How..... Are you guys used to this?" I asked him yawning.

He chuckled.

"You get used to it after a while." He told me.

I yawned in reply and snuggled my face in his chest and fell into a deep sleep........

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