HOMECOMING | kurenai shu

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The pounding of white shoes signal the return of a boy who's been through hell and back, been broken too much and lost too much and at such a young age. Now he runs around town, signifying his liberation, like a bird out of its cage, in deep contemplation of his mistakes and his goals now that he feels like he's poured his whole being into that battle few weeks ago, living the life that was before.

Kurenai Shu was back in Japan, back home, second place once more, the chains of the Snake Pit come undone yet left his wrists inevitably sore, doubled with an arm that constantly pulled string launchers 24/7 and lifted the heaviest of weights, overworked and burdened with the powerful need to claim the crown. Kurenai Shu has been worn out through and through and yet he still runs, still aims even if there is nothing to achieve, nothing to gain from anymore.

But it's more than that, he thinks, the gods and Fate thinks. Shu runs and the past lashes at him like turbulent waves, he thinks back to a time when Valt was a novice and he was a genius.

His eyes dart over to the park of Beigoma, the place was a clash of the future and the past. The river still stretched around and glistened and dappled under the sunbeams, the lush green grass has considerably grown longer, the tree's leaves; some had fallen out, some had stayed and continue to grow, offering more protection from the sun. Memories wash over him when he sees the rope tied to its trunk. He remembers all the times Valt would come up with the most eccentric of shenanigans, would pour his heart and soul with improvements and his emotions with tantrums. Shu remembers when a promise was made in this very place.

The gentle blow of the gods create the wind that caresses his face and wipes the sweat that was made from the sun's scorching grin. It joins Shu and carries him like the clouds would on Zeus, and it carries him to go faster, faster than ever. He faces front and when he passes the tree. He lets go of the memory.

Running further, the transition is just as they are but like him it is oh so unpleasant when the crowd who stands in front of a building is in an uproar, it sounds that of the static on television. They are looking skyward and the cheers grow exponentially louder when the gigantic screen perched is flashing his best friend; Valt. He is grinning, just as he has always been through the good and the bad times it makes Shu envious of times. He has grown so much from shying away and malfunctioning from even such a crowd of unknown people to standing proud as he is with that belt that shone gold around his shoulder. Shu stares at it like and his friend like a child who is denied something with what they want, only is that Shu never makes a tantrum and suffers in silence.

Sweat so narrowly close down his eyes falls like a tear.

He tries his best to smile and find the satisfaction for his friend. It is so far away. Eventually he huffs and continues to run when- "Shu? Is that you?" This makes him halt and look over his shoulder, his crimson eyes widen he takes in the owner of the voice; (F/N) (L/N), a friend and a former classmate of his. "Holy shit it is you! Welcome back! Hi! How are you?" He is no doubt caught off guard and could only resort to saying her name. She is as bright and as pretty as ever. Especially with the grin that adorns her lovely face "I can't believe you're back! It's been so long! I saw your battle! You and Valt were literally so cool?! Like what! You guys really went all out!"

With the back of his hand, he wipes it across his face to conceal the blood scorching his features "...Thanks" He's always felt like this around her. Flustered and breathless. She approaches him to close the wide distance upon him, with a gaze of scrutiny, she lets out sounds of astonishment "Wow! You've really gotten taller and handsomer this time" He crosses his arms and rakes his eyes up and down her figure "Thanks you too" She lets out a nervous laugh and rubs her cheek, looking at a distance "...So um...Do you have time?" He pants even though the fatigue has worn off "I suppose, Why?" "Well as a way to celebrate THE Kurenai Shu's homecoming, I figure I'd like to treat you to some food! What do you say Shu?" His eyes flicker to the huge screen where Valt is waving and to (F/N) with an expecting smile and he returns it and nods. Usually nothing stops Shu from training until he says so. But right now, he could care less about it "Sure, why not"

As they stray away from the buildings and the crowd and the noise, all that's left is the town that was the home of the unknown that now turned into household names and champions. Shu thinks. He was never a champion. While (F/N) and him walk, she is rambling about her life, taking in so many tones, she talks about how she's met a new friend online, how nervous and scared she was for the upcoming school year and how at an ungodly hour did her mother panicked and considered calling the police when she was nowhere to be found in the house only to be in the kitchen eating. He is no doubt amused and laughs "Really?" "Yeah! After that at two am, I got a long-ass lecture, like what?! How does me going downstairs to eat, eat the food she provided for me affect my future? It was so unrelated, I can't"

"Anyways" She continues "How about you? How's your life Shu? What made you come back?" Shu levels her a look that promises playful sarcasm and retorts "I do live here don't I?" She slaps him in the arm "I'm being serious!" Shu hums "Could be better, actually" "You didn't want to celebrate and stay with Valt and the others?" His gaze averts to a tree branch where perches a bird in a nest; alone. "Just wanted some time to myself" "Oh...I see...How about your arm? Is it okay? Is it beyond repair?" He smiles and chuckles at her worry "It's fine (F/N), just strained a muscle is all" (F/N) shoots him a stern look that belongs to a worried mother "You better be mindful of this one" His lips curl at the memory of his tenacity "I'm not making promises" "I'll make you" "Surprise me" She rolls his eyes and that was it. The footsteps their shoes make, the gust of the gentle breeze and light laughs of the trees is the only sound that invades Shu's ears.

As expected, they stand in front of the Aoi Pan.

