Thrown Around

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???'s POV
The claw was wrapped around me, holding me tight, pain flowed through my nerves, my lower torso feeling as if it was squished. It stared into my soul, all of its eyes focused on me. Nothing happened. I thought I was safe. That was until it threw me into a wall, feeling like it broke my bones. They instantly healed. I felt... different. It grabbed me again and bashed me around. It's grip broke as it struck the wall. I ran. I had to run. It chased me with its arms, all reaching out. I jumped on top of a loop, and kept running. A flying fox came into view, I jumped onto it and jumped away. It fell and got grabbed by the demon. It scratched my knee with a few of its arms. I had to keep running. Something red was in view, climbing the wall. I grabbed it and threw it aside. I had to keep running. The area changed from grass to rocks to broken monuments. And then to a Facility. I kept running, through tricks and traps, until this big room. This wide guy just went up and down. The creature barged through behind me. I went under the guy when his machine went up, and ran. The guy must have distracted it, as I could run until I could no more.

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