Chapter 7

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"Yeah, yea! I'll be right there but we're only doing it one time ok, I got a tight schedule." Al said as he hung up the phone. Then he looked at Leo and laughed lowly and evilly. "You're gonna make me big b-b-bucks." he said like a chicken as he left for the car. Once he left, Leo went out of the glass box and went to the window as he looked outside. He saw how high up he was and saw how far away from home he was as well. "Andy." he said sadly.

Outside, Al was in his car complaining. "I can't believe i have to drive all the way to work on a Saturday, all the way to work." he said as he drove to work which was across the street. (I mean come on he could've just walked)

Back in the apartment, Leo went to the door and tried to jump so he can reach the doorknob to open the door. But soon realized it was too high. "Dang it." he said until he saw a vault and went towards it and tried to open it. But soon realized it was locked. 'Come on, open!' he thought as he tried to open the vault.

Then, while he was trying to open it, he heard something. Something like it was coming out of it. He turned around and saw a box that opened and saw a few stiraphome packing peanuts on the floor near him. "What the- AHHH!" he shouted as an unexpected figure zoomed pasted him over and over. "Hey stop!" he tried to say but it was difficult sense he was already dizzy from how fast the figure was moving. Once it stopped, finally, he could see it was a turtle just like him but smaller and had more straps. 'WTHeck' He saw how it had a blue bandanna. And it was blue like his. "Hi." he said. 'Um, hi?" Leo said down right confused. "Names Leo, well 2012 Leo anyway." "I can see that." Then out of nowhere something ran into him which caused him to turn tumble in the process. "Oof!" he said once he finally stopped.

When he opened his eyes, he saw another turtle. But this time, it was a girl. Instead of a royal blue bandanna it was a baby blue one. This turtle also had different types of swords. The one she had was a kama. Aka, a Japanese mini-sword. She also had red stripes over her eyes but not over her bandanna. She had an energetic smile which creeped him out a little. "YAHOOOOO!" she yelled as Leo tried to get away from her but failed as they both tumbled again through the room.

After they stopped, Leo 2012 went over to the girl and tried to hold her down. "Lea stop, we don't want him broken." Leo 2012 said as the girl who's name was Lea (2018) finally calmed down. Once she did, Leo 2012 helped Leo up. "You okay?" "I will be." he said as he dusted himself off. "Don't worry about her, she's a handful. Her name's Lea." Leo 2012 said as the normal Leo looked at her again who was still trying to calm down. "I take it she's like the baby of the family?" Leo asked.

"Yep, actually she really is a baby."

"How come?"

"Well she was made this year, so her being energetic is like being a 4 month old baby trying to walk." he explained. Once Lea finally calmed down, she said, "Leo, get the other one."

"What the-"

"She's talking to me." Leo 2012 said before Leo could say something that he might regret. "Oh." he said as he twin went over to get this other one.

Once he got back,- "Lea, I told you to get off of him!" Leo 2012 said as he saw Lea 2018 sitting on a depressed Leo who was sitting on his stomach. "But he's so muscular." she said as she got off of him with a sad look. "What the heck happen?" "You don't wanna know." Leo said as he got up from his position. "Okay, here he is." Leo 2012 said. "Who's that?" Leo asked as he saw a box. "Oh, hold up." Leo 2012 said as he turned him around.

Once he did, he saw ANOTHER turtle. This time he looked like he was a 1987 type with a beak. His bandanna tails where short and he was small but not as small as Lea 2018. "You were right Leo 2012." he said as he saw his older counterpart. "He really is muscular." "Told ya." Leo 2012 said. "Hold up." Leo said as the others looked at him. "How in the world do all of us, except for her, have the same name."

"Because we're all the same thing."

"But how are we supposed to tell which one is which?"

"Just call me Leonardo, and you can call him L." Leo 1987 said. Leo 2012 looked with a face that said, 'really?' Leonardo returned it with a face that said, 'sry, had to think of something.' "So, how do you know my name?" "What do you mean, everyone knows your name." Lea said who was confused like the others. "You don't know who you are do you." Leonardo said. "Lea?" he asked as he turned to her. "You got it!" she said as she went over to the lights and turned them on slowly.

Then Leo turned around and saw what he thought was never going to see. He saw himself. Well, he as a plate, poster, lunchbox, purse, basket, yoyo, etc. Then as he stepped back, he saw a giant poster about the size of a human. "Wow." he said in amazement. Then he looked down and saw 3 magazines and they all had him as the cover. "Holy chaluppa." he said. Then Lea and L put in a tape that played on the TV and it revealed an old 1987 show. Then the channel flipped to a channel with HIM on it. He saw his brothers, April, Master Splinter, and Casey in it. Leo smiled like he never smiled before. "I can't believe this." He then turned to the others that had a look saying, 'told ya so' Leo rolled his eyes and smiled.

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