(F/N) takes his hand and pulls him in and they are greeted by Chiharu, whose navy blue hair is disheveled and some flour sticking, her cheeks are marred with them too. Her eyes lit up when she sees Shu "Shu! Hello there! Glad to see you're doing alright, congratulations by the way" He nods tentatively though there is a smile on his face and a touched feeling. "You too (F/N)! How's it going for you dear?" "Doing great Mrs. Aoi! Could you tell Valt congratulations for me?" "Of course! Now what can I get both of you?" "Two banana bread, how about you Shu?" "Beybread would be nice" As (F/N) gets the cash out of her wallet, Mrs. Aoi says it's on the house to their delight.

When they exit the store after a goodbye and a thank you to Mrs. Aoi, quickly does (F/N) get the bread out and gives Shu his share, his beybread is a Spriggan and when (F/N) gets hers, it is also a Spriggan "We match!" They clink the bread together like glasses and laugh.

They choose to eat in a park bench and talk amongst themselves. "Man, must be both a blessing and a curse for them for Valt to be champion, while they'll sell more, it means there's more work for them and don't forget the paparazzi" Shu hums while he munches on the bread. Smiling through the dough at the familiar taste. "I wonder how Valt's doing though, he's probably no definitely over the moon with this!" The statement leaves Shu's appetite to be whisked away in the wind, the bread in his mouth in the process of chewing has grown stale like steel and barely edible and all he's left is to force it down.

The bread is stuck on his hand like a bird perched on a statue's and (F/N) is later to notice this but when she does, she is extremely worried "Hey, are you okay? What's wrong?" Shu stares at the sky that's gone from cerulean to indigo, the clouds off to join and chase the drifting sun. "...It hurts" Shu would never expect the girl to jump out of the bench "Oh shit! I thought you said your arm is okay!" "What? No-No that's not it...I guess it's my heart that is" "You're having a heart attack?! Goddammit Shu!" "(F/N) sit down, calm down" Her eyes waver, unwilling and distrusting at the statement "Please" Hesitantly and slowly she sits back down

"Okay...Just tell me, what's wrong" He leans back and tips his head back, his hair falling at the action, giving his face more freedom to the air, eyes closed "I'm...I'm a loser, I lost to Valt...I'm second place...again" He continues with her silence "I'm glad he's gotten stronger, I'm glad I'm not...Red Eye --he winces, the memory still fresh like food in the market--I'm glad I've repaired our promise...But" He deeply breathes to prepare himself "It-It all feels like when I lost to Lui again...Goddammit, why? Why can't I win? I did everything I could" Nothing was enough. Nothing. Second place will never be enough. No one remembers who comes in second.

His left hand is invaded by a comforting warmth and makes his eyes unfurl, they flicker to (F/N) who is wearing such a solemn face that he wants to wipe it out and bring her smile again "Yeah...Yeah I know how that feels...That really sucks huh? But I know it won't mean much but you did great, you really did, you have no idea how much my mom told me to calm down at your every match even the so-called bad ones because I was just so damn loud...Did I ever tell you how I got a sore throat? I know you probably don't care about how I feel" He stares at her in disbelief when she utters those words, standing upright and she smiles and he thinks it looks pretty on her because of how he feels the sincerity and softness radiating.

She continues "A-And yeah but I'm really proud of you, I'm so constantly amazed by you" She turns hesitant when her hand reaches out to him and Shu is still and surprised but does not do anything, does not recoil, he is anticipating and (F/N) cups his left cheek and brushes his hair to show his scar, her thumb trails down the mark. Red eyes stare into (E/C) ones and Shu thinks he's like a boat near a whirlpool and he is getting caught up and sucked in. Her strokes are soothing and lulls him, what felt like the first time in eons; he eases up.

(F/N) scoots close and holds his face in both her hands. And her hands are Sadim touch yet everything good stands and the horrid ones are broken into pieces and crumble down, the Red Eye fiasco seems so far away, seems like a dream that will soon be forgotten just as his previous ones. He was asleep this whole time and has awoken to (F/N)'s touch that he yearns for so long.

Her hands leave his cheek to support their own to his dismay but she leans forward that to an outsider it may already seem like their kissing and his hand is still on hers "You've may not won the battles you want and the ones you've worked so hard but easily you've won my heart" Her eyes crinkle to her confession and he is surprised and his heart beats so much that it's going to explode any time soon that he chuckles and squeezes her hand.

No words were need to be said when they already know, they laugh and they return to their original positions with (F/N) clinging onto his arm with her head on his shoulder. With newfound revelations come along with the blooming of a relationship that he would cherish and love till then. 

He's never been so glad to have come back home.


That one manga panel of Shu looking on with a lone spotlight on him as Valt is on one as well except he's surrounded with people and flowers will forever and never fail to go through and hit me like a sledgehammer causing more pain than ever. Shu is such a tragic character, he is cool gifted kid to burnout gifted kid that went off the rails and went insane, his life is like so fucking sad I can't, the final episode of God will forever haunt me as such since he's alone LIKE WHY? But I'm glad he found company with underrated best boy Fubuki. His character if only the series was more popular would be dissected and carefully studied into molecules because again, it's just so great if you think about it. If Shu was real, I'd fr hug him and treat him to so many stuff, he deserves so much yo. 

Sorry for the typographical errors and such

Thank you for reading!

LAST EDITED: 07.11.22

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