🪐Chapter 20 | Checking Out The Jungle Planet Part 2🪐

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Pidge: *Walking and looks at Bonnie and Leigong* Hey Lei-Lei and Bonnie?

Leigong and Bonnie: *Turns to Pidge while walking* ???

Leigong: What is it Pidge? Is there something wrong?

Pidge: Yeah...sort of.I just feel something...off about Eliana Spacedust.Have you guys saw Eliana looked at Eleanor with an serious look on her and she turned away from Eleanor?

Bonnie: Yeah...I did.

Leigong: Me too.

Pidge: And I just realized something....Eliana and Eleanor has the same skin color,freckles,same eye color and pink hair.But Eliana's hair is darker.It's like they are twins...But Eliana and Eleanor have the same height.

Bonnie: Wait...I wonder if she has Rainbow powers like Eleanor.

Pidge: Who knows-

*Suddenly,the gang hears a bush rustling*

The gang: *Turns around and saws the bush moving* ?!

Skylar: W-what was that?!

Lance: Oh boy... Don't tell me...Is it some sort of monster?!

Keith: *Holding his Bayard*  WHO knows,Lance! Just get your bayard!!!

Lance: *Grabs his Bayard* YOU HAVE TO TELL ME TWICE!!!

*As the others got their weapons,they slowly starts to get closer to the bush.Eleanor was the first to get even closer to the bush.Suddenly,a Plantimal jumped out of the bush,making Lance screamed like a little girl.*

The others: *Turns to Lance* 0_0".

Leigong: *Laughing* You scared almost everything?

Lance: NOT FUNNY!!!

Hunk: Uh guys....What the heck is that?  *Looking at the Plantimal* 

Eleanor: *Looks at the Plantimal* Oh.It looks like a Plantimal.

Hunk: A What?

Eleanor: *Turns to Hunk* A Plantimal.I heard of them before,Hunk.You see-

Eleanor: *Realized that they are in Plantimal territory* !!!

Eleanor: Uh oh...

Shiro: What is it,Eleanor?

Eleanor: I think that we are in Plantimal territory.

Eliana: WAIT WHAT!?

Lance: Oh boy.....

Shiro: NOBODY move......

*Suddenly,The Plantimals started to surrounded Eleanor and the others as the pink glowing vines started to go down and grabs Lance and Skylar,Luckily Eleanor uses her weapon to cut the vines,making Skylar and Lance fell to the ground.*


Lance: *Gets up from the ground fast* I'M GOING GOING GOING!!!!!

The others:  *Runs away from the Plantimals*

The Plantimals: *Following Eleanor and the others* 

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