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Aurora's Point of View:

I woke up seeing the canopy of my bed making me confused.

I thought I fell asleep on my desk chair?

I felt someone turn me around making me be able to see only to blush a dark crimson and my heart race seeing that Stormer was holding me in his chest as he had his arms around me in a protective manor.

Crap crap crap crap crap, why is this happening?!

His eyes lit up showing that baby blue glow of his eyes.

He looked at me and smiled a bit, "Morning Sleeping Beauty." He said making my blush darken and heart race more.

"Stormer, what has been up with you lately? You've been acting like a different person." I asked him.

"hand went to cradling my cheek making my heart race even more making me surprised I wasn't ether dead or it hadn't popped out of my chest yet.

"Your about to find out why." He muttered seductively.

Then he started leaning in making my heart race faster and faster each second.

I could feel his emotions radiating from his Herocore as he got closer.

He was about to kiss me when...

"YO AURORA! STORMER! BREEZ! SURGE! WERE HERE!!!!!!!" We heard Steph yell from the living room.

Stormer growled lowly a bit, he leaned into my ear.

"We'll continue this later." He whispered in my ear.

He then went out of the bed and walked out of my room to the living room leaving me on my bed a major huge blushing mess.

I started breathing heavily trying to steady my fast beating heart.

After about 30 seconds my heart calmed down.

I sighed and went to my closet and grabbed some clothes and a pare of shoes and went to my bathroom to change.

My wound on my head was healed which was good.

After about a minute I came out of my bathroom in my outfit for the day.

Which was a white blouse, bleached skinny high waisted jeans, white combats that went up to halfway my lower calves, my hair was in a Elsa braid, and I had a sapphire heart necklace.

I walked out of my bedroom seeing everyone in there and Steph's outfit.

Well I guess we're wearing matching necklaces then.

"What's going on?" I asked them.

Steph and Ferno looked at me.

"MeltDown is in an abandoned building in an ghost town part of the city." He told me.

I remember in The Enemy Within episode he made this special radiation on his whip that made Stormer messed up and go on a rampage in Makohero City.

Let's say Stormer ended up destroying a ginormous graphic build board making it burst into flames while Ferno tried to get him under control.

I nodded "Well let's head then." I said.

We were in the abandoned part of the city so it was safe for the others to be out.

Luckily it was behind my apartment building so it was easy to get to this abandoned part of the city.

Ferno lead us to the abandoned wear house, me and Steph stayed behind them since MeltDown could whip us at any given moment.

We made it to the abandoned wear house, we waited outside the door where Stormer, Ferno, Breez, and Surge pulled out there blasters as mine and Steph's eyes changed to where the colors meaning our powers are out.

We sneaked inside careful cause he could be anywhere in here.

As we walked inside the building we kept are guard up not even dropping it not even for a second.

"Wellll well look what we have here!" We heard the all to familiar voice of MeltDown say making us look up at the ceiling seeing him hanging from the rafters, like he was a flippin monkey!

Seriously, I swear it's like he's secretly a spider monkey bot.

"MeltDown!" Stormer yelled at him as he pointed his blaster at him.

"Ahhh it looks like you have some friends too. This should be interesting since I have my radiation on my whip back." He said as he started at me and Steph making us start our powers up making our eyes glow.

He tilted his head "Well that's interesting. Time to play!" He said then Stormer, Ferno, Breez, and Surge started shooting at him while I shot ice shards at him while Steph shot blue fire balls at him.

He dodged every single one of our hits, he landed on the ground and tried to hit us with his radioactive whip making us scatter to get out of the way of it.

I landed on my hands and knees somehow not getting dirt and dust on my jeans.

"Well this light one looks like the perfect victim for my for my radiation." MeltDown said smirking making me look at him seeing he was aiming to hit me with his whip.

My pupils dilated and my blood ran freezing.

He was about to hit me with his whip when Stormer knocked me out of the way getting hit by his whip knocking him back against the wall.

"Curse you Stormer! I wanted to use my radiation on her, not you again!" He yelled angrily.

I growled as I looked at him, I grabbed Stormer's blaster and started shooting him.

He tried his best trying to avoid the blasts but the last one hit him in the foot making him fall on his butt.

I aimed Stormer's blaster at him as I was breathing heavily of my anger.

He got back on his feet "I'll be back Hero's!" He yelled then climbed out of the building.

I started normalizing my breathing as I pointed Stormer's gun down at the floor.

I ran to Stormer checking on him seeing he was getting up.

I gave him his blaster back which he smiled a bit as he took it back.

