Chapter 2: To The Sovereign

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Here we see Don at the chill zone as a hologram.

Don: "Last time on the Ridonculous race, a straightforward race through the zombie filled universe from the ruins of New York to the birthplace of Captain America known as Camp LeHigh. All teams make it to the chill zone in one piece. On the journey there, (Y/N) has channeled his inner Captain America and fought through hordes of zombies with zombie avengers included. One team decided to leave for a noble cause, and that team was the 1# Heroes All Might and Star and Stripe."*speaks into his ear piece*"It sounded like I named 3 people there for a 2 person team? And that's his actual name? Okay." *to the camera* "Well anyways, we'll make it back in our universe, and into a planet or a collection of planets. Yesterday's chill zone will be today's starting line and our winning team will take the tip."

You and Carol then head to the Don Box and you get the next tip.

(Y/N): *reads the tip*"The Sovereign."

Carol: "Sovereign? We're going to a foreign country?"

We then cut to Don.

Don: "Actually, much farther from Earth. The Sovereign are filled with golden people with technology and genetics far beyond your latest iphone or laptop, a bunch of planets tied together, and one cranky lady who has a bone to pick with a certain group of misfits who live in the same ship."

We see the other teammates get their tips and then a burst of debris comes out of nowhere and the other teams then see an angry Zombie Scarlet Witch and a dead Vision on the ground.

(Y/N): "What happened Bruce!?"

Bruce: "Vision's mind stone is the cure for the virus and now without him the zombies can go into Camp LeHigh cause Vision is dead!"

You and the others then see the other zombies come into Camp LeHigh.

(Y/N): "All Might, take care of Star and Stripe, you're the reason why she's a hero."

All Might: "Alright, you better get going my friends."*turns to the zombies* "We will save this world from the evil caused by Hope Van Dyne. We must fulfill her dying words!"

(Y/N): "Good luck."

Carol: " But what about the mind stone?"

Bruce: "I have it. Get out here before they get to you!"

(Y/N): "Happy trails Bruce, may the power of the Hulk protect you."

You and the other teams then head back to your universe and you're still in Camp LeHigh but in your universe.

Courtney: " So what now?"

Gwen: "How do we get to The Sovereign?"

(Y/N): *sees Wakandan Space ships*" That's how."

We see you and the others head to the ship and set coordinates to the Sovereign.

Gwen: " Sooo where did these ships come from?"

(Y/N): "Wakanda."

Gwen: " Wakanda? Never heard of that country."

(Y/N): "Well Okoye and Shuri are the general and princess of Wakanda."

We see you and the others take off as your ship has the Strippers, Heroes in training, Frienemies, the Blonds, Crazy Crew, Ice Dancers, and The Washouts.

Courtney: " First zombies now another planet?"

Gwen: "Worse, we're on the same ship with The Washouts."

Chris: "Hey! We're right here! And not my fault that's our team name, I specifically told the producers to call us Total Drama Mascots."

Gwen: *while looking at Courtney* " Gee why does that sound familiar."

Courtney: *looks the other way and whistles nonchalantly*

*cut to confessional*

Courtney: "I got a lawyer to bend the producers to my will so that they're called the Washouts. Cause let's face it, they're wash outs."

Gwen: " For once, I agree."

Courtney: "Yes!"

Gwen: " Doesn't mean we're cool."

*end of confessional*

Don: *voice over*"As most of the teams go past the stratosphere, the other teams are still figuring out how to operate their ship."

Dean: "Cass, please tell me you know how to operate these things? You've been in a lot of meat suits before right?"

Castiel: "Just because I'm older than dirt doesn't mean I know how to operate this thing. Besides, Wakanda has a mystic barrier that blocks out angels and demons created by their god Bast. Which means I'm not allowed there, not even Chuck."

Dean: "Where were the wakandans when Chuck became the final boss on us!?"

Castiel: " Probably remaining isolated."

Okoye: "Are you referring to God?"

