Chapter 10

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When night time fell, the toys were not much closer to finding Leo. Usagi checked for anyone who might be coming there way. Thankfully, he didn't see anyone. Then he jestered the others to follow him. First went Mikey. He went over to Usagi while holding leaves to make it look like he was a bush. But when he made it to Usagi, all the leaves except for one fell off and it revealed that Mikey was olny carrying one. Mikey gave him a mischievous smile when Usagi only responded with a facepalm.

Then the others came along. Raph went next. Then Casey. Then with Donnie, he trip which caused him to open up his  corck and all of the money slip out of it. Casey turned to check on him, but Donnie only said, "Nobody look 'til I get my corck back in."

"Good job troops, only nineteen more blocks to go." Usagi said as the others went into shock. "What?! Casey said. "Nineteen?!" Donnie exclaimed. "Im about to pass out." Raph said in annoyance. "Look," Usagi begin. "I'm tired too, but did Leo ever give up on us when Mikey got lost 2 years ago?" "" the others said in union knowing that he was right. "And did he give up while he was stuck in that guy's truck?" "Oh yea you had to bring that up." "NO HE DIDN'T!" Usagi yelled annoyed that he was interrupted. "We have a plan, and we are going to find our brother even if it takes up a million years, now let's move." Usagi said as he others followed.


Back at the apartment, Leo and the others were sleeping. Well the others were sleeping, Leo was determined to get his arm back. When Leo was determined that Al was fully asleep, he snuck down towards him. Then when he started to get closer, Leo accidentally stepped on a cheittoo. "You gotta be kidding me." he said as he realized that the whole floor was covered with cheittoos. He carefully stepped over each of them to get closer. Then he heard something. It sounded like a crunch. "What?" he said as he turned around and saw L. "Sorry." he whispered as Leo responded with a facepalm. "Dude, I'm trying to get my arm back."

"Well can I help."

"I can't risk that."

"Two heads are better than one."

"-_- Alright, alright but please be quiet."

"I'm a ninja, I'm always quiet."

The two turtles both quickly and quietly walked over to Al who didn't even notice them talking to each other. Then once they reached the couch, they got ready to make there move. "I guess I'm the one who has to get it." L said sense he was the smaller turtle and it will be easier. "I guess so." Leo said as he give him a boost.

L climbed over to Al as he crawled to his pocket. That's where he saw Leo's arm. L went over to it, but as he was about to pull the arm out of the pocket, Al blew his breath into L as L himself held him. 'Doesn't he know where to aim that?' he thought as he finally grabbed his arm. "You got it?" Leo called. "Yea, I got-"

All of a sudden, the TV turned on and Al woke up. Leo and L quickly ran back to there spots without being spotted. Just as they went back into there spots they both saw the remote in front of Lea. L started to get furious but quickly shook it off as Al went towards them.

Then Al walked out of the door with Leo's arm. The second he left Leo and L got out of there spots to face Lea. "What's is your problem?!" L started to say. "Listen Lea, I know you're angry that I can't stay but you didn't have to pull off a stunt like that." Leo said. "Wait, you think I did that?" she asked just as confused as the boys. "Oh so the remote magically appeared in front of you." L said annoyed as ever. "You calling me a liar!?" Lea asked now angry. "Well if the katana fits." Leo said determined to fight. "Say that again." Lea said. "If the katana....fits." Leo said again. "Okay, ninja." Then she jumped on both of them and fought them both and the boys started to fight back. "Take it back!" Lea said as she was chocking Leo to death. Until L put Lea in a headlock. "Just because you're a girl doesn't mean we'll go easy on you.

"LEA, L, LEO STOP FIGHT THIS- WAHHHHH!" Leonardo said as he fell of the table. Lea and L help him up. "I don't know how that television turned on, but fighting about it isn't gonna help."

"If I had both of my arms." Leo said as he glared at Lea hard. "Well the fact is you don't Leo." Leonardo continued. "The guy's gonna come in, fix your arm-" "And then I'm outta here." Leo interrupted. "Do you really have to go?" L said sadly. "I really wish I could find another way but Andy-" "Andy, Andy, Andy. That's all he ever talks about." lea said as she left the boys. Leo looked down in shame.

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