Happy Birthday To Me

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Chapter One: Happy Birthday To Me

Note: previous alterations of the chapter in reversions were deleted so here is the half finished chapter one of the original editing

Aurora's PoV

I let out a sighed after finishing brushing my hair and putting it into a high ponytail. My outfit for today was a sky blue band T-Shirt which had Magical Balloon on it which was on top of a white tank top, a pair of bleached skinny jeans which were ripped slightly at parts which showed my black leggings underneath, black ankle socks and a pair of baby blue converses while my brother's varsity jacket was on and my ashes bullet necklace to complete the look for today.

Today was my sixteenth birthday and for most, the last day of school. It was nearly close to half a year now since Kin died and here I was having my birthday by myself and my best friend Steph celebrate it, also my downstairs neighbors. I sighed again as I shook my head, leaving the bathroom while turning the light off and went to grab my backpack and phone from my bedroom. I looked at my Hero Factory figure of Alpha team leader Preston Stormer on my bedside.

I picked him up in my hands after resting my still open backpack on my bed, I carefully held him in my hands since he was one of the last gifts I had from my parents. "Maybe I'll get lucky and with bringing you to school this time they won't go through my backpack..." I mused half to myself aloud. Call me crazy for talking to my figures, but it was like Cinderella talking to her animal friends, I have to be a little crazy to help keep myself sane. Plus at times, it felt like he was actually listening to me of every word I said to him.

"What do you think Stormer, wanna come with me to school in my backpack?" I asked him, using my middle finger of my fingers that carefully held the back part of the figure to have him nod. It was weird for a second because his head joint was far more fluid than normal, especially with old figures like this.

I smiled as I grabbed my backpack in my other hand, "Whatever Alpha leader says I suppose." I joked a bit as I carefully placed Stormer in my backpack and then carefully zipped it up. Hoisting my backpack on my back I left my bedroom while turning off the light I went to the front door of my apartment and left, closing and locking the door behind me with my key which I stuffed in my bra.

I quickly rushed down the stairs to head to school. "Sheldon I'm not driving you to school." I snickered quietly to myself as I reached the floor where three of my downstairs neighbors as one of them was my guardian for me to not be in an orphanage, Penny, Lenard and Sheldon were leaving their apartments for their jobs. Lenard and Sheldon were scientists for some company while Penny was an aspiring actress paying her bills as a waitress at a restaurant which I worked at as well to make my own money.

"But why? It's not a difference than when you usually do so." Sheldon asked Lenard as I leaned against the wall of the broken elevator to watch their bickering. "I'd rather drive Aurora to school than drive you to work." Lenard said in annoyance, making me laugh which announced myself to the trio. "Awe Lenard, I'm hurt." I mocked a hurt tone as I placed a hand to my heart.

Penny started laughing at that a bit, "No it's nothing like that Aurora-" "He's just bothered when you talk about Hero Factory to much." Sheldon said as he cut off Lenard from his talking making me and Penny laugh more. "Sheldon!" Lenard hissed at his roommate making our laughter worse. "Are you confusing me with Steph there Sheldon?" I asked him as I stood next to Penny before we began walking down the stairs to the lobby. "No, you try to get us into that show." Sheldon said making me roll my eyes, "That's Steph there Sheldon." I told him as I fixed Kin's varsity jacket on my person then the straps of my backpack on me.

"Don't worry Aurora I'll take you to school and you can talk to me all you want." Penny told me making me smile a bit. "Thanks Penny." I thanked her as we were nearing the lobby. "Also before Sheldon makes me off track," Lenard said as he handed me a small gift bag from over my shoulder. "Happy sixteenth birthday Aurora." He said as I took the bag in my hands from him.

I opened the bag and took it out seeing it was a card which had Olaf on it which inside was signed by Lenard and his mom and a Amazon gift card in there, they always gave me an Amazon gift card of gifts with at least two hundred dollars on it. "Thank you Lenard, and tell your mom I said thanks as well." I thanked him making him smile, "Don't worry I will." He said as we made it to the lobby. "Boss already knows it's your birthday so he's arranging something up for since sixteen is a great achievement in teens." Penny said making me roll my eyes. "That's good to know." I told her making her laugh.

"I still have your present Aurora but I plan to give it to you after school and work when you get home." Sheldon said making me roll my eyes again at how Sheldon was as we left the building. "I'll keep an eye out for it then Sheldon." I told him as I followed Penny to her car, "Catch you boys later! Lenard don't kill Sheldon on the way to work!" I told Lenard making let out a mock sigh which made me laugh as I got in the passenger side of Penny's car.

"No promises Aurora!" Lenard said as Sheldon got in the passenger side of his car, looking offended which made me laugh more as I sat down in the passenger seat, closing my door and buckling up. "Lord those two," Penny said as she got in the driver side, closing her door, buckling up and putting the keys in. "It wouldn't be your boyfriend and his roommate if they weren't like this Penny." I told her making her sigh as she put the car in reverse, "This is true." She said as she backed out of her parking space then shifting the gears to drive and began to drive me off to school.


It took a bit but Penny arrived at my school and stopped the car in the front where parents usually dropped their kids off upon driving them to school. "Alright, I'll pick you up at the usual time since of work and all." Penny said as I took my seatbelt off while grabbing my backpack. "As our schedule goes," I said as I opened my door, "Catch ya' then Penny and be safe." I told her as I got out, "You too!" She said before I closed the door and let her drive off.

I noticed an all to familiar to me redhead making me smile as I ran up to her, "Steph!" The said redhead perked as she looked and smiled at me. "Hey girl!" She greeted me as I stopped in front of her as we hugged, "How's the birthday girl?" She asked me as she put her arm around my shoulder-the best she could with our height differences she was really short for her age-as we walked to the front doors of the school. "Could be better, could be worse." I shrugged, Steph snorted at that. "Well lucky for you, I got plans for the both of us when you're done with work after school," she said as we walked to our lockers, "Mani Pedies, getting some new clothes and probably prowl the mall to see if we get lucky at the comics to see if they have any of the Hero Factory comics. All at my own expense of course." Steph said, that was Steph for ya'. Her parents were rich with her dad being a politician and her mom being a lawyer, neither of them were good people or parents but that didn't stop Steph from being her dorky self. Hell she never even acted spoiled and entitled from being rich, she acted like any other good person, minus the money issues.

I rolled my eyes in an amused manner, "Wow what would I do without ya' Stephanie?" I asked her in a jokingly sarcastic manner. "Probably six feet below because you'd die of boredom." She said as we made it and began to unlock our lockers, I snorted at that, "True enough." I said after putting my other stuff and my bag in my locker, Stormer staying there as well. "And here I thought I was the only one who brought her figure." I looked at Steph for that seeing she was holding her figure of Alpha One team rookie William Furno in her hands, making him wave at me which caused me to snort before I closed my locker. Steph quickly put Furno back in her bag and put that with her unnecessary stuff before she closed and relocked her locker.

The two of us then walked off to our first class of the day, the always dreaded Algebra One. It doesn't matter if you can do it or not, you'll hate it because who the hell adds letters to math. I've been tempted to ask Sheldon or Leonard but it'll probably traverse into stuff I won't understand. The only reason I pass this class is because of them helping me with both tutoring and homework. Steph and I took our seats near the back of the class and just talked before the bell rung and the teacher walked in to begin her lesson.


I was at my locker as I packed my stuff up for the end of the day to head to work, Penny would pick me up so she could take me there, thankfully we had an area to change into our uniforms privately. As I grabbed my bag out and put it on my back my locker was someone slammed my locker shut nearly shutting it on my hand if I didn't react quick enough.

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