Meet Meilin

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Mei (narrating): The number one rule in my family?

Mei (narrating): Honor your parents

Mei (narrating): They're the supreme beings who gave you life, who sweated and sacrificed so much to put a roof over your head, food on your plate, an epic amount of food

Mei (narrating): The least you can do in return is every single thing they ask

Mei (narrating): 'Course some people are like 'be careful, honoring your parents sounds great but if you take it too far well, you might forget to honor yourself'

Mei:...Luckily! i don't have that problem!

Mei: I'm Meilin Lee! and ever since i turned 13 i've been doing my own thing! making my own moves 24/7, 365!  i wear what i want, say what i want and I will not hesitate to do a spontaneous cartwheel if I feel so moved

*Meilin struggles to do a cartwheel with her supplies falling out of her bag*

Mei: Oh crap! *falls onto the ground but gets up and picks up her stuff and puts it back in her backpack goes onto the bus*

Mei: Not to brag but being 13 means I'm officially a grown-up, At least according to the Toronto Transit Commission

Bus driver:...Good for you

*At mei's school*

*Mei pushes open the doors*

Mei: Animal besties! assemble! Luca!

*Luca turns around and and sees mei*

Luca: Hey mei! *walks to her side*

Mei: Alberto!

Alberto: Ciao! *Walks to her other side*

Mei: Sonic!

*Sonic bolts through the hallway and skids to a stop in front of mei*

Sonic: What's up mei!

*Then they do their bestie handshake*

Mei: Ready to change the world boys?

Luca: So ready!

Alberto: I was born to do this!

Sonic: LET'S BURN THIS PLACE TO THE GROUND!...metaphorically not literally

*Transition to mei's math class*

Mei: Y equals negative 4!

*Transition to mei's french class*

Mei: *speaks faux french*

*transition to mei's geography class*

Mei: Manitoba, Alberta, and Saskatchewan!

Mei (narrating): I Know it's a lot

*transition to mei's music class*

*Mei is playing a flute but stops to speak to the audience*

Mei: But this is grade eight, I don't got time to mess around *starts playing the flute again but stops again* I guess you could call me...

*Transition to Mr. Kieslowski's office*

Mr. Kieslowski: A very enterprising, mildly annoying young lady

*transition to goth girl*

Goth girl: A major weirdo

*transition to sonic*

Sonic: Uhh the coolest person in the entire world! duh!

*Transition to tyler*

Tyler: an over-achieving dork-narc *throws a basketball at a hoop but mei grabs it*

Mei: I accept and embrace all labels *throws the basketball onto the road and it gets run over by a car*

Mei: Whoops

Sonic: Oooh mei mei you savage!

Tyler: Oh, you're dead!

*Mei runs away while tyler chases after her*

*Fast-forward when school is over*

*Mei, sonic, luca and alberto were walking past the daisy mart*

Mei: Anyway, who cares what stupid evil tyler or anyone else says? this is my year

*then sonic, luca and alberto look to the daisy mart*

Mei: And nothing's gonna stop this train from-

Sonic: OH MY GOD MEI COME HERE RIGHT NOW! *pulls mei to them*

Mei: Whoa!

*sonic, luca, alberto and mei sneak to the side of the daisy mart and peer into the building*

Mei: guys what's up with you three?

Luca (whispering):...Devon!

Sonic (whispering): Abby's mom cuts his hair, abby felt it and she said it was super soft!

Alberto (whispering): Dang that good huh?

Luca (whispering): Duh! what else!

Mei: Ugh! he looks like a hobo!

Sonic: Correction; An AWESOME hobo

Mei: Boys may i remind you what real men look like?

*Mei said as she pulled out a 4*town magazine*

*Luca, Alberto and Sonic gasp*

Luca, Alberto and Sonic: 4*town!

Mei: Yes, 4*town!

Mei (narrating): Jesse went to art school

Mei (narrating): Tae young fosters injured doves

Mei (narrating): Robaire speaks french

Aaron T: Hey!

Mei (narrating): And Aaron T and Aaron Z are like really talented too

Mei: We are 4*townies remember? RIDE OR DIE!!!

Alberto: Yeah but 4*town tickets are like a bajillion dollars and devon's right there!

Sonic: AND free to be our friend!

Mei: *Hears the tram bell* Ah fudgesicles! i gotta go

Luca: Wait! we're going karaokeing today!

Sonic: Yeah you should totally come with us mei!

Alberto: Please?

*Luca, Alberto and Sonic give mei the puppy dog eyes*

Mei: Uhh...

Luca: Please?

Mei: I...can't, it's cleaning day

Sonic: Mei, literally everyday is cleaning day, can't you just take one afternoon to yourself?

Mei: But i like cleaning *gasps* plus i got this new feather duster, it picks up so much dirt it's bananas!

Luca: Okay we'll let you go...IF you pass the gauntlet

*Luca begins scatting and dancing*

Mei: Luca not now

Luca: Come on, you know you can't resist it

Mei: *sighs* Oh alright

*sonic begins beatboxing*

Luca: Here we go!

Mei and Luca: You're never not on my mind

Mei and Luca: Oh my, oh my

Sonic: Oh yeah!

Mei and Luca: I'm never not by your side

Mei and Luca: Your side

Alberto: Yeah!

Mei and Luca: Your side

Mei, Luca, Alberto and Sonic: Alright!

*Mei, Luca, Alberto and Sonic strike different poses*

Sonic: Haha! Nailed it!

Luca: You passed! and here is your reward

*Luca hands mei a 4*town disc*

Mei: *gasps in amazement*

Luca: '99 Australian tour with the 'girl i love your jeans' remix

Mei: O-M-G Luca! i'll guard it with my life! *hugs luca tightly* Oh thank you thank you thank you!!

Mei: 4*town 4-ever!

Luca, Alberto and Sonic: 4-ever!

*then they do their bestie handshake*

Mei: We'll karaoke another time, i promise!

Luca: Okay sure mei!

Mei: *while walking to the tram* It'll be on me! The snacks, the tunes...

Alberto: Alright!

Sonic: You're our jam girl!

*Mei gets onto the tram and waves goodbye to them*

Alberto:...She's so brainwashed

Sonic: Yeah you tellin' me

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