MISS |aoi valt

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[Season 5; Sparking]

She sighs as she feels a familiar feeling

She misses him

She misses Valt

Lately or well for 5 years, the miracle champ has been going all-around the world, hosting and participating in tournaments, he's like a nomad; having no home and all that, She groans, when was the last time she and Valt talked to each other without the sentence 'I'm going to (whatever country he is needed for) to host a tournament or something, Bye!' oh yeah like 5 years ago, he's changed so much from the boy who caused nonstop trouble, discord for BC Sol and a blader who thinks after he jumps--in short an idiot

Her mouth curls into a knowing smile, rests her hand on her chin and closes her eyes, that's one of the reasons she fell in love with the miracle boy, honestly if people hadn't relied on looks so much and focused on personality instead then maybe, no really Valt would have been a chick magnet of some sorts

Girls only clung to him because of his status and etc. While ruminating about her boyfriend, squawking was heard and that's when (f/n) knew; she fucked up, Carl ambushed the girl's shared room through the open window, "the fuck carl" She saw a paper held between the bird's feet "Quest! Quest!" it chirps and drops her the paper , then flying out of the window "the fuck" she repeats and grabs the paper, unfolding it, she raises an eyebrow

Follow me

Oh Lord, is this one of Kit and Honey's shenanigans again? Probably, well she has nothing to do than sulk about Valt so why not just go along with it? She skims the bottom of the paper; and it's an arrow pointing towards, she furrows her eyebrow as if doing so she'd figure out whatever this is, unparking her butt from the bed she faces the room and goes outside, she sees a white thing plastered to the hall's wall and it had something written;

This way

She follows the sign, walking towards the halls, then below her was 4 small standing boards


Going downstairs, her sight whips left to right to check for any of these 'clues' there is none, she goes to the door leading to the halls carrying the thought that their maybe clues out there, but as she does , with incredible speed two people block her "holy crap, where'd you two come from?" She swears to god that they're trying to give her a heart attack, the two people blocking her are none other than the two she theorizes to have made this entire thing up

Kit and Honey

The pair smirks at her mischeviously "Oneesan" Kit starts, his green eyes narrowed to further acentuate his mischief, "Thou shall not leave the room till you answer this question" Honey taunts, (f/n) groans "What do you two want from me! that gelato is mine okay!" The two jerk their head back and look at each other and back to her in astonishment, it's like they found a way to solve world hunger

Then of course they revert back to their impish expressions "oooh, i didn't know you had those oneesan" Honey smirks, (f/n) groans "can you just please let me out? I need to do something...wait you guys didn't do this?" 

"I guess we kinda did do this but we're more of a follower" "Yeah! like a follower" She raises an eyebrow at this, this definitely raised her suspicions even more, these two were the only one who would constantly prank on her and such, but as far as she remembers she hasn't angered anyone

"Ugh anyways, what's your question?" "huh?" "Are you serious? Didn't, didn't you like say and i quote 'oneesan, thou shall not leave the room till you answer this question' remember?" "ohhh"

"okay then, what's aniki's favorite food?" She tenses at the honorific for Valt, she doesn't know what kind of surprise it is; the surprise because the sudden mention of Valt or the surprise because she doesn't know her boyfriend's favorite food, one thing just pops in her mind

"Uhh...beybread?" Their eyes light up "correct!" she sighs in relief, though they don't move "hey! i answered your question, keyword question, singular, let me out!" "oh we will, once you give us those gelato" She rolls her eyes "fine" "great, oh and here you go" Honey gives her a paper, as they retreat behind her

She unfolds the paper and she reads; A place you'd sneak into during 3 in the morning, the shame filled her system that she didn't get to think who would know such a feat of hers, though her so called mission was as clear as the skies for her to remember, she just opens the oakwood door and scurries through the hall

Now here she was in the place she'd sneak into; the Eating Hall, Her eyes darts all over the place, checking for clues, any people to stop her then her eyes land on the door; OPEN

Her footsteps echo throughout the seculded room, eyes dart again and a stance in case anyone blocks her again, she sighs in relief and finally opens it, the door leading outside

(E/c) eyes expanded at the sight, it felt like she has seen the sun for the first time, the nacarat sky with the center gazebo below it was perfect, but what made it even more perfect was the sunny and larger-than-life presence before her; Valt Aoi

"Hey!" He waves at her, with a grin, she pinches herself in case this is a dream, no the pinch hurt so it was most likely real that miracle boy was here, though at first she hesitates, she brisk-walks to him then goes up the two steps to fully meet him "Valt...you're...you're here" he reveals to her his warm chocolate eyes "that i am, mi amor" (f/n) snorts at that to hide her giddiness at that and she has to say she's impressed at how his accent improved over these 5 years

"Why?" she lets out and Valt smiles at her again this time rueful "Well, a little birdie told me something" She snorts again "carl?" "no, Honey" "Oh" he holds her hand "Honey told me well scolded me 'Aniki, i know you're champion and all that, and you need to go travel the whole globe but you need to make time for Oneesan too! She's been real! lonely since you keep leaving her' kit, honey and carl helped me with this" he finishes

"Ohhh,  that makes sense, i did tell you that i sneak at 3 am to eat" Valt grins "yeah! So here we are, and today i choose you over beyblade!" 

"Valt" She places a hand on his shoulder "I would never give you a time where you have to choose between me or your career, i  love you too much to do that and i can't blame you, i can't blame the beyblade world for keeping you away from me, after all it was through Beyblade that we met, and you loved Beyblade first" Valt pouts "Well I love you both" (F/n) smirks "Really now?"

"Yeah, i'll show you!" Arms wrap around her waist and lift her up, twirling her around in the center of the gazebo, Valt laughs first; so free and pure, so childish despite his teenage years. It came to her ears as a tickle and bounce, (F/n) wrapped her arms around his neck leaning in his warmth, embracing him, then finally joining in such generous mirth, they laughed and laughed until it became one sound

Valt stops twirling her around, gazing at her fondly and smiles at her, their faces inches close "I'm here"


Waking up in cold sweat at 29th of July at 3 am realizing that Valt would never be the same since he had character development lmao (yes i remembered that)

I FINALLY FINISHED IT! so yeah, lots of revisions, sorry for the long update and i would make a few changes with the published oneshots like the title and the gif, so don't mind me republishing shit though What a pathetic title indeed, also it was like  a story were reader was denser than dense and

tf was this? it's horrible I'm not too proud over it, considering i overdid the whole kit-honey-reader interaction, i think it's too cheesy for my own good, i had another tough time writing this, took me three days to finish it, yesterday i was going to publish it but i used all my brain juice,and i added today his possible 'spanish speaking' since yeah BUT GUYS I really do want to see Valt's spanish accent, i mean chronologically speaking; 1 year= Burst God, 2 years= Valt being champion, 1 year= Chouzetsu, 1 year= Gachi, 1 year= Sparking, he's been like 6 years in spain but 5 years ruling as a blading legend, idk i just went with it correct me if i'm wrong

AND LIKE I SAID ITS SEPTEMBER! SEPTEMBER IS THE MONTH I FOUND OUT BEYBURST, OH LORD NOSTALGIA COMES BACK TO HIT ME IN THE FACE, and i might be publishing a rant book so i don't overdo my (a/n) every time, though do you guys hate my author notes? anyways

sorry for any typographical errors and such

i'll see ya guys but a bit unsure what's to come but not abandoning this book


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