We heard the others run to us.

"We might wanna get you back to Aurora's place and keep an eye on you Stormer. Since I'm pretty sure we all remember what happened when you first got hit with his whip when it had that radiation on it." Breez said making us nod.

'How could I forget. It was one of my favorite episodes of the entire series.' I thought to myself.

Ferno and Steph were in my room while Breez and Surge were in Kin's room while me and Stormer were in the living room, ALONE!

I was just showing him the show Gravity Falls since me and Steph talk about Bill and Mabel to much.

Currently we were at the beginning of Episode 19 of Season 1 where they introduce Bill.

"Soos. Broom." The TV said of Stan's voice as he wanted the broom from Soos to get Gideon out of the shack.

I started laughing as Stan chased Gideon with the broom, then Gideon hissed like a cat trying to be the cat only to get hit in the face with the broom multiple times as he was DEFINITELY the mouse.

I'm pretty sure I heard Stormer chuckle at it. When Gideon opened up his journal showing the page of Bill and it cut to the Cipher Wheel I could feel Stormer's confusion coming off of him.

"So this Bill Cipher you guys keep talking about is a triangle with a hat, bow tie, stick arms and leg?" He asked making me look at him as I was on the couch upside down.

"Yep. But don't be fooled by how he looks, he's a dream demon and you don't want to mess with him. EVER." I told him.

He nodded "Ok." He said then when he looked back to the TV I saw his eyes(?) flash green for a second only to turn back to his normal baby blue.

Crap crap crap holly crap it's starting to happen.....

"Stormer....." I said sitting up right.

He looked back at me.

"Ya?" He asked "I saw your eyes flash green when you went to look at the TV. I think the radiation is starting to happen." I told him.

His baby blue 'eyes' widened, I paused the episode and looked at him scared.

His 'eyes' started to flash between his baby blue and the green over and over again as he started to shake holding his head.

I grabbed him in a hug trying to calm him down.

"GUYS! RADIATION STUFF IS HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!" I yelled trying to call the others.

He started trying to escape my grasp which ended up with throwing me to the wall hitting my head reopening my wound.

The others came in and saw Stormer tearing up my living room.

"Easy Stormer...." Ferno said trying to calm him down like he did last time.

Stormer looked at them then at me. He started backing away then ran out of my apartment into the city.

Steph ran to me with the first aid kit and started wrapping my head up.

She finished and she and Breez helped me up off my feet.

"We gotta go after him. Aurora, you know this place more than I do. Do you know what place Stormer would go to cause havoc?" Steph asked me.

I started thinking. She was right. I have been here even before I was born. It took me a minute till.

I looked up figuring out where he was heading.

"He's heading to the city's tallest building." I said.

We made it to the building which was owned by Steph's father.

Steph had to drive us there because I was still scared to even be in a car after Kin died from his car crash which the driver hit hm and drove off away from the scene.

We saw that all of the lights in the building were off all except the giant build board that had Steph's father on it "Vote Mr.FireStorm for Mayor!" When he's not even home most of the time along with his wife Steph's mother.

I got on Surge's back while Steph got on Ferno's, Ferno, Surge, and Breez started scaling the building all the way to the top.

We're just lucky no one who works in the building is here.

After about 20 minutes we made it to the top and Surge let me down and Ferno let Steph down.

We saw Stormer trying to destroy the build boards lights as MeltDown commanded him.

"YES! YESSSS!!!!! WREAK HAVOC ON THIS CITY STORMER!!!!!" MeltDown yelled as he was enjoying the chaos.

Surge and Breez pulled out there blasters and pointed them at MeltDown.

He looked at us and his 'eyes' widened with shock.

"HOW DID YOU FIGURE OUT WHERE WE WOULD BE!!!!!!!" He yelled shocked.

I smirked "I've been in this city before I was born, so I know this place better than anyone." I told him.

"Well I'm off. Stormer have fun with them!" He yelled then jumped to a buildings roof and started roof jumping.

Stormer broke the light and bulb starting a fire making me and Steph back away a bit from the heat intensity growing.

Surge and Breez put there blasters away and started walking to him with there hands up.

"Stormer, try to remember. It's us, your friends." Breez said as they got closer to him.

He started holding his head and shaking like crazy.

He knocked them off them off the roof which luckily they hang on with to the edge of the roof.

Steph started walking to him with her hands up.

"Stormer, deep breaths. It's us. Just try to remember." Steph said.

He hit her back making her fall off the roof only to grab onto a metal bar.

