Chapter one: Changing the Destinies (Translation)

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Seeing the destruction of Mahabharat Krishna had tears in his eyes seeing Karn's future broke him. Karn. The one man Army who is capable of bringing the whole Aryavart to his feet and possibly the best ruler the land had ever seen or would ever see. The apple of 3 mother's eyes. He would have been The rightful heir of the throne of Hastinapur and would end up becoming the Samrat only if his mother Rajmata Kunti would have made better choices.

He suddenly heard the pleading voices of his wife Kalindi begging him to save her baby brother who was very dear to her heart.

Kalindi: Arya please have mercy on my brother.  Save his life.  If you want, take my life.

She cried bitterly folding her hands on her knees.

Krishna: calm down dear.

He said making her stand while she sniffles in response sobbing badly.

Krishna (thought): We have to talk to Mahadev in this matter. There must be some solution

He managed to calm down his wife and went to Kailash. Mahadev smiled feeling his presence and opened his eyes.

Krishna: Pranam Aradhya.

Mahadev: Pranam Aradhya.

Mata Parvati: Pranam brother

Krishna: Pranam sister.

Mahadev: Tell me how did you come?

Krishna: You know all this very well, yet this question?

Mahadev: You know the result, Mohan.

Krishna: I know Lord.  But when we have a choice, why not?

Mahadev and Mata Parvati looked at eachother with unshed tears and nodded.

Parvati: If that's what you all feel right then okay

Mahadev: The time has come to bring Prerna back from Kali Yuga.

They nodded and closed their eyes as a girl in her early 20's who was in her princess bed filled with stuffed toys appeared there. She was peacefully sleeping there and got disturbed by sunlight.

Prerna: Suraj chachu go back to bed. Reu will wake up later

She mumbled covering her face with a cheeky yet sleepy smile.

Parvati: She has become so big, yet she can't wake up early.  Exactly like her brother.  Reu, get up daughter and what the heck are you wearing.

She woke up with a jolt looks at the trio rubbing her eyes.

Prerna: When did the three of you come to Kali Yuga?  And I just slept after practicing, mom.

She whined

Krishna: We are not in Kali Yuga, you have come back, daughter.

Prerna: Mamashreeeeeee. (Maternal uncle)

She squealed hugging him tight making him stumble.

Krishna: Now you remember us. You got a boon to go to every age, so you have forgotten us.

Prerna: Could this ever happen? Come on Mamshree.  But why did you call me all of a sudden? Every time they used to send a signal earlier.  Do we have any urgent work?

Mahadev: Yes daughter.  It is a very necessary task.

Krishna: The situation has become such that now intervention is necessary.

He said looking away. He knew this was going to emotionally destroy his Little niece in the future but he couldn't help but be selfish for his mortal family. No one would know what happens to her. Everyone will only know the pain of his Sakhi but now wasn't the time for second thoughts. Before anyone could say that she has an option she interrupted them.

Prerna: I'm ready!

Everyone there took in a sharp breath and nodded she took blessings from her parents and laid her head on her mother's lap who had once fought with her father to the extreme to protect her from this particular situation but sometimes Destiny can not be avoided.

Mahadev and Krishna met up with Bhramadev and summoned Adi Shakti who helped them after a lot of convincing.

(Won't stretch it much. So just giving a gist of the situation. Rest you'll understand in a flashback)

The time has been reversed back to the birth of Karn. Priyamvadha was trying to convince Kunti to kill Karna or abandon him. But something was stopping Kunti an unknown fear. Being frustrated she yelled authoritatively.

Kunti: Ekant! (Leave me alone)

All the people present at the surrounding left leaving the duo alone. Kunti looks at the Sun and sobbed.

Kunti: Help my god.  I will live with any curse.  But if someone addresses my son as a sin, it will not be tolerated by me. I know I have made a mistake but don't punish this innocent. Help me God.

Suryadev who was looking at the princess expected her to make the same mistakes was happy she thought about the child's safety and future. He appeared there and smiled.

Kunti: God what should I do?