Castiel: " Maybe."

Shuri: "We know what happened between you and God, you helped Jack to dethrone Chuck."

Castiel: "How did you know?"

Okoye: "We have eyes and ears everywhere."

Katie: "Do you know how to fly this?"

Okoye: "Of course, we just find it amusing for you all to figure it out."

Okoye and Shuri then activate the ship and fly off into space en route to The Sovereign. Their ship has the Wakandans, the Hunters, BFFFLs, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, The Demons, Pretty Heroes, Armored Avengers, the Sisters, the Fashionistas, and the Crystal Gems. Meanwhile, we see your ship heading to The Sovereign as you all see the planet or planets.

(Y/N): " So this is The Sovereign, nice place."

Gwen: "Yikes, I thought we were going to an alien planet, not alien planets."

Courtney: " Yeah, so how do we find the box?"

You see a Sovereign ship giving you directions.

(Y/N): " He knows the way."

Your ship then follows the sovereign ship and you all land on the landing zone and you all see the Don Box. There we see you and the others arrive at the Don box as we see you stop Carol from tapping the Don Box.

Carol: "What are you doing?"

(Y/N): "I feel bad for the Ice Dancers last season, so I'm letting them get the first tip."

We then see Josee get the tip as you and the other teams get the tips.

Josee: "It's an either-or, fly a sovereign ship through the quantum asteroid belt or do a 1k race on planet Ego. Eh? What's an Ego?"

*camera cuts to Don*

Don: " Not what, who, Ego the Living Planet is a living planet with a big ego. In this either-or the team must pilot a ship remotely from the comfort of the planet that is The Sovereign or take a 1 kilometer foot run on the surface of Ego, who is near the Sovereign."

The camera then turns to Ego.

Ego: "!"

Don: " Yes, yes you are." *To the producers* " Are you sure this is safe?"

Ego: "Ego has redeemed himself and swore not to destroy your contestants, only make it challenging for them to win!"

Don: " Uh okay gonna take that as a yes."

The camera cuts to you and the others.

(Y/N): " So do a foot race around a living planet or pilot a ship."

Carol: " I say pilot ship."

Blaineley: "Well we can do better than you when we do the kilometer run on Ego!"

Izzy: "Oh us too!"

Sierra: "I like meeting new people."*to you*"By the way, your ice sculpting in Iron Chef is amazing, you got all the details right on the swan."

(Y/N): "Thanks I just want it to be accurate."

Sierra: "Well your first choice was Steve Trevor and not Carol, but since he got paralyzed by electricity. You went with Carol."

Carol: "How did you know that?"

Sierra: "Oh I called your friend Diana."

Carol: " How did you get her phone number?"

Sierra: "I have my ways."

We see the Crazy Crew, the Blonds, and the Washouts take the kilometer run while your team, the Strippers, and the Frienemies take piloting the ships.

Persephone: " Are you sure you can fly this?"

Erotica: "It's like playing a video game."

We then see a golden woman named Ayesha the ruler of the Sovereign.

Ayesha: "I've seen all of your appearances, and you deserve my ship."

Courtney: " Really?"

Ayesha: "Not you." *points to you*"Him."

(Y/N): " Wait me?"

Ayesha: "We watch your earth reality shows too for research purposes. You are my favorite out of all the humans on those shows."

(Y/N): "Oh uh thanks. I guess I have a fanbase in other worlds."

Gwen: " So we get the regular ships?"

Ayesha: "Yes cause you two can't seem to get along with each other, your friendship lasts for so long until something or someone destroys it."

Gwen: *looks at Courtney* " Yeah, emphasis on someone."

Courtney: *looks away in despair*

Carol: " It is bad that I feel bad for Courtney?"

(Y/N): "Nope."

You then get on the console and activate the ship as it then deploys and fly into the quantum asteroid field along with the other ships.

(Y/N): "The field has a lot of asteroids and they're teleporting."

Ayesha: "If either one of you goes through them on the first try you would be the best pilot in the galaxy."

