First time Char meets G!Luv

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Charlie is out for a leisurely stroll, enjoying their routine pace with nothing out of the ordinary to disrupt it. However, the calm and casual atmosphere is suddenly disrupted when they hear a loud crashing sound like something falling from the sky. Charlie looks around nervously, trying to determine the source of the unnatural noise.

Charlie grimaces as they notice the TVman lying on the ground in a pool of his own blood. The body is riddled with wounds of varying sizes and shapes, most likely the result of a recent battle. The sight of all that blood and gore does not fail to trigger Charlie's disgust and repulsion, causing them to look away from the gruesome scene with evident disgust.

As the severely wounded TVman slowly stands to his feet and faces Charlie, he cannot help but notice the sheer beauty of their appearance. He thinks to himself how attractive Charlie's physical features are, causing him to feel somewhat mesmerized.

"They're so pretty..." The TVman thinks, his eyes fixed on Charlie.

"'re DISGUSTANG!" Charlie yells out in disgust at the sight of the wounded TVman.

The badly injured TVman feels unfazed by the remarks Charlie made about him, having grown accustomed to them by most of the others he meets.

"Who are you?" He inquires, interested in getting to know the stranger that had just appeared.

"I'm...Charlie. Then who the f**k are you?" Charlie answers, visibly disgusted at the appearance of the TVman and feeling put off by his proximity.

"I'm G!Lovesick, but only Lovesick is okay." The TVman elaborates in response.

"Ew...." Charlie mumbles to themself.

"Go back to the base to fix yourself man, you look obviously terrified." Charlie advises, displaying their concern and worry for the injured character.

"Ah, I do want that too. If this wound isn't unfixable." Lovesick adds on with a tone of acceptance.

"....." Charlie remains silent for a short moment before asking a question.

"So you will be like this forever?...." Charlie asks.

"Yup." G!Lovesick answers.

"....." Charlie's eyes narrow as they feel guilt and regret over the insensitive remarks they made towards the wounded TVman.

"Hey. It's okay." G!Lovesick says with understanding.

"....." Charlie continues to remain silent, not knowing what else to say in response...

G!Lovesick's gaze strays towards Charlie's wrists and he notices their self-harming tendencies.

"Did you......cut yourself?" He probes with worry.

Charlie is taken aback by the inquiry and quickly hides their hands after noticing the makeup dried up. "The make-up dried away?! But it can be?!" They think to themselves as they frantically attempt to conceal their scars, their face now contorted with shame.

G!Lovesick reaches out to heal and ease the pain of Charlie's scars, filling them with a warm and affectionate touch.  (I don't f*cking remember if he has healing stuff or not, T-T)

"A pretty person like you shouldn't did that." He says kindly, causing Charlie to feel a rush of warmth from the gentle gesture.

Charlie gasps and looks down at their wrists, surprised to see that all of their wounds have miraculously vanished.

"Wait...wait....WAIT a damn minute. If you can do something like this. Why don't you heal yourself?!" Charlie asks in surprise.

"Well, I had said my wounds are unfixable." Lovesick replies with an air of acceptance.

"....." Charlie is at a loss for words and looks away in remorse.

Charlie walks away and leaves G!Lovesick behind, but a part of them still can't help but feel sympathetic and caring for the small character. Their heart aches and feels regretful for the harsh and insensitive treatment they had subjected him to in the past, but as they slowly move further away from him, a sense of acceptance begins to grow inside of them.

(Lmao. Charlie just scream as G!Lovesick for like 1/2 of the chapter.)

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