"STEPH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ferno yelled as his eyes were wide and he ran to her and started to help her up.

I looked back from Steph and Ferno at Stormer seeing he was looking at me.

I took a deep breath and carefully walked to him with my hands up.

"Stormer, if you can hear me. It's Aurora. Try to remember me. Please Stormer. You need to snap out of this, I know you can control yourself cause your THE Preston Stormer. Please just try." I told him as I walked up to him.

As I got close to him he started to back away a bit as if he was afraid of as if he was afraid of me.

The I remembered that he threw me into the wall at my apartment.

Is he thinking he's a monster for it.

I took a deep breath.

"Stormer. It's not your fault for throwing me into the wall, I know you didn't mean it. Your not a monster. Your still the bot I l-"I was about to continue when I heard metal bending making me and Stormer look up seeing a piece of metal from the build board bending from the heat of the fire.

It broke away from the board and started to fall which was right where I was standing. I felt my blood run freezing and my fear take control making me unable to run out of the way.

I felt someone push me out of the way.

I hit the concrete roof on my back.

I heard a crash making my look down at my feet seeing the piece of metal fell where I was standing.

I looked at my left scared that Stormer was under the metal which turned to relief as I saw him standing up, but his eyes were still green.

I knew the Preston Stormer was in there.

I stood up on my feet and started walking to him as my braid was a mess as the band snapped.

He started shaking, before he could hold his head again and grabbed his hand making him freeze.

I placed my other hand on his Herocore making him look at me of my short self as he was taller than me.

I stood on my tippy toes leaning into his face.

"Please remember Stormer....... Please... For me......Aurora...." I told him then did the bravest thing I've ever done.

I pressed my warm flesh lips against his cold metal ones making him tense up.

I let my fingers interlock in with his. I felt my heart flutter a small bit but not fully.

I was about to pull away when I felt Stormer press his other hand on the the back of my head deepening the kiss making my eyes open and they were wide.

I relaxed and kissed back enjoying every second of the kiss.

Stormer let go of my hand and wrapped that hand around my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Stephanie's Point of View:

Ferno pulled me up from the edge of the roof only for me to almost fangirl scream.

Aurora and Stormer, WERE FLIPPIN KISSING!!!!!

I tapped Ferno's shoulder and pointed at them which he looked at them and smirked.

I looked at Breez and Surge seeing them smiling at the scene.

Guess the plan has been completed.

Aurora's Point of View:

We pulled away from the kiss which I had a pink blush on my pale face.

The build board started creaking as it was burning making me and Stormer look at it then back at each other.

"Let's get back to your apartment." He said making me nod. We let go and I saw Breez, Surge, Ferno, and Steph looking at us.

Welllllll shit.

Steph climbed on Ferno's back while I got on Stormer's.

They started scaling down the building, after twenty minutes, we made it down.

I'm surprised no ones noticed the fire already. We ran to Steph's car.

Breez and Surge were asleep while I was in the living room cleaning up

I thought Stormer was asleep too.


I felt someone touch my hand as I was sweeping up glass.

I looked up seeing it was Stormer.

"Want me to help you? Since it was my fault for your apartment being a mess now." He asked.

I smiled "Thanks." I said.

He grabbed my other broom and started sweeping up other pieces of glass.

We managed to clean up the mess and we sat down on the couch.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

I laid my head on his Herocore, he lifted my head up making me look into his 'eyes', Silver and Baby Blue.

He kissed me gently which I kissed back immediately, I enjoyed the kiss just like the last one.

After a minute we pulled away, I had a light pink blush on my face.

He cradled my cheek with his free hand. "Aurora, I can't keep hiding that I'm in love with you. At first I didn't know what the feeling was till you told me what love was." He said as he started stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"Your the first person who makes me like an entire different person. Will you please, be my girlfriend." He said sounding a bit afraid.

I kissed his cheek(?). "Of course I will." I said smiling. He smiled and 'kissed' my forehead making me smile.

We went back to watching Gravity Falls, we stayed up till the final episode of Weridmagedon 3.

Stormer fell asleep during the credits making me smile tiredly as he looked a bit cute.

I snuggled my face in his Herocore and fell asleep.....

Stormer's Point of View:

I woke up seeing the show was off making me chuckle.

I looked down seeing Aurora was passed out.

I smiled a bit.

I picked her up bridal style and carried her to her room.

I laid down on her bed with her on top of me and snuggled my face in her hair.

I could smell the blood making me sigh.

I don't get how she doesn't hate me for hurting her?

I laid my head back letting sleep take over..........

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