Suryadev: Kunti. You will find a married couple near the banks of Goddess Ganga.  Hand Karna to him. Going forward, your eldest son has the ability to become the emperor of Aryavarta.

Kunti: As you say lord

She said and left towards the shore. Where she saw a couple praying to the son God with closed eyes. She on instructions of Suryadev quietly placed Karn's basket near them without their notice and hides. Karn starts crying to gain their attention and the couple looks towards him. The couple were none other than Radha and Adhirath.

Radha picks Karn up and Adhirath picks up the scroll and bangles that were left in the basket of lotuses. Adhirath reads out the letter.

Adhirath reads the letter outloud which says that this Baby is the mortal son of Suryadev who himself has led Karn to them and explains the situation. Radha who craved for a child cried.

Radha: Where we are longing for a child, how much pain must have been caused to the mother of this child.  Narayan should not give such misfortune to anyone.

Kunti who couldn't control herself came out crying.

Kunti: You are right Devi.  Narayan should not make any unfortunate mother like me.

Couple: Princess Kunti?

Kunti: yes me  Like a fool, I doubted the mantra of sage Durvasa and I am getting his punishment by staying away from my son. Please take care of our son as your own child.  Keep telling us about him.  This is a request of a mother to you.

Radha: I understand very well the grief of losing a child, princess.  Rest assured that from today onwards Karna is my son.  My Vasusen.

She said with a smile. After loosing 4 of her children Radha finally got to be a mother. She couldn't be happier. The couple promised to keep her updated about Karn and Kunti said that Whenever she gets a chance to visit Hastinapur she'll definitely meet them and Karn. Soon the newly formed family left and Kunti returned crying in the pain of separation. Priyamvadha smirked seeing her in misery.

5 Years passed by Radha and Adhirath were taking great care of Karn. They raised him like their own son. Gave him their morals and traveled with him to serve sages to get blessings. When one time Devi Sangya and Devi Chaya couldn't control their motherly emotions and in disguise came to Radha Adhirath who along with Karn served them. Being very impressed they blessed Radha to have a son who will be a Shadow of their oldest son. After which Shon was born. 2 more years passed and Kunti married into the kuru family. Reaching Hastinapur she immediately recognized Adhirath and looks at him hopefully who nodded at her with a smile. As soon as Pandu and Kunti reached their room Kunti called him. This was the first time they were talking to eachother.

Kunti: King, before you tell me something, I want to tell you a truth.

Pandu: What kind of truth Kunti?

Kunti: But I need a promise from you that you will not take any decision till our talk is over.

Pandu: Ok I promise you.

Kunti tells about karna and breaks down. And surprisingly there isn't an ounce of anger in Pandu's eyes instead he was crying at the fate of the seperated duo. He simply asked a question to her which stunned her.

Pandu: Where is our son?

Kunti smiled happily at the acceptance: Here in Hastinapur. I had handed him over to the charioteer of Tatshree to Mr. Adhirath.

Pandu: We will go to pick him up tomorrow.

Kunti: No Arya. We can't bring him here.  I do not want him to grow up only in palace. I want him to understand the common people, know their feelings, their living conditions.

Pandu: But he is a prince.  and the successor of the Kuru dynasty. Our eldest son. Going ahead he has to sit in this throne only.

Kunti: Arya The king is made of his subjects.  And which king would be better than that king who understands the difficulties of the subjects. The people will not only listen to him, but they will also have faith in him. Even if both of us do not believe in the caste system, everyone else believes.  And only our son will be able to change that.

Pandu carefully thought about Kunti's reasoning.

Pandu: Alright Kunti.  But today we will announce in the state that we have chosen our successor. And till then we will tell Adhirath that we will especially come to meet Karan every day. And we will take good care about this friend of mine

Pandu grumbled at the secret Adhirath kept from him.

Kunti: Do you know Adhirath sir?

Pandu: He is a very close friend to me.  And Karna was like my son till now. I always prayed that my first child would be like Karna.  and his siblings like Shon.

