Just Talk

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Mikeys POV:

It's been already been almost a week since she's got here and she treats everyone like a threat.

Okay you know what here's a list of how she treats the others

•Leo- Glares at him like pray or an enemy

•Donnie- Demands that she'd be released or asked the same questions

•Raph- Trys too attack him and always passes out with a knock out gas Donnie instilled or bangs her head and intire body to the glass

•Master Splinter- Not met yet

•April- Not yet met

•Casey- We're not letting her met him cause she'll try to kill him

Me- Haven't talked to her yet but not for long

Cause today I've decided to talk to her in a 'Normal' matter. My bro's told me to stay here and keep an eye on her today and I just said 'Okay.' Once they were out I checked to see if Splinter is here. Mediating... like always.
So I went to the kitchen to get some snacks for if she's hungry and Ice cream Kitty to let them meet, I put Ice cream Kitty in a colder and we were off.

I was about to open the door when I heard silent crying, sobs when I heard a faint wisper "Why did they take me, I miss them" I opened quietly the door slightly to see her on the floor, in a little ball, with ink around her.
"... hi" I said and she screamed. She looks so terrified, then went into a blind rage and slammed herself to the glass again "STOP YOU'LL HURT YOUSELF!" I shouted and she went down and leand on the glass.
I slowly walk over to her and sat down on the other side of the glass and looked at her. "What are you here?" she asked "Well I was wanting to see if you would like to talk" "About what?" "Anything" then silents.


"... What do you really want Orange?" she asked her back to the glass, and head to the side looking at me.
"Orange?" I asked then touched my mask "I don't know any of your names so I call you by mask" she said looking at me.
"Um... are-are you hungry?" I asked and showed her a orange. "What's that?" "An orange, it's a food" I said and just tilted her head confused. So I peeled it and lifted the small latch that allowed food in. She looked at it then me "Go ahead" I said and she grabbed it quickly and sniffed it then made sharp teeth and bit into it. "You like it?" "It's nice" she said with a smile, then she frowned "Me and what's left of my family don't really eat human food" she said "Is your family gone?" I asked "Not all of them, but the ones who are gone were tooken by 'Him'" she said melting a bit.
"... OH do you want to me Ice Cream Kitty!?" "Ice Cream what?" and I lifted up the coolers lid to show Ice Cream Kitty.
"Oh... **smirk** you have got to be 'kitten' me" she said and my eyes widened with a little smile. "I bet your cat needs a cat nap later" she said and chuckled "Do you think the cat will be Catnaped?" she said making finger guns at me with a goofy smile and I started laughing and she said more puns.
"Hahaha how do you know so many jokes?" I asked tearing up a bit "My brother and his friend" she said happily and continued too make me laugh more.

So we talk and joked for a while longer and she opened up more 'Man she's good at jokes'. "So what is you and you brother names?" she asked giggling at a joke I made "I'm Mikey the Orange in cool, Leo is the leader in Blue, Donnie is the brains in Purple, and Raph is the hot headed one in Red" I said and she smiled. "Soo who might YOU be" I asked hoping I don't sound rude "It... It's Ink... Ink the Little Devil" she said "Ink the Little Devil that's ironic, so who's your family?" I asked "My brother is named Bendy the Dancing Devil and his best pal and partner is named Boris (the) Wolf" she said proudly and I smiled.
"You know you seem familiar, even though names" "Really" "Ya like from an old cartoon I watch" I said "Oh you've seen our films?" Ink said serperised.

"Ya my favorite on is The Wolf who Cried and Double Trouble" I said "Oh my stars I thought no one knew us and those ones are a classic... Double Trouble was when I came in!" she said jumping up. Stars in her eyes.
"Ya actually hold on" I said getting my computer and a old piece of paper "Here" I showed her a website about there cartoon and shows the actual films.
She looked so happy to see this. "Man wait 'till they hear about this" she said to herself, then I showed her the prices of paper behind my back. "Umm... I made this when I was younger and discovered your show, do you like it?" I asked embarrassedly. "Do I like it, I love it! It love precisely like me!" she said happily it even looked like she was tearing up.

(* Please know that picture is at the top)

So as she admire the picture I began to think then said. "Umm... so if you promise not to try to kill anyone here I'll let you out okay" "Okay..." and I opened the door. She steps out side and lookes around. "OOOohh what's THAT?!?" she asked looking at some chemical so I told her what it was.

"Thank you" she said and walk out of the lab with me and we sat down and watched TV and Oh boy did she have more questions... this is going to be a LOOOONG day...

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