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Pov:Your name is Mia and you are dating Kol,you're sick and he takes care of you (you're human btw)

Mia's pov
I'm laying in bed with Kol us cuddling and I feel like I'm going to be sick and I rush out to the bathroom and throw up I guess he heard me because he comes in and holds my hair back while rubbing my back.I get done and I clean my mouth out wiping my mouth of the horrible taste and he kisses my cheek "Are you alright Darling"He asks me and I nod softly not feeling good and we go back to bed and cuddle.Next morning I wake up to Kol showering my face in kisses and I giggle at him "Kol, it's to early"I whine "Darling it's 11"He tells me "Yeah to early"I say and get up throwing up again and Kol holds my hair back shushing me "Oh Darling"He says rubbing my back I lean against the wall and he gets a washcloth and wipes my mouth and helps me up to clean my mouth with water.Kol feels my head "Darling You're burning up"He says and I cry in pain my stomach hurts, it's like a sharp pain in my stomach and he pulls me towards him and I keep crying in pain "Shh darling it's alright"He says soothingly trying to calm me down and my tears eventually stop and he kisses my head and I lay my head against his chest tired and close my eyes.I wake up in mine and  Kols bedroom and I get up coughing and I go to the bathroom blowing my nose and then I go downstairs and see Kol in the kitchen "Kol,what are you doing love?"I ask confused and he turns around and he puts his arms around my waist and he kisses me and I pull away not wanting him to get sick "No,you'll get sick"I tell him "Vampire's can't get sick darling"He says and kisses me again not letting me pull away.He turns back around and goes back to doing what he was doing and he looks at me "Go back to bed darling"he says "Fine"I say and go back upstairs and watch TV when Kol comes in with soup and coffee and I smile "Here you go darling"and hands me the food and drink,I smile bigger "Thank you" and he sits next to me and watch TV with me after I eat he cleans my bowl and cup and he comes back upstairs and cuddle I end up falling asleep I wake up cuddled up to Kol and I sit up coughing badly Kol wakes up and he gets me some water and I drunk it "Sorry for waking you"I say and he tucks some hair in my face behind my ear and he smiles "It's okay darling"He pulls me in kissing me and I smile into the kiss we are watching movies and shows when I go to the bathroom and I look through the medical cabinet and see medicine I take some hoping I'll start feeling better soon.It's been a few days and I'm starting to feel better and Kol has been taking care of me

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