Chapter 3

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"AHHHHHHHH!" Leo screamed as he woke up from his nightmare. Leo looked at himself and saw how his damaged arm was rapped around him. "-_-, seriously?" he said as he grabbed his arm and accidentally hit one of Andy's old books that had dust on it. Leo coughed it out and then heard a noise. "Huh?" he said as he crawled over to the noise.

When he did he saw an old friend (well more like sister). Leo's eyes widen in shock when he saw- "Miley, is that you." Miley looked at Leo with a sad expression like she'd been crying for weeks. "H-Hey Leo." Leo pulled her out of the books so she can come out. "What're you doing up here I thought mom was gonna get you fix months ago. Andy was so upset." "Well, she just told him to calm it down, and put me on the self." she said as she looked down. "Well, why didn't you yell for help?" Miley looked at him again. "I tried to speak, but its still broken, no one can hear me." she said as she tried to speak again which ended up being a small cough. "Besides," she begin to say. "the dust aggravates my condition." she said as she tried again only this time it was a harder cough which involved Leo to support her from falling down. "What's the point of prolonging the inevitable? Its all one stitch away from here," she said as she pointed at the shelf. "to there." then she point outside.

Leo's eyes widen again. He saw Andy's mom hammering a sign that read- "Yard sale." Leo said to himself. "Yard sale." he said again only this time he put Miley down and crawled over to the edge of the shelf and cried. "YARD SALE! Guys wake up, wake up, wake up, there's a yard sale outside!" he yelled to get everyone's attention. "Yard sale?" Usagi said as he got up. "Racheal, gather everyone around." "You got it bro. Alright, everyone to the front of the room." Everyone did as they were told. Usagi made sure everyone was here. "Alright Casey, April."

"Check." They both said as they were holding hands.

"I hate yard sales." Mikey said nervously, then he heard a voice. "Ah, someone's coming!" The second he said that, everyone quickly went to there original spots and went stuffed. Leo quickly put Miley in her original spot and did the same.

Then Andy's mom came in with a box that read 25 cents. "Okay let's see what's up here." she said as she walked into Andy's room. She peeked under his bed and found roller skates that looked too small for Andy so she put them in the box. Then she moved over to Mikey. Mikey tried real hard not to sweat. Andy's mom put him on the side and picked up a board game and put it in the box with the roller skates. Mikey quietly sighed in relief.

Then, she moved over to the shelf and picked out a little kid toy and a book and pt it in the box. Then she felt Miley, and when she squeaked her, she replied one last time to her big brother. "Bye Leo." And just like that she was in the box with the other toys. "Miley." was all Leo could say.

Then she walked out of Andy's room to the yard sale.

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