Carol: "Oh boy."

You steer your ship through the field as the ships get through and then get destroyed by the asteroids. You then steer the ship and go past the asteroids first.

(Y/N): "I made it!"

Don: *voice over*"Since the first leg of the challenge has been easy for the Player and Veteran team, to the other teams not so much. And the other teams arrive to get their next tip."

The camera then cuts to the other teams leaving their ship and arriving at the next Don box as we see them reading the tips.

Okoye: "It is best if I pilot the ship."

Shuri: " I can pilot the ship just fine, I flew the ship here."

Steven: "Oh I'm part gem, maybe I can fly it."

Connie: "I think we should do the kilometer run."

Steven: "Yeah I like meeting new people."

Castiel: "What do you think Dean?"

Dean: "We faced a lot of freaky stuff and we beat Chuck, so why not the run? Ego has to be a small fry compared to what we faced."

Castiel: " Alright sounds good to me."

We see half of the teams pick pilot the ship and or the run. Here we see the teams on the kilometer run on Ego.

Don: *voice over*"Meanwhile on the Ego run, the other teams are heading to Ego right now."

We then see the ships land on Ego as we see Crazy Crew, the Blonds, and the Washouts.

Chris: " I still don't understand why I can't fly the ship."

Chef: "It's a foot run."

Ego: *pops out of nowhere as a hill*"Ego does not allow cheaters Chris! Ego will be watching you!"

Chris: "Alright jeez."

Briggette: "Way to go Blaineley, you had to pick a hard one!"

Blaineley: "I thought you would be happy about it?"

Briggette: "Yeah not really! Also you're wearing heels!"

We then see the Crazy Crew taking the lead as the other teams see that they're walking.

Chris: "What's with the walking? I thought it was supposed to be a run?"

Sierra: "Ego made the gravity too strong for us to run so we have to walk."

Blaineley: " Yeah, so now we all have to walk instead of run and the Washouts is an appropriate team name for you two, I was supposed to host, Total Drama World Tour, nay the whole series."

Bridgette: " Wait what? You were supposed to host TDWT?"

Blaineley: " Yes, but Don's doing a good job so I'm cool with this, besides I would make a great hostess of Total Drama in its entirety."

Bridgette: " Including Revenge of the island?"

Blaineley: " Oh no no, except for that one. Toxic waste does not agree with my complexion."

Bridgette: " Neither do your poots."

Blaineley: "I thought we agreed not to bring that up. Now let's start walking."

We see The Blonds and The Washouts catch up with the Crazy Crew as the other teams catch up with them.

Sierra: " Wow, this is such a breeze."

Izzy: "Increased gravity, is that the best you got Ego!?"

Blaineley: " Don't make it even worse!"

Ego: "You dare mock Ego!?"

Ego then manipulates his surface as we see giant pimples explode with acid as we see the teams dodge them with the best of their ability.

Steven: *blocks some of the acid* " Ew! This is all kinds of gross!"

Izzy: "Meh, I've seen worse."

Bridgette: " Do not antagonize the giant planet person!"

Chris: "Yeah try to make rocks fall on us!"

The teams then look up and see the asteroids as Steven glows pink in distress when he hears Chris.

Steven: "What's wrong with you!?"

Chris: "What's up kid?"

Connie: "Oh no, Steven saw Ella get kicked off your show because she sang."

Steven: "You...couldn't....let...her..."*activates Pink State*"BEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"

We then see native plants turned into a form similar to Steven as they then attack the Washouts.

Bridgette: *to Connie* " What's going with Steven?!"

Connie: "He had a troubled childhood with his family and now he has that."

Ego: "Ego won't allow this!"

Ego then forms structures around the plant beings and Steven.

Blaineley: "How do we get your buddy to calm down?"

Connie: "We-"

Before Connie can finish her thought, the rock formation around Steven then starts expanding and Steven roars and bursts out of it in a monster form.

