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Monaco finished reading, and glanced up at the occupants of the room, watching for their expressions. Each wore a different one; America, one of horror. England, one of thoughtful approval. France, one of mild disbelief. Seychelles, one of shock. Canada, one of confusion. The last occupant of the room bore a faraway expression.

Monaco cleared her throat; "So...?" Her uncertain reminder gained a response from France; "Monaco, ma cherie, ma petite sœur, why, why, why must it end so darkly?!" He asked dramatically, and America frowned at him. "Dude, end darkly?! That entire thing was like, pitch black from start to finish!" Exclaimed America, earning an eye roll from England and a muttered 'coward'.

"I think it was actually very good, and even realistic, in some ways. You never know how the world could end." The Brit complimented genuinely, Monaco giving him a small 'merci' in return. "But... The world's not going to end like that, right?" Seychelles asked, worry and perplexion (I do believe that's a word) written all over her features and lacing her words.

"Well, eh, let's hope not? I'm still confused, does the world actually end in your story?" Canada switched his attention from one of the women to the other, head tilted to the side as he awaited an answer. Monaco nodded in affirmative. "Oui, evryone, uhm, dies." She replied, albeit a bit bluntly towards the end.

One last occupant of the room remained uncharacteristically silent throughout the entire reading and following discussion, brows knitted together in deep thought. Romania simply refused to believe his ears. Refused to believe the story he had just heard Monaco tell, one she claimed was of her own creation. For she had not just read any mortifying story, no, she had practically retold the events of a recent vision that had plagued the vampire's dreams.

He had come here only to jokingly be reassured of the fact that England believed him over Norway, on the topic of his phobia of dragons, yet instead, he had to mull over these unwelcome thoughts. He was not prepared to hear this horrifying story recounted, as he had hoped to ignore his vision, at least just this once, but now he could not.

One question remained, and it terrified Romania to the very core.

Did he have a vision of an alternate universe?

Or did he see the future? 


Alas, the end of this story has befallen us.

Do excuse the way I am saying things, I am in a very melodramatic mood with wording, I have noticed it occurs when I have a lack of sleep.

Or, rather not a blink of sleep.

But that's irrelevant. 

Well, have I surprised you? That was what I was aiming for, I hope to have achieved it.

... I really do seem cold when I am like this, don't I?

Ah well.

Trust me, for this last traditional message, my apparent coolness will not disturb my appreciation for your...

You guessed it.

Comments, reads and votes!

Oh, and I believe a few shout outs are in order.







A different farewell will be here today.

Ciao till we meet again in my other books~!

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