The prolouge

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"No, no, no, NOOOOOOOOOO!" Mikey shouted as his video game icon was defeat. Mikey put his head down in depression. "O you almost had him Michelangelo-sun." Usagi said as he tried to comfort Mikey. "I'll never defeat Shredder." "Sure you will, besides you're a better Usagi then me." "But look at my little arms." Mikey said as he began to jester his arms. "I can't press the fire button and kill switch at the same time."

Suddenly, Usagi and Mikey looked to the right to see Leo in the drawers moving stuff around. "Where is it, where is it, where is IT!?" he said while searching for what he was looking for. "Um Leonardo-sun?" "Huh." When Leo looked up to see Usagi, he accidentally hit his head on one of the drawers causing to fall all the way down to the ground. "O that's gotta hurt." "Hang on my friend." Usagi said as he zoomed to Leo's aid.

"Are you alright Leonardo?" he asked as he helped him up. "Yea, yea I'm fine Usagi." Leo replied as he dust himself off. "Alright here's a list I need you to do while I'm gone." 'O boy.' Usagi thought as he listen to his friend. "Racheal needs to have anger management class with April, as do Raph, Miley has her skateboarding with Mikey, and make sure the Donnie don't stay in the lab for too long. Okay, okay, good okay." Leo finally finished. Usagi noticed that he was stressed. "Leonardo-sun, you haven't found you other katana haven't you." "No, I haven't and I'm leaving in five minutes and I can't find it anywhere." "Don't worry Leonardo, when we find your katana you'll be sitting with Andy over the camp fire eating Delicious hot smoos." Leo frowned as he turned to face him. ".....There called s'mores Usagi." "Yea, right of course." Usagi replied. Leo replied back with a facepalm.

"Has anyone found Leonardo's katana yet." Usagi asked as the other kept moving stuff around to find it. "Sorry Leo." Miley said. "Don't worry though we'll keep looking." she said as she continued to look for the katana. Then suddenly, Darina came out of the door with Donnie and Racheal. "It's not in Molly's room." Darina said. "Yea, AND we looked everywhere." Racheal replied. "I found it." Casey said. "You found my katana?" Leo said coming over to him. "Your katana, no April lost her earring. Oh April." April turned around and gasped as she saw her earring. "You found it." she said as she took it from him.

Leo sighed as he walked over to a bag. Darina saw Leo and decided to talk to him. "Hey bro, you alright?" "I will be when I find my katana." "Hey I didn't learn that much from Master Splinter after he....passed, but he taught me one thing. If I lose something that's part of the family, don't waste your time on NOT finding." Leo looked at his sister and gave him a small smile. "Thank's lil' sister." Darina replied with a smile of his own.

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