Ego: "Submit to Ego!"

Connie: " Oh boy, Don if you're listening we have a giant problem."

Don: *voice over*" Never seen that before!"

Steven then starts smashing the ground as Ego feels the pain from every strike Steven dishes out.

Don: *voice over* " Oh boy, that's not good."

You then called an Avenger and it was Hulk. We then see a pod come down onto the surface of Ego as we see Bruce come out of it and turn to Steven.

Bruce: "Oh boy, alright big guy. Time to go green."

Bruce then transforms into the Hulk and both Steven and Hulk look at each other and roar at each other.

Bridgette: " Isn't there a way to calm him down?"

Connie: "I'm thinking!"

Izzy: "Well think harder cause Hulk looks like he wants to beat up your teammate."

Hulk then jumps onto Steven's face and starts punching it as we see the Bifrost came to Ego and Thor came out of it.

Thor: "I came as soon as I heard."

Thor then channels electricity from his hammer and shoots lightning at Steven from behind, shocking Steven as he then makes a shockwave pushing back the others including the Avengers. Connie then sees a light in the sky and it was Captain Marvel and she was flying straight for Steven. Steven got up and roared at Captain Marvel as she then hit Steven in the face and a large explosion came from it.

Connie: "Be careful, that's still Steven in there!"

Capt. Marvel: "Well he's knocked out."

Everyone then looked into the crater and saw that Steven was back to normal but was really hurt.

Connie: " Steven!"

Capt. Marvel: " Sorry kid, when diplomacy fails. There's always a knuckle sandwich. He's still alive."*hears Steven moaning in pain*"See."

Connie: " I guess, he turned back to normal when this first happened."

We later see you and Carol get to the next Don Box.

Carol: *reads the tip* "It's an All-In wait, what's an All in?"

Don: *voice over* "An All in is when both teammates have to work together to accomplish the challenge."

Carol: "We have to come up with something that would innovate the Sovereign and it's up to their ruler if the idea is worth so much to her."

(Y/N): "Sweet."

Carol: " But what does that mean?"

We cut to Don.

Don: " In this All in, teams will have to come up with scientific innovations to their ruler Ayesha and she decides if they're innovative or not. If it is, they win the challenge and get to move forward, if not they will have to come up with something else."

We cut back to you and Carol.

Carol: " So in other words, it's a science fair that we have to win."

(Y/N): " Yep, pretty much."

Carol: " Okay, so any ideas?"

We see you and Carol get to work as other teams get to the Don Box and get the tips.

Josee: *reads the tip* " It's an All-In and we have to do science!?"

Jacques: "We can just make a model of a volcano."

Josee: "No Jacques! We have to make a project that is supposed to innovate their world! And a model volcano will not suffice."

Jacques: *Cries in sadness* "I only get those participation stickers at the Science Fair anyways!"

Josee: *slaps Jacques*"Get it together!"

Courtney: "Time to innovate this alien world!"

Gwen: "Great, I'm in a science fair....With Ms.CIT."

Don: *voice over* As the Strippers, Player and Veteran, Frienemies, and the Ice Dancers get to work on their projects. The other teams are just finishing up the run on Ego."

Bridgette: " We're almost there."

The Blonds passed the line first or so they thought when they saw the Crazy Crew.

Blaineley: " How did you get here first?!"

Izzy: "Oh we took a ride on one of the boulders that came from the crash site after Captain Marvel blew up Steven. Man, what a rush."

Bridgette: *sighs*"Whatever, let's just get the tip."

We then see the other teams arrive to get their tips and they read it.

Blaineley: " We have to make something that'll innovate the Sovereign."

Bridgette: " What could a bunch of advanced intelligence aliens possibly want?"

Blaineley: " Well I always wanted to do science."

We see the other teams get back to the Sovereign as we see you and Carol come up with something to innovate the Sovereign.

(Y/N): " So using the quantum energy from the Quantum asteroid field could benefit their means of travel. So if they harness that energy they can travel anywhere in the known universe."

