Leaving Port

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It was a beautiful day and everyone was fussing over the new ship that was created by the British, they call it... The ship of Dreams..

There were four brothers who originally came from New York City and decided to expand their travels till they ended up in Britain to catch the titanic ship since it was heading back to New York. 

A young woman wearing high class clothes comes out of the latest car fashion of Britain, followed by her mother and her fiancé, Chester sacks is his name, a rich man that had his eyes on our young Mari who felt trapped in the high class world and wished to be free, thankfully she has her friend or what her mother likes to call her private maid, Ms. Osa.

Osa was someone special to the rich family, the moment they met Osa was when she protected Mari from some low class boys who wanted to steal from her as a child, it surprised the family the ability of her different animal forms and was granted to work for Mari as a maid but for Mari, Osa became a best friend but needed to keep a low profile on the friend part, they both knew not to upset those who knew them in the high class especially Mari's fiancé and mother.

"You'll be surprise Mari how big the ship is from the inside, one of very few to be the first time travelers in the fastest ship of the sea" Osa slightly jokes but in a low voice only Mari can hear making Mari smile a bit at Osa's amusement and joke as they begin to enter the ship.

Meanwhile somewhere near the ship.......
Inside a bar two out of four turtle brothers were gambling for four tickets for the titanic and it was very tensional at the moment especially with Raphael looking too serious and intimidating "Alright boys, Moment of truth, someone's life is about to change today" he said and looks at Mikey "Mikey?" he asks as Michelangelo groans and puts his cards down "Nanimonai.." he frowns as Raph nods serious "Nanimonai.." he said and looks at the other two "Olaf?" he asks as Olaf puts his cards down unamused and angry "Nothing.. what about you?" he asks Sven who roughly puts his cards down as Raph sighs "sorry Mikester-" he starts but Mikey starts to panic "dude! Leo is gonna kill us and-" he started freaking out, one thing he didn't want to hear is Leonardo about to kill one of them or both if he found out all of their things were gone "I'm sorry but you're not gonna be seeing that ex of yours for a long time, cuz we going back home" he said and shows his cards to everyone "full house boys" he said smirking as Mikey beams and grabs all four tickets in excitement. 

Raph was laughing seeing Mikey running around with the tickets yelling out some Japanese words as everyone came to look amazed. Olaf was beyond angry as he was gonna punch Raph who was caught off guard but punched Sven instead while the other two started attacking them both while Raph and the rest of the men, mutants and humans were laughing "I can't believe we are going home!" Mikey shouted "no mate, Titanic is going to America in 5 minutes" the bar tender said making Raph and Mikey panic "we need to find Donnie and Leo fast" Raph said as they both gather their stuff and races out of the bar. 

Not too long after finding Leonardo and Donatello, telling them what just happened, all four of them raced to the entrance "Wait!" Mikey yells out to one of the workers who stopped "here here here we got our tickets!" he said handing the four tickets "have you all been through the inspection?" the worker asks "Sir we are Americans and turtles we don't get lices or anything that has to do with hair of any kind" Donnie explains making the worker nod "right well come along, we're in a tight schedule" he said as all four brothers jumps in and races to get to the top of the ship

Everyone, well most were waving good bye to their families, friends, co-workers, etc. as the ship begins to move slowly, Mikey decided to join in and waved at everyone down below "Do you know someone down there Mikey?" Leo asks confused as Mikey grins looking at his brothers "no but I'm just glad to leave this place" he said as he begins to wave again, Leo and the other two shrugs before joining him, waving their hands randomly

(( Guest Star: Osa Owned by @OsitaBear26 ))

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