He said smiling and Kunti beamed happily nodding after connecting the dots. Pandu immediately explained the situation to Bhishm and Satyavati. Who didn't object as they loved their dear Radhey. Next day they went to Adhirath's house. All the people of the village knew that the king and Adhirath were best of friends.

Pandu: Bhabhishree!

Pandu called Radha upon reaching Adhirath's house.

Radha: You're here dear brother.

She said coming out of the house only to be shocked seeing Kunti. She saw the couple and went back in and came back with a Aarthi Thal. Performed their Aarti and welcomed them in.

Radha: I'll be right back

She went out to call her son: Vasu! Shon! Come fast, someone has come to meet both of you.

Vasu who was Karn and the 4 year old Shon came running inside the house and Karn stopped seeing Kunti. And Shon bumped into him.

Shon: Brother who stops like this? You almost broke my nose

But Karn didn't say anything. His birth mother was standing in front of him. The lady who saved him from her evil best friend/ maid and gave him to his Maa and Baba has finally come to meet him. He had very vivid memories of that day. Though he was a baby but it was still very clear.

Karn: Mata.

He called softly.

Kunti broke into tears and Hugged her first baby to her dear life. She kisses his face admiring the little one.

Kunti: how is my son?

Karn: I am fine mother how are you?

Kunti: I'm fine as well.

She chatted with him knowing about him and Pandu was officially his pitashree now. Then it was time to go. Fear engulfed Radha. She was hugging Karn and same with him. Kunti smiled sadly and said that they aren't going to take Karn away from Radha. And Radha has equal rights on Karn as Kunti does. Hearing this everyone smiled and the Royal couple left. Soon approached the war of Madra and Pandu came back with Madri. Though Kunti was heart broken she steeled herself and welcomed the newly wed couple. Some time later Pandu got a curse but this time instead of leaving the Kingdom permanently Pandu with his wives went to the jungle to repent for this sin and do penance to lower the effects of the curse. He couldn't be selfish. He knew his Jeyshth Dhritrashtra was under the influence of Gandhar Raj Shakuni completely. He and his wives did extreme penance for a few years and Bhramadev himself lowered the effects of the curse. Here on one end Pandavas and Kauravas were born while on the other hand Karn was looking for a guru.

(Teenager Karn)

He went to many places but no use all he got was rejection as he introduced himself as a Suta. He could have said he was a Kshatriya but he wanted to earn his knowledge. He heard a lot about Bhagwan Parshuram throughout his journey and his childish brain convinced him to deceive the God. He was on his way to Mahendragiri and on one of his stops for his morning Suryapooja he saw an old woman struggling with an idol of Ardhnarishwar and praying that someone helps her. Karn couldn't see anyone struggling so he went and helps her Carry the idol to the farthest temple at the borders of the kingdom. The condition to carry it was he can not place it down and he had to chant Ardhnarishwar Strotam the entire time. By the time he reached there he was on his knees. He looked malnourished, tired and nearly on his death bed but he kept going. The old lady had a knowing smile and after reaching the temple Karn passed out due to excessive bleeding and exhaustion. The lady folded her hands and disappeared from there. Suddenly light emitted from the idol whose feet had a few drops of Karn's blood on it and there appeared Ardhnarishwar themselves. They healed Karn and stood in front of him in their individual forms of Mahadev and Mata Parvati.

Mata Parvati: Wake up Putr Karn.

Karn who woke up got stunned to see the gods and Greeted them.

Mahadev: We are very happy with you son.  Ask what boon do you want.

Karn: But Lord.  I had only helped that woman, may her resolve.  She should get the boon, not me.

Parvati: her work was till the son.  Now you have to choose your path.

Karn: If so, then mother my only wish is I want to be Mahadev and your disciple.

Mahadev looks at him smiling and to test him one last time he looks at him in confusion.

Mahadev: Why both son?

Karn: Because Tridev is incomplete without their power and I want to learn from both of you to get complete knowledge.

Mata Parvati: You know this in such a young age, we are happy.

Divine couple: so be it.  From today we accept you as our disciple.

Karn: Thank you Lord.  Thank you mother

He said with happiness. He knew they knew his truth so he didn't need to tell them much yet he introduced himself truthfully which made them smile.