Ayesha then looks at your diagram and she approves your innovation to her society.

Ayesha: " Most impressive, you may pass."

You and Carol head to the Chill Zone where you meet Don there.

Don: "Player and Veteran, you're the first team to arrive."

Carol: " Yes!"*Hugs you*" We did it (Y/N)!"

(Y/N): *hugs back* " We sure did Carol."

We then see the other teams get to work on their Science Projects. The Frienemies, the Blonds, Crazy Crew, Sisters, and the Pretty Heroes get passes while the others get disapproval, especially the Washouts.

Chris: " What's wrong with our innovation?!"

Ayesha: " No one needs your invention, and for the record, I have seen the way you host your shows and I disapprove of them."

Chris: "Oh come on!"

Dean: "Hey lady, how about this? A whole Amish society on your planet."

Chris: "There is no way she would approve that."

Ayesha: "Hmmm, it could provide an educational innovation to our society. Innovate the future by looking back into the past. I approve, Hunters."

Chris: " Oh come on!"

Dean: "I pulled that one out of my ass."

Don: *voice over*"As more teams make their way to the chill zone only two remains the Washouts and the Strippers."

Erotica: *gets an idea*"I got it!"*draws on the board*

Ayesha: "What is it that you're doing Ms. Jones?"

Erotica: " You'll see."

Chris: "Chef got something?"

Chef: *holds up a plate of meat balls*"Orloni meatballs!"

Ayesha: "No again Washouts."

Erotica: *finishes drawing* " Done, take a look at this."

Ayesha then looks at the drawing of a wildlife preserve for endangered animals.

Ayesha: "I see, a wildlife preserve. That would benefit us and the wildlife across the galaxy."

Erotica: " Yep, it's called a rehabilitation center."

Ayesha: " Impressive, I approve."*to the Washouts* " You two are eliminated!"

The Strippers head to the chill zone as The Washouts were shocked to hear that they're eliminated.

Chris: "Great, just great! How could this get any worse?!"*gets a phone call and answers it*"Hello? Hey producers, what's up? You're bringing Total Drama back, sweet! What's that you're giving my job to, who now!?"

Blaineley: "Me! And guess who's gotta be one of the contestants? You and Chef, I have a lot of torture that I can't wait to use on you two! Oh and Bridgette is my co-host."

Bridgette: " Yeah, I figured I'd forgive her after the whole sending me to Siberia thing."

Blaineley: " Again, super sorry about that."

Bridgette: "Again I forgive you."

Chef: "Who's gonna be making the food?"

Blaineley: "An actual chef that can actually cook good food."

Chef: "I gave you spaghetti!"

Blaineley: "Well those noodles in the spaghetti were overdone anyways! See you all at the island boys."

Chris: "Camp Wawanakwa was destroyed."

Blaineley: "Oh haven't you heard, they rebuilt the island like it was before."

Chris: "I wasn't told about it!?"

The camera then cuts to a series of footage that shows the progress of the Washouts.

Chris: "Man now I know how Ezekiel feels right now."

Chef: "Let's do ourselves a favor and not end up like him."

Chris: " Yeah, acid drool does not look good on me."

Chef: " Yeah me too."

We then see the Washouts head to the ship and head home.

Don: " Another team."*whispers*"And horrible host."*outloud*"Have left the game, now we have 17 teams left, but there is only one winner to win the big bucks, tune in next time for...the Ridonculous Race."

Next: Chapter 3: Going to Hollywood



1st: Player and Veteran

2nd: Frenemies

3rd: The Blonds

4th: Crazy Crew

5th: Sisters

6th: Pretty Heroes

7th: Crystal Gems

8th: BFFFLs

9th: The Demons

10th: Ice Dancers

11th: The Hunters

12th: Heroes in Training

13th: Fashionistas 

14th: Armored Avengers

15th: Wakandans

16th: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

17th: The Strippers

Eliminated: The Washouts

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