Protect the smol bean

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(Base on Alice_d3mon new chapter)

Cameraman-204 just walking around but then notice Glitcher with a knife in their TV screen. Cam-204 then rush next to him.

Cam-204: "What happened to you?! It's a Skibidi, I gonna kill it." 

Glitcher: "It's not actually a Skibidi...." 

Cam-204: "Then.....An Alliance member?!"

Glitcher: *Sightly nods.*

Cam-204: "Oh, f*ck them." *Hold his machete and and drag TVman-204 away.*

TV-204: *Confusing.*

*At that place where Cam-204 found out the Alliance member.*

Cam-204: "Any last words?"

That Alliance member: "Wait! You can't kill me! You'll be a traitor."

Cam-204: "That's why I bring him with me." *Points at TVman-204.*

That Alliance member: "Huh?...."

TVman-204: "I do this only this time for Slash...." *Blast out the orange flashlight and burn down the Alliance member.*

That Alliance member: *Died and turn into ashes.*

Cam-204: "No one would know. Let's clean up these dirty dirt first."

TVman-204: "Yea."

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