Mata Parvati: Putra Karn We will take you with us after your suryapooja.

Karn: As you say Guru Maa.

Karn sat by the shor of mata Ganga and was either thanking that old lady in his mind or helping the ones in need with whatever he could. After his dusk Pooja and he was taken to Kailash by the Divine couple. Nandi came running to them.

Nandi: Mother help me.

He pleads making Mata Parvati sigh.

A little girl who was nearly 6 came running after.

Girl: Pitashree see Jeyshth naa he isn't playing with me

Mahadev: Why nandi?

Mahadev asked Playing along in the mischief.

Nandi: Lord you too.

Prerna: Father, who is this?  You have brought new brother for me.

She asked excitedly looking at Karn. Who looks taken aback. Society never accepted him after he challenged it's rules and regulations. And here the supreme God's daughter was calling him her brother.

Karn: Pranam Devi.

Prerna: Devi? Who Devi? I am Prerna. Mumma calls me Anika and everyone calls me Reu.

She said cheekily. Karn chuckled in response.

Prerna: You should call me Choti. It'll be soo cute.

Karn: As you say Choti

While the divine couple smiled even they got a chance to redeem the mistake they made in the previous timeline now only the future will tell if they can or not.

The next day Karn's teaching also started and Prerna after lots of pleading and a long list of tests joined her Radhey Bhaiya in this journey. They both shared a great bond and he treated her like he treats Shon. And she also knew his secrets that only was known to Shon till now.

Prerna on the other hand had memories of the previous timeline as well and would share certain things with Karn and now their discussions would be in English, French and what not.

Days turned into months and months into years. Over the years not only Mahadev and Mata Parvati taught them but being impressed by their skills and hunger for knowledge the entire swarglok taught them. Every God taught them their own astra and various other skills. Karn got to meet his celestial family and was very pampered by them. While Prerna was as usual roaming around the empty Kailash and sat by her favourite pond and stirred the water and cried looking at the scene silently and soon composed herself.

Just like her sister Ashok Sundari she was also told whom she will Marry in the future. She had strictly convinced herself to only be friends with guys when she's in Kaliyug. But ended up doing the opposite. She did something she wasn't supposed to do. She fell in love with a person and has pushed him back into the darkness she brought him out of once and now she was drowning in that guilt.

Prerna: I wish we were never friends.  Neither we would have fallen in love, nor would you be so sad today.  The mistake was mine. From my childhood, my mother had said that I would be married to Arjuna of Dwapar Yuga, but still I didn't remember. Such fool I am.

She cried looking at her first love which happend when she was in Kaliyug. She could see he or her little family didn't forget her. And it pained to see them bawl their eyes out. She knew she had powers to contact them but that'll give her man child a ray of hope and he'll even fight the lords to get to her. Not to make her his. No hell no. Just to know she's fine and not in a place where she'll probably be dead meat the next moment. She wiped her tears praying for their happiness and sanity as well because they are mad people.

While her dear Mamashree grinned childishly at Dwarka.

Dau: Kanha, which leela are you smiling thinking now?

Krishna: Be patient Dau.  Everything will be known to you in future.

Soon the time came for Karn and Prerna to give their tests and they passed them efficiently earning many gifts and boons

(I'll tell all these in bits and pieces. If I say everything now then where is the fun? )

One of Karn's test was to paint a picture blindfolded. Which caused him to get teased like anything.

Prerna: You never made such a beautiful painting for me brother.

Karn: Choti!

He said blushing.

Prerna: Ooh hoo blushing. What's my bhabhi's name?

Karn: I'll tell you on one condition

Prerna: No

Karn: yes.

Prerna: You already heard it yesterday.

Karn: I wanna hear it again.

Prerna: Ok fine. I'll tell you my birth story. Now tell me what's her name?

Karn: Shreya.


Here is the first chapter. Please let me know how it is. Will be eagerly waiting for your comments. I just realized there are some similarities to another book and I'm very tired to make changes. So whoever finds anything exactly same let me know I'll talk to the author